How Can Massage Make You Feel Better?

What a lot of people don’t think about and realize is that a good massage will actually cause physiological changes in your body, it is not just a luxury people like to splurge on. There is an involuntary response which is relaxation. It is your response to the massage techniques and the touch. The mechanical responses are ones that will happen when your body experiences pressure on the soft tissues. When you combine all of those you will experience many emotional as well as physical benefits. If you are skeptical, here are different ways that a massage can make you feel better.
What Is The Relaxation Response?
When you are getting a massage the safe touch that you are getting is your body’s invitation to relax. So, in combination with the pain-relieving that you are getting, you are getting the relaxation response. Your relaxation response is a state where your reading rate and heart will slow down and it will cause your blood pressure to go down, stress hormones to decrease and your muscles and mind to relax. It will increase your serotonin levels which will help you be in a better mood overall. The whole relaxation response will decrease not only the physical effects of stress but will also reduce the risk of developing things that are stress-related such as insomnia, fatigue, hypertension as well as cardiac arrhythmias.
What Are Mechanical Responses?
It will not only provide you with a relaxation response it will also have a mechanical response which is increasing the blood circulation as well as normalizes your soft tissue which will help with trapped nerves and deeper connective tissue issues.
It Will Improves Your Circulation
Getting a massage will improve your blood and lymph circulation and that is mostly because of the physical manipulation of your soft tissue as well as the chemicals that are released during it. When your circulation is improved, you will have better delivery of oxygen as well as nutrients to your muscle cells. When you are improving your cellular health, your tissues will be more functional. That means that all the waste products in your body will be reduced and that will cause the swelling in the soft tissue to be reduced.
It Will Relaxes Your Tissue
As we have mentioned, massages will relax your muscle tissue which will reduce any spasms as well as painful contractions that your muscles might experience. It can also help with nerve compression. When your muscles are contracted it will cause your nerves to be geet compressed. So when your muscles are getting relaxed it will help your nerves not be compressed anymore. That will help you get more nutrients as well as help you operate more efficiently. When a masseuse is touching your skin and applying pressure to the right points will relax your tendons, ligaments as well as muscles which will cause them to relax. You can also get a deep tissue massage that will help with deep spinal musculature. A massage like this will affect the deepest layers of your tissue and it will help with overall alignment as well as balance.
It Improves Your Sleep
There have been many reports that have shown that getting a massage can help you with insomnia as well as other sleeping issues. That is because getting a massage will help you get released and reduce stress which will make it easier to sleep at night.
It Boosts Energy
Getting massages will boost your energy. That is because it will restore the lymph system which will move the blood through your body and help get rid of any bacteria and toxins from your body. It is also the reason why you should have your own massage chair where you can go if you are feeling sluggish to rejuvenate yourself.
It Will Help To Decrease Anxiety
What a lot of people don’t realize is that massages have a rejuvenating effect on people’s bodies. They are the best way to reset and realign your body in a natural manner. It has been proven that getting a massage will help you reduce the levels of stress hormones up to 53 percent. All that will cause your body to decrease the anxiety that you are feeling.
Enhances Immunity
Another thing that people don’t want to believe in is that getting a massage will enhance your immunity, but it has been scientifically proven that it is true. That is because when you are getting massages on a regular basis you are increasing your immune system cytotoxic capacity which will help fight disease. It will also decrease the number of T-cells that are produced in your body which will drastically improve your immune functions.
Relieves Tension-Related Headaches
A lot of patients who are suffering from tension headaches are opting for massage therapy. That is because it will help decrease the pain, tension as well as intensity, and duration of the headaches those patients are experiencing.
It Improves Heart Health
It has been scientifically proven that those who are consistent with their messages have decreased blood pressure which will lower your risk of getting a heart attack or a stroke. That is because during your massage all the blood will go to your heart which will reduce the strain on your heart.
It Heals Injuries
As most know, professional athletes get massages on a regular basis and that is for a good reason. That is because the massage will help your body heal. It can drastically shorten your recovery time.
It Boosts Your Endorphins
Endorphins are hormones that make us feel good. One of the best things people who are suffering from depression can do is get regular massages. By getting regular massages you will be able to battle depression and stress in a natural way. That is because during the massage therapy the masseuse will put pressure on all the right trigger points that will cause your body to release more endorphins.
As you can see, there are many things that a massage will help with. On top of that, it is just a nice reward to give yourself once in a while. You will not only be healthier but you will also have a better mindset that will give you the motivation to be the best version of yourself.