Why Hair Loss Happens and How to Reverse It?

Hair loss is a common part of the aging process for many, and a cause of great discomfort for others. Hair loss affects millions of men, women, and children worldwide, yet despite years of research, there is still no known cure. In fact, every year thousands of men suffer from receding hairlines and other forms of hair loss. How close are we to finding a permanent cure? Here is a look at the causes of hair loss in both men and women.
Main causes of hair loss
Male pattern baldness is hereditary and is usually caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone destroys the follicles on the top of the scalp causing them to slowly shrink until there is nothing left to regrow. Baldness can affect men of all ages. As men age they tend to lose thicker hair because it is unable to grow due to DHT. The top of the scalp is where the hair grows and this is the area that is susceptible to male pattern baldness.
Other causes of hair loss include stress, illness, medications, chemicals, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, sex, or exposure to toxic substances. Even men start losing their hair when they are in their thirties. Men start to lose their hair because of aging, hormonal changes, illness, medications, chemicals, stress, and other factors.
Female pattern baldness, or female hair loss, can affect anyone at any time during their lives. Usually symptoms are more visible as women age, but symptoms can also occur at any time. This type of hair loss is most often caused by hereditary factors, stress, illness, hormones, or chemicals. Women who experience female pattern baldness may notice thinning on top of bald spots.
Hair loss in men and women
Male pattern balding refers to a loss in the total density of hair at the top of the head and on the sides and back of the scalp with no significant loss of hair at the front hairline. There are generally three specific patterns of balding: Gradual thinning of the middle line. A bald spot on the scalp.
The causes of baldness in men and women are usually very different, although the earlier signs of balding in women may be noticed sooner than in men. Women usually experience thinning hair at the temples, the top of their heads, and on the sides. Men usually begin to experience thinning hair in their twenties. But it is not uncommon for men and women to experience thinning hair throughout their lives, so there really is no clear pattern for baldness as to when it may occur.
Men usually experience balding at a younger age than women, and are therefore more susceptible to androgenetic alopecia than women. Androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of balding in men. It can occur in young adults and is usually genetically determined. Traction alopecia is also a common cause of balding in men. This type of balding results from excessive combing or brushing of the hair which pulls the hair from its natural growth cycle.

Available medications for hair loss
Effective treatments for various forms of hair loss can be found in over-the-counter medications. Unfortunately, for some people, these medications have been known to cause certain side effects that can worsen the problem. For example, topical medication for thinning hair usually contains minoxidil. The ingredient is popularly called Rogaine, and many people use it to treat their hair-loss.
Minoxidil, which is the common brand name for Rogaine, has been clinically proven to be effective in treating hair loss. However, minoxidil has been known to cause side effects in some men, including stomach ulcers. For these reasons, many doctors are now recommending topical alopecia areata treatment options. Topical alopecia areata treatment options are less invasive and don’t cause as many side effects as minoxidil.
Topical alopecia areata can be a very frustrating problem to treat. However, if you’re a male suffering from male pattern baldness, you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Minoxidil is a common cause of hair loss and the alopecia areata treatment options that work well with Rogaine are very effective. So, stop worrying about what is causing your balding head and take advantage of all of the alopecia areata treatment options that are available to you.
Many oral medications, like finasteride, are sold in the form of topical applications. In addition to topical applications, many topical medicines contain components that can be absorbed into the body through the skin. If you apply the medication topically, you may not notice the absorption into your body. Therefore, some people may need to consider alternatives to using prescription medications to treat their hair loss.
Beneficial supplements for hair regrowth
Luckily there are many natural supplements that can help to prevent hair loss and encourage new hair growth. The most effective vitamins to use when trying to prevent hair loss are the vitamins A, E, B, and C.
Vitamins A and C contain antioxidants which are important for hair follicular function and growth. Antioxidants work to remove free radicals from the body, which are one of the causes of damage to the hair. Vitamin A and C also help the skin produce an oil called sebum. Sebum lubricates the scalp and keeps hair healthy (2). Diets lacking in vitamins A and C can cause a number of problems, such as hair loss (2), eczema, and malnutrition.
Biotin is a B vitamin found in most fruits and vegetables, but to improve hair growth and promote new cell growth it is best to take a supplement. Another common vitamin supplement that contains biotin is vitamin C, and it also has biotinic acid. A combination of vitamin e, vitamin c, and biotin is a great way to not only prevent oxidative stress during hair loss, but also encourage hair growth and new cell generation.
To keep from losing any more hair, it is important for a person to find a product that will reverse hair loss in six weeks or less. Most products work by keeping the scalp healthy and growing new cells. Since male pattern baldness starts below the scalp line, topical solutions and minoxidil treatment are usually the most effective ways to regrow hair. By using quality products, a person can ensure that he or she will always have healthy hair growth.