Digital Warranty And Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions In 2021 To Protect Customers-LetsVeriFy

Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions in 2021 to protect customers
2021 is the year that has witnessed the growth of counterfeited products. Even reliable brands are facing a crunch after losing their brand value, credibility, and customer loyalty. The difficulty in identifying the authentic product is only making the motives of the counterfeiters strong. They earn huge profits by selling fake products, especially on digital channels.
Incorporating digital solutions is not a choice but the only need to fight counterfeiters. They are very much needed as they ensure product authenticity and secure the supply chain. Here are the different solutions for protecting the products and varied applications:
- Anti-counterfeiting solutions: It helps to identify fake or copied products from authentic ones. It’s an unclonable technology that completely eliminates fakes after verifying the product details.
- Product traceability solutions: A smart label gives a unique identity to every product and secures its movement in the entire supply chain. The users can map the product at the individual level, mono carton level, carton level, etc. In case of any unusual movement, it will immediately update the user to take the required actions.
- Digitized Warranty Solutions: Instead of giving a paper-based warranty to the consumers, brands must give a digital warranty of the products. It not only assures the performance and authenticity but also saves valuable customer information for future references.
These solutions can combat varied counterfeiting acts as they prevent the evolving practices of fraudulent distributors. To save the interest of the brands and the consumers in the market, they are a must.
Fight against Counterfeiting
Digital solutions are a must today to save the brands from the illicit practices of counterfeiters by ensuring product authenticity and a secured supply chain. When it comes to anti-counterfeiting solutions, the demand is growing every day. The reason being:
- Transform existing product packaging into anti-counterfeited products by allotting unique identifiers.
- Tracking authentic products in the supply chain as the 100% unique identifiers cannot be duplicated.
- Provide end-to-end real-time insights that increase the visibility of the product.
- Integrate physical products into automated supply chains for seamless security.
- Encourage better customer engagement through enabling valuable feedback and allowing easy access to product information.
Fighting the counterfeiters and fraudulent manufacturers becomes easier with smart scan codes. Every industry can benefit from these emerging digital solutions where the brands can ensure authentic products to their customers without worrying about the supply of their fakes. In a time where the motives of the counterfeiters have become so powerful, the application of digital solutions becomes necessary.
Trust LetsVeriFy
The efficient and powerful anti-counterfeiting solutions of LetsVeriFy create authentic products and maintain the trust of loyal customers. Regular monitoring of the unauthorized distribution of genuine products helps the brands to take the required action.
Benefits of Digital Warranty Solutions
Before the emergence of digital solutions, there was a lot of paperwork to check the validity of the warranty coverage. But, it demanded enormous time
and effort. Digital warranty solutions came as a perfect solution to this problem by automating the business processes and workflows. It registers promptly with the manufacturer, checks counterfeiting, organizes claims, boosts consumer engagement, gives a customer data platform to capitalize marketing campaigns, and performs a lot more! Here are some of its visible benefits:
A complete package in the true sense
It’s an end-to-end solution that registers the customer’s details with a quick scan and confirms through SMS or email. It enables even the smaller teams to manage the warranty requests with the customer’s details recorded in the manufacturer’s database.
Informs the brands timely
The product is verified from manufacturing to the delivery process. It gives updates if there is any discrepancy. It helps the brands to maintain their goodwill by selling authentic products in the market.
Brands can even track the success of their warranty program by analyzing the reports and data provided by digital solutions in the warranty systems. It comes with intelligent dashboards that offer relevant insights to make better decisions for the business.
Get product feedback Saves the customers from counterfeited products
By scanning the QR Code present on the product with a smartphone or any other digital device, customers can identify whether it is genuine or not. When they ensure the authenticity of the product through digital warranty solutions, it builds their trust.
Enables data analytics
The aim of providing the product warranty is to win the trust of the customers to retain them. This digital solution enables the customers to give product feedback through email or SMS. Brands can do the follow-up and solve the queries of customers to drive engagement.
Counterfeiters attack the brand’s reputation, performance, and revenues as fake goods can make even the most loyal customers doubt their most trusted and favorite brands. Their cheap practices have become so technologically advanced that they even drive away traffic from your site to their fraudulent sites to gain your share of income. If not prevented on time, the results can be disastrous in the future.
With brand protection solutions, they can save themselves from the harmful effects of counterfeiting. There is a strict need to incorporate digital solutions to stop the supply of a brand’s fake products in the market and warn the counterfeiters that their practices are getting noticed. If they don’t stop, they must be ready to bear the consequences of it.
How do anti-counterfeiting solutions help brands overpower counterfeiters?
Every brand wants to guarantee the authentic product to their customers with a safe, authentic, and well-connected solution across the entire supply chain. A well-formulated anti-counterfeiting solution assesses a product’s information that includes the date of production, ingredients, expiry date, manufacturer, and others accurately. With this information, it becomes easy to track the product’s life cycle effectively in the supply chain. It helps both the brands to ensure transparent processes and the consumers to track their ordered products.
LetsVeriFy protects the brand’s goodwill and its operations against counterfeiting practices by providing innovative yet powerful solutions. The aim is not just to reduce the impact of counterfeiters but completely eliminate them. It’s time to take a strong stand against fake products in the industry! LetsVeriFy Digital warranty and anti-counterfeiting solutions are successfully contributing to digital transformation. It is just the beginning. There’s a lot more to come!