Why do you need a family doctor?

It is very comforting to know that there is a doctor you can call, make one or two complaints to and can understand exactly what you are talking about. That is a family doctor. They are usually the first go-to for emergencies, fevers, stomach upset, or when you want to see a GP. And even when we know the solution to the little health challenges we face, it is often more comforting and inspiring to hear from our family doctor.
There are many benefits of having a family doctor as our first contact for all health-related issues. Some of these benefits include:
Knowing your medical history
Our family doctors’ long relationship allows them to know the in and out of our health, ranging from family histories and genetic problems to food preferences and allergies. The family doctor knows them all and is very conversant with the lifestyle of their patients, and follows their life cycle. Since he treats most of the family members from birth, it is possible to understand the trend and ailment and offer a more informed treatment than other doctors.
Better treatment plan
Work stress can cause tiredness and dizziness, but your family doctor will be able to map out your dietary pattern, weight fluctuations, changes in appetite and also suggest the most appropriate test to analyse your symptoms.
The best part about having a family doctor is that they do not treat your symptoms in isolation but treat you entirely. Since they have a better understanding of your family history, they will have no challenge managing your physical and mental health appropriately.
Red flag bearers
Since family doctors are very familiar with your body and state of health, they can spot even the slightest change in the physical and psychological activities of your body. They can easily detect a chronic condition and advise you on the necessary lifestyle changes and management techniques to manage it. Having a family doctor makes it easier to manage progressive diseases like diabetes properly.
Family doctors are usually general practitioners. That means that they will be able to treat the common cold and even severe infections. They know the best antibiotics you need for a scratch and can also help you stitch deep cuts and injuries. They will also give you their support for managing long-term progressive illnesses like arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, etc. sometimes, you can even go to them for prenatal and postnatal check-ups, and they will be right there. Family doctors can take care of almost everything, and that is quite relieving.
Referrals to the appropriate specialist
You just can’t barge into the office of a specialist to seek their expertise for treating a cold or rash. You will need first to meet a general practitioner who will examine your case to see if it requires the expertise of a specialist or if he can treat it. This general practitioner is your family doctor; he will give you all the medical guidance you need. They will save you the time and money you would have spent seeing a specialist for something that is not so significant.
If they see the need for you to go to the specialist or your symptoms persist, they will refer you to the appropriate specialist.
They save money and improve lives
Rehabilitation and treatments are very costly. Statistics even confirm that for every 10,000 people who have a general practitioner. The fees for hospital admission and emergency care are reduced by 6%.
A lot of false alarms can occur with health, and having a family doctor can keep you from panicking because of them. This will save you from spending more time and money, seeking medical help for no reason. Also, their patients have better attention and comprehensive treatment, which improves their lives.
Some family doctors even give discounts when treating the entire family. Having this kind of doctor will save you more money while you enjoy optimum health care.
Treatment becomes easy when a doctor knows you and your medical history. They will offer the best help during an emergency and can provide you with the best preventive treatment. Also, your family doctor will treat you with familiarity and concern, and these two factors are important in making the patient feel more comfortable to share the not-so-nice stories, which in turn aid a better treatment. This is very important for healing, just like the medicine that will be administered.
This is why you need a family doctor.
So, do you have a family doctor in London? You can visit Privatedoctor.london for your medical services. You can also make our doctor your family doctor and your first contact line during a medical emergency. Contact us now.