What are the side effects of local anesthesia?

There are various side effects of local anesthesia. The doctor can also use other drugs can also be used to counter the side effects of anesthesia. Analgesics like lidocaine can cause blood vessels to enlarge and increase bleeding. Therefore, vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine are often combined with pain relief medicine to contract the vessels. If you notice severe side effects, consult a doctor at Phoenix Hospital.

This article will examine the side effects associated with local anesthesia. We will also attempt to explain the difference between general and local anesthesia

Understanding Local Anesthesia

Even though sedation is rarely fatal, this is still a significant problem. One may share anxiety in the event of future surgery. Anesthesia can also be responsible for anxiety.

A typical anesthetic procedure uses one or more of three types of drugs:

One or more of these are used to manage pain and anxiety during surgery: local anesthesia, which numbs the area; laughing gas, nitrous oxide-oxygen, or for analgesia to relax; intravenous sedate for greater relaxation; general anesthesia that puts your brain in the twilight zone, where you’re awake, but you won’t remember anything.

Anesthesia refers to a medication that decreases the patient’s awareness, discomfort, and physical reactions during surgery. These things will depend on the type of general or local anesthesia given to the patient. Although you won’t feel any pain, local anesthesia will keep you awake during surgery.

General vs. Local Anesthesia

General anesthesia can put you to sleep, and you won’t remember much once it is over. Although general anesthesia is a safer and more efficient operating environment for surgeons, it can sometimes cause problems because the surgeon doesn’t know the patient’s limitations (e.g., the surgeon won’t know how much the patient can open their mouths).

Side effects of anesthesia may occur in some patients following surgery. Local anesthesia can have more severe side effects than general. Side effects include feeling cold, shivering, and nausea. After surgery, you should plan to spend a lot of time in the recovery area until your surgeon or anesthesiologist releases you. After anesthesia-related oral surgery, you cannot drive.

Local anesthesia can cause side effects.

Within a few hours, the effect is apparent. These effects can last for up to 2 weeks.

Some side effects of anesthesia can cause children to experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, chills, and bloody stool.

Other symptoms include weakness, dry throat, dryness due to the insertion of a tube, headache, pains in the joints and muscles, fall blood pressure, dizziness, confusion, backache, or itching all over the body.

Patients diagnosed with allergies or other medical conditions should inform their doctor. To prevent side effects, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medication.

Accidental injuries from local anesthetics are one of the side effects. It means that you might accidentally inflict serious injuries by biting your lips, tongue, or inside of your cheeks. It is essential for children as they may not be aware of the dangers.

You might also experience side effects of local anesthesia like:


What is the average duration of local anesthesia?

Local anesthesia is often temporary. Common local anesthetic drugs like lignocaine wear off within about one hour. A local anesthetic may be combined with steroids, clonidine, or epinephrine (adrenaline) by your doctor. It prolongs the anesthesia. However, you may experience side effects of local anesthesia. 

You must take good care of the numbed area. For example, your mouth may feel numb after treatment, and you could burn yourself by drinking hot coffee.

The doctor may use either slow-release or continuous infusions of local anesthesia drugs if the local anesthesia needs to last longer.

Local anesthesia can cause short-term side effects.

Scratchy or sore throat

After anesthesia, many people experience a sore or scratchy throat. The anesthesiologist will often monitor your breathing and adjust it to suit your needs. Some patients can generally breathe after anesthesia, while others need to be monitored. Scratchy throat, soreness, and breaking voice are some of the side effects of local anesthesia. 

Some surgeries, especially those in the abdomen and chest, require that the muscles used for breathing stay relaxed and not contract. To keep your breathing going, you will need external support.

Nausea and vomiting are two of general anesthesia’s most common side effects. This side effect is so common that it even has its name, post-operative nausea vomiting (PONV). It is caused by how the anesthesia affects brain centers and the digestive system.


What to do if you notice the side effects?

Ask your doctor about side effects and steps you can take to lower the risk of getting sick if you’re prescribed a drug. Your health care provider may suggest that you take the drug with food to reduce the risk of nausea or that you not take it with other drugs.

When you get your prescription, ask your doctor for more information.

Check the label on the prescription box and any stickers. You may find information on using the drug and possible side effects on the label or stickers.

You may reduce or eliminate side effects if you have them. Talk to your doctor to determine if you can adjust the medication or switch to another medication to reduce or eliminate side effects. Your health care professional may suggest other options, including lifestyle and dietary changes.



Local anesthesia is a method of reducing pain from minor medical procedures. It involves numbing one specific area of the body. A person might still feel pressure during anesthesia. It also happens that few patients are not suitable for local anesthesia. So, therefore, the doctor may provide a sedation drug to lower your pain. 

Talking openly about your health with your doctor is essential. Anesthesiologists can safely manage your care and help you with side effects. But only if you are honest. Talk to your surgeon and anesthesiologist about your concerns and expectations before going ahead with the procedure. 

Before the surgery, make sure to do a checkup and witness if you are suitable for local anesthesia or not. 

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