Why we should avoid the use of plastic

Why we should avoid the use of plastic
July brings the best summer activities such as festivals, cruises, motoring, sports and picnics. But on the way to all these situations you have to go to the supermarket and buy plastic wrappers for snacks and water for sale. The problem for all of us is that plastic is toxic to the FA! But rest assured, we’ll explain what you can do to restrict or block access.
Many plastics that fill foods and beverages contain a compound called bisphenol A (also known as BPA). It has been shown to damage growing mammary glands and exacerbate the disease. In addition to research related to breast cancer, studies have found that BPA is associated with prostate cancer, diabetes, fetal brain development, heart disease, and genital disease.
Fortunately, many companies remove BPA from products such as water bottles and food packaging. Despite the American argument. The Food and Drug Administration states that BPA is low and safe. It bans BPA altogether because the European Union considers it very harmful to health.
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Phthalates are a group of chemicals used in many plastics and other products that we use in our bodies and in the environment and that are used to improve our metabolism. They can be found everywhere from medical devices and food collections to nails and hair extensions.
The FDA only regulates cosmetic phthalates, but they are related to breast cancer and other diseases. In addition, the EU has taken steps to ban the use of some phthalates associated with reproductive problems.
It is advisable to avoid eating animal foods (because it is related to reducing cancer), but if you eat fish, it is advisable to discuss bad plastic.
Most of the world’s plastic waste flows into the sea and decomposes into microplastics, which are known to absorb chemicals in water, such as pesticides, impurities called DDT and PCBs, and hexachlorobenzene. These toxins are associated with problems with hormonal and reproductive cancer. Fish and other seafood eat microplastics and these toxins, and they return to food.
After finding the same toxic chemicals in her body at sea, a woman named Emily Penn had to re-examine the effects of plastic marine sludge. “We need to act now instead of waiting for the laws that drive change to come into force,” he said. “I want people around the world to think more about how our plastics live and affect other people’s health outside our doors.”
1. Do not buy items wrapped in plastic. Look for bare products and other objects. Buy food in plastic containers instead of plastic and buy detergent in containers instead of containers. Not only does it use less plastic, it also provides solid information for product manufacturers who don’t like plastic films.
Medicine bags make it easier to reduce the use of plastic. Image description:
Port of Onehunga
Use shopping bags for your clothes. Plastic bags attract attention and are dangerous to wildlife. Always keep a disposable bag in your car, bike or front door so you don’t forget them when you go to the market, supermarket or supermarket.
3. Lift the water bottle. Take it to a restaurant and use it again. Plastic containers are one of the five stains found on the beach. Bottled water is more expensive than tap water, so it saves money and prevents plastic addiction from getting into the drink.
4. Motorcycle. Consider new uses instead of throwing away old furniture or buying new ones.
5. When ordering coffee, take the Mug with you for recycling. Keep it on a table, bag, car, or bag that will be taken with you when ordering or filling a beverage.
6. Say “Don’t use straw”. The mill is one of the 10 best treasures you will find on the beach. In most cases, you don’t have to drink straw. If you need straw, you can recycle stainless steel or glass straw.
7. Wear clothes made from natural (non-synthetic) materials. Wear and wash fiber clothing bands and polyester clothing is plastic.
The tiny particles found in the world’s oceans can be traced to these synthetic fibers.
8. Avoid disposable containers or use compostables. Try to use washable and reusable glasses, plates or utensils. When using compostable containers, keep in mind that they are not biodegradable in landfills and should be disposed of under proper composting conditions.
9. Do not throw away electronic devices alone. Try to repair or update your device instead of buying a new one. Sell gadgets and computer parts, or find a facility where you can recycle them.
10. Bring your own container for collections and leftovers. When ordering pickups or bringing home leftovers, ask if you can put food in your reusable container.
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