What are the possible causes of dizziness and how to cure it?

Dizziness is the feeling of lightheadedness. It creates an imbalance for the body and makes you feel woozy. Dizziness is one of the common problems that affect the sensory organs, specifically the eyes and ears creating a feeling of numbness. It can be the sudden cause of fainting. Although dizziness is not a disease, it is connected to lots of other disorders. The possible causes of dizziness are not connected with any particular disease. It can also be a sign of other major problems.
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Facts about dizziness
- Vertigo and disequilibrium can develop the feeling of dizziness. These are particularly two different symptoms that are characterized by the spinning sensation making you feel like everything is moving around you.
- It can also be the result of motion sickness or if you are leaning on one side for hours. Disequilibrium is the loss of balance and equilibrium of the body. It makes you feel drowsy with the loss of control of the body, nearly becoming faint.
- It can also occur because of the change in temperature or humidity. When you give all your time to particular work, your brain surrounds the things you are working on. You think about that thing only and start losing control to manage the body symptoms. It numbs your ears, makes you slightly unavailable for hearing abilities, and makes you faint for some time.
- Dizziness is common and its underlying disorder is not usually very serious. There is nothing to worry about dizziness. It can also be the cause of a sudden change in body temperature. However, you can consult your doctor. Prolong periods of dizziness can cause underlying symptoms of stress and depression.
What are the possible causes of dizziness?
The common causes of dizziness include:
- Medication
- Migraine
- Alcohol and excessive consumption
Dizziness may start with a problem in the inner ear where the balance is regulated. It is often the result of vertigo. The most common cause of vertigo is benign positional vertigo (BPV). It is concerned with the occurrence of short-term dizziness. It causes a sudden change in position, for example, sitting up after lying for hours in bed, and going back to an earlier position.
Some other possible causes of dizziness include:
- a sudden drop in blood pressure or the change in temperature of the body by any food intake like extreme hot in extremely cold weather
- heart muscle disease
- decrease in blood volume
- anxiety or severe stress
- anemia (low iron)
- hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- ear infection
- dehydration
- heatstroke
- excessive exercise
- motion sickness
What are the symptoms of dizziness?
There are many possible causes of dizziness. However, dizziness is often characterized by its symptoms. It can also be linked with certain underlying disorders that may have long-life effects like migraine, Meniere’s disease, and BPV.
- Lightheadedness in the whole skull or head or feeling faint
- a false sense of spinning
- loss of balance that starts with the loss of vision and control over the body
- a feeling of floating or swimming
In rare cases, dizziness comes with nausea, vomiting, or fainting. In such cases, you may require immediate medical treatment as these symptoms may have prolonged or long-lasting effects on your body.
When is the right time to call a doctor for dizziness?
Dizziness can also be a sign of a change in body temperature or a sudden change in blood pressure. Even if you do not have any underlying disease, dizziness can occur. You should call your doctor if you have repeated bouts of dizziness. Notify your doctor about the symptoms if you experience the following:
- a head injury
- a headache
- a neck ache
- a high fever
- blurred vision
- hearing loss
- difficulty speaking
- numbness or tingling
- the droopiness of the eye or mouth
- loss of consciousness
- chest pain
- ongoing vomiting
These symptoms are the sign of immediately required medical treatments. They can create serious health problems. It is important to seek immediate medical attention.
How to cure dizziness or what things should you look for?
Treatment for dizziness is primarily concerned with the immediate causes or symptoms of dizziness. You can take home remedies like pomegranate juice, lemon juice, or sugar-salt water or mixture and can also opt for medical help but it depends on the cause of dizziness or why the situation is arising. For example:
- Inner-ear issues: It causes the regulation of balance. It can be treated with certain medications. You can perform certain exercises to control your balance and improve the inner ear regulations.
- BPV (benign positional vertigo): It can be resolved with maneuvers. It is not always possible that you may require surgery for this but for patients for whom the medication is not working, surgery is the last option.
- Meniere’s disease: It is one of the medical problems that is treated with a healthy and low-salt diet. You may require occasional injections, and ear surgery to treat the same.
- Migraines: There are many medications for the pain of migraine. You can develop a lifestyle change, and learn to identify the things that trigger your pain. This will help you fight the underlying symptoms of the disease.
- Anxiety: There are many medications for anxiety. Also, you can work on your anxiety management techniques.
- Drink plenty of fluid: Make a habit of drinking more than usual, that is 6-8 glasses of water if you are prone to dizziness. Protect yourself from sudden heat and change in blood pressure.
What can you do about dizziness?
Sit patiently, and lie on the chair until the dizziness goes away. It can prevent the possibility of losing control over the body. There can also be chances that you may meet with an accident because of dizziness. It is always better to leave everything and rest for a minute. You can keep a walker or cane with yourself if your body is weak and you are facing any underlying symptom of dizziness. Always use handrails while walking upstairs and downstairs. Do the balancing activities and exercises that may support you in your time of need. Avoid moving or switching your body position with a sudden jerk. Also, maintain the balance of fluid or drink plenty of water if you are going through any stressful situation.
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