Do Kindergarten School Students Understand Creativity?


Kindergarten school students may understand creativity, or they may not. But you can tell they have creative juices from how they act in their daily activities. Children are at their highest creativity while in kindergarten school, around 3-5 years old.

Kids’ creativity and their ability to concentrate and learn different things rise even better at age seven. According to science, the suitable age for a child to join the school is between five and six years when creativity is at its peak. At this time, your child is ready to adapt to a new way of life and grasp new concepts fast. The best part?

A study by Stanford University shows that children joining the school at this age perform better than their younger counterparts (around four years and below).

Children are naturally creative from birth. However, despite having this inborn quality, it’s hard to gauge whether they understand what creativity really is. Here’s everything you should know about kids and creativity.

How vital is Creativity in Kindergartens? 

If you ask a kindergarten kid what creativity is, it will be hard for them to explain. Funny enough, they engage in creative activities every day. 

A child with high levels of creativity shares their thoughts, ideas, and feelings with ease. A creative child will develop critical thinking. The kid will also have good problem-solving skills. Besides, kindergartens with a high degree of creativity will also concentrate on what you teach them. Too, such kids will sort and measure things with ease.

Creativity is as well crucial in your child’s communication and learning. Considering all these, it means creativity is critical to a child’s growth and development. So, who is a creative kid?

How to tell if your child is creative

There are ways you can improve how your child understands creativity.

How to foster creativity in kindergarten School Students

Nurture your kid’s problem-solving abilities: you can do it by asking your kid open-ended questions that have no specific answer. A question like, “what if you had wings”? “What if your pet could talk”? Let your kid ask more questions related to the answers he or she gives.

Engage your child to create: You can assign your preschooler some tasks. For instance, you can give her some empty boxes, then ask your child to make projects of his or her choice. For more creativity, you can even take your child for a walk in a park or museum, or neighborhood. All these will create an array of experiences and boost your child’s creativity.

Break the rules: To boost your kid’s creativity, ask them to do things differently. Instead of using a pen to draw, ask your kid to use spaghetti noodles to draw letters or numbers. Tell them to make different types of drawings

Ask your child to use clay to create a house, a car, or a particular animal. You can make anything that you think involves breaking specific rules. It will help your child learn to solve problems creatively. 

Breaking rules may lead to a mess, but what you are looking for is to help boost your child’s creativity. So, allow for messiness. It is a way of learning provided your child remains safe.

Engage your child in inventive storytelling: children love stories. View storybooks designed explicitly with graphics to please children. Narrate the story to your child page by page. Later, ask your child to narrate the same story.

Also, ask your kid to draw pictures in the storybook. It is easier said than done, but your idea is to spark creativity in your preschooler.


Other than taking your kindergarten to a good school and paying school fees, you have obligations. One of them, which many ignore, is a kid’s creativity.

Creativity helps kindergartens communicate well with the elderly and perform well in anything they do. Therefore, you should help boost your kid’s creativity, which is possible and more straightforward, as we saw in this post. It all starts with you.

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