Why swimming is your best ally for losing weight!

Maintaining a healthy weight throughout the year is a goal that is not always easy to achieve.

Between bad eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle, the pounds can quickly accumulate.

And yet, just by changing a few habits and adopting the right reflexes, you can quickly achieve results and lose weight.

To lose weight, you must not only watch your diet but also increase your energy expenditure. And one of the best ways to do that is by swimming!

Why swimming is the perfect activity to lose weight

Swimming is very energy-intensive in essence… No matter the movement – ​​breaststroke, crawl, butterfly, on the back etc. – the whole body is involved with a lifeguard license.

Arms and legs are required to move forward. This leads to a real burst of energy. 30 minutes of swimming can burn about 250 calories.

Added to this is the temperature of the water. If you are looking to optimize calorie expenditure, we invite you to swim in cold water to burn even more calories! Indeed, the body expends energy to maintain a body temperature high enough for it to function properly (about 37 degrees).

The more you swim in cold water, the more energy your body has to expend to stay at the right temperature.

Swimming is also ideal for strengthening your muscles.

The impact of swimming is not only visible at line level! Swimming also allows you to strengthen your muscles by toning the different muscles of the body.

Yohan, sports coach and editor of the specialized site Fitnesce , explains to us:

“The resistance induced by the water forces the body to exert a certain force in order to move forward. This resistance is perfect for recruiting the different muscle groups since it is the whole body that is involved.

A regular practice of swimming makes it possible to regularly mobilize the different muscles and therefore to strengthen them.

Another advantage of swimming is that it is not traumatic for the joints. I often advise athletes in the recovery or convalescent phase to start with swimming before returning to their favorite sport. Swimming is excellent for maintaining muscle abilities while avoiding new injuries! »

What food for swimming?

To get back in shape, we do not recommend excessively aggressive weight loss. The ideal is to maintain a calorie deficit of about 200 calories per day compared to your daily needs.

Choose nutritionally rich foods and avoid foods with “empty calories”, i.e. foods that provide no nutritional benefit (cakes, ketchup, etc.)

Increase your protein intake as well as your consumption of fruits and vegetables!

What are the benefits of swimming for the body and mind?

Swimming is considered by doctors to be a complete sport because it is an activity that works all the muscles of the body.

No special skills are required to practice swimming and it is a sport that is suitable for all ages, from young children to the elderly who want to stay active for lifeguard license.

Being immersed in water allows even the least trained to be able to gradually indulge in the discipline without risking injury or fatigue, thanks to the effect that water has on the body of the lighten and simplify movements. For this reason, it is a good activity for any type of physical structure, since the load on the joints is almost zero.

Practiced regularly, it is ideal for maintaining good health; doctors generally recommend a minimum of twice a week, preferably three. So let’s take a closer look at why…

The benefits of swimming for your health

The benefits of swimming in the pool are obvious: it has positive effects on health, fitness and mood.

Indeed, when it comes to swimming, it is not just about consuming calories, speeding up metabolism and losing weight, as the benefits affect different areas of a person’s daily life.

You burn calories and tone your body

When a person begins to practice a sport to lose weight, it is normal that the first thing he wonders is how many calories he consumes while training. The answer depends on several factors, such as the physical structure of the swimmer, the distance covered, the speed, the style used and the intensity of the training. On average, a swimmer consumes between 400 and 600 kcal in one hour.

In addition, the float supports the body and relieves the back and joints, allowing you to work longer.

It is important to remember that the ability to lose weight is closely linked to nutrition. To accelerate weight loss, it is necessary to favor a varied and balanced diet, rich in complete carbohydrates, vegetable fats and proteins.

Balanced development of muscles and bones is promoted

Swimming seriously can transform anybody into an athlete: broad shoulders, broad chest, straight back, firm buttocks, sculpted abs, muscular arms and toned legs. In addition to the fact that swimming allows the joints and ligaments to remain flexible and that each swimming stroke lengthens the muscles with lifeguard license.

In addition, swimming strengthens the musculoskeletal system, as pointed out by the experts of topchrono , a sports and personal development advice site. For these reasons, it is recommended by pediatricians for children and young people during their physical and motor development with lifeguard license.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

Regular swimming can lower resting heart rate, lower blood pressure and increase cardiac output, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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It is also recommended to practice aerobic physical activity to improve metabolism. Indeed, this activity lowers the values ​​of cholesterolemia, helps to regulate the level of sugar in the blood and to reduce blood pressure.

It reduces exposure to age-related diseases

Like all sports, swimming reduces the incidence of age-related chronic degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, hypertension, osteoporosis, dementia and many weight-related diseases wth lifeguard license.

After a session in the pool, the brain releases many endorphins, substances that put you in a good mood and give you a great feeling of fulfillment. In addition, swimming improves self-esteem and helps to better manage stress.

After a workout in the pool, you experience a feeling of relaxation similar to that provided by yoga. This is why swimming is considered a meditation exercise: while swimming. You are alone with your mind and your body. Guided by the rhythm of the movements and the sound of the water.

Swimming allows you to relax and have fun

You have probably already said to yourself once: “what are we good in the water? Indeed, in the water, we feel lighter and we are carried by the water. Which provides a pleasant sensation with lifeguard license. The muscles are therefore brought to relax thanks to the blood which propels endorphins. These provide a feeling of well-being and therefore help you reduce stress. You will therefore be less prone to this disease of the 21st century and sleep disorders.

Swimming is a very complete sport

This aquatic sport is accessible to everyone, whatever your age or level. When you’re swimming, or just trying to keep your head above water, many of your muscles come up against the resistance of the water, which makes them considerably stronger. Your whole body is solicited from the shoulders to the calves through the buttocks.

At the same time, you are in a constant effort and you, therefore, do cardio training. This allows you to acquire endurance and then improve it throughout the sessions. Over time, you will find that swimming gives you better breath.

Finally, swimming can have positive results on the psychosocial level: swimming increases the ability to concentrate and therefore to understand and learn.

And now that you’ve discovered the benefits of swimming… so what are you waiting for? You should already be swimming in the pool!

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