Reshape your Face with PRP Facial Treatment

Your face is an essential part of your body; it has an overwhelming significance on your appearance. When you are going through difficult times, suffering from stress, anxiety, your face reflects all these negative emotions. As you age, your face starts to change its shape. Your cheeks lose fullness and become sag. Sometimes you may notice deep grooves appearing on the side of your nose.
To reshape your face, it is best to choose Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy or PRP treatment because this kind of treatment can reverse these problems and offer a flawless look. This is a non-surgical procedure to remove wrinkles, aging lines on your face and restore the volume of your face. PRP therapy involves injecting fillers and plasma into the sagged area of your face; therefore, your face looks fuller, supple, and young.
How does Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) work?
PRP procedure is not painful and bloody. The treatment starts with venepuncture, Centrifuge the withdrawn blood to isolate the platelets. Next, a filler such as Juvederm is injected into a different area of your face, and then the platelet-rich plasma is infused through injection. Here filler works as a volumizing agent of your face and restores the shape of your face. The filler also contains the growth factors that trigger the new collagen formation.
You may need two to four days to recover completely, and the recovery time depends on the type of micro-needling or microdermabrasion has performed during the PRP process. The overall process is considered a painless process, and the entire procedure complete in an hour.
You get a younger-looking face after platelet-rich plasma therapy because this facial treatment rejuvenates your skin from the inside out. You can visually notice the changes on your face, including the reduction of facial grooves and lines. Improve facial volume.
So, a dermatologist often recommends PRP facial therapy to patients who struggle with droopy and saggy facial skin due to aging or weight loss.
The difference between PRP therapy and PRP facial treatment?
A platelet-rich plasma facial is considered a skin resurfacing procedure that involves micro-needling or microdermabrasion. Filler and plasma injected into the skin. The microneedle procedure triggers the new collagen production in your body. Your skin may look irritated and reddish for a while after treatment. It is suitable for a person who has skin grooves and fine lines. It is also great to remove acne scars or other facial flaws.
PRP therapy and PRP facial treatment both are non-invasive cosmetic procedures. They both are performed in a dermatologist’s clinic under the supervision of a highly trained and experienced dermatologist. A person should be certified in this course.
Both of these procedures are performed for facial rejuvenation. PRP techniques activate your skin to generate new tissues and heal itself. The consequence of this treatment is remarkable within a few weeks after the procedure, and the aftereffect is long-lasting.
Who is eligible to get PRP facial treatment?
Patients suffering from premature aging, wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, and uneven skin tone benefit from Plasma Rich platelet therapy. It is suitable for the candidate who is suffering from any of this below-mentioned condition:
- Gravish skin color due to lack of blood flow
- Droopy and saggy cheeks
- Lost facial structure due to aging
- Patients with wrinkles, fine lines, and groves around your nose
- Worn-looking, weathered skin texture
Here the risk is relatively minimal. There is no serious issue you need to face after PRP treatment. You may feel bruising at the venepuncture site following the treatment. Venepuncture and Micro-needling may cause some instant discomfort, but dermatologists consider it a safe procedure.
Benefits of getting PRP facial treatment?
- For the younger-looking skin
- Reduce stress
- Eliminate eye bags
- Firm your skin
- Remove signs of aging like wrinkles, fine-lines, and grooves
- Cleanse and detoxify your skin
- Bring volume to your droopy and saggy cheeks
- Treat acne scars
The cost range depends on you the clinic—generally, the treatment cost around $ 1000. Before proceeding further, you should take advice from a well-trained dermatologist. Being a female, you may prefer to choose a female dermatologist.
To get the list of female dermatologists, search on the internet “female dermatologist near me.” And according to your choice.