When Recovery OST From Corruption Is Required

Summary: Most often, OST files (Offline Storage Table) are easy to manage files. However, these files may get damaged due to unexpected situations that are delineated in this blog. The blog discusses the error messages after OST file corruption and when recovery of OST from corruption is required.
In the scenario where Exchange Cache Mode is ON, MS Outlook keeps its data in the local OST file. The OST files are the copy of the user mailboxes and these files are stored in MS® Exchange. In several situations, when the PC is in the offline mode, OST permits to pursue work in the offline mode. The reason is that the copy of the mailbox available locally provides an access to the data.
Within the situation wherein exchange cache mode is on, ms outlook keeps its records within the neighborhood ost report. The ost documents are the replica of the user mailboxes and those files are stored in ms® exchange. In numerous situations, while the computer is in the offline mode, ost permits to pursue work in the offline mode. The cause is that the replica of the mailbox available locally offers an get admission to to the data.
As soon as the connection is regained, the OST file syncs with the Exchange mailbox so that data can be updated. Unfortunately, if the OST file fails to sync because of internet issues then there are higher chances of facing OST file damage.
Now, OST file corruption directly impacts the mailbox functionality as it doesn’t allow users to access the mailbox data including emails, contacts, notes, and so on. Resultant, this hinders the workflow in the workplace.
When Recovery OST From Corruption Is Required?
There are not one, two but many reasons causing damage to the OST file. All of them could be related to Hardware and software. Let’s find out below:
Hardware Issues
The first category i.e. Hardware issues causing damage to the OST file includes – faulty, or inappropriate configuration of internal/external components of a computer. It may be trouble with your computer’s hard drive, modem, network connectors, and so on. Many other hardware reasons could also affect the smooth operations with OST files and result in OST file damage. Interestingly, all of them are fully explained below:
- Unexpected Power Surge: The undue power failure or system crash causes issues in the OST file. Suppose you are working on an OST file and suddenly a power failure situation occurs then there are higher chances of losing the OST file. On the contrary, when the power supply is higher, your PC gets because of excess power supply.
- Storage Device Issues: Is your Storage device suddenly started working at a slower pace? If the storage device has started working slower than the usual speed then it can be the case of disk errors or faulty components causing severe damage to the OST file.
- Unfortunate trouble with Network Connectors: Suppose, your OST file is working fine but suddenly fails to synchronize the changes then it may be a network connector issue. This resultant affects working seamlessly with OST files. To avoid such an unexpected situation, check both the network devices and network connections.
- Bad Sectors: Amongst various reasons for OST file corruption, one of the reasons could be bad sectors. Here bad sector implies that a little portion of the OST data turned bad which results in file corruption. As a resolution to this problem, you can check the SMART parameters of the drive. If the drive is in the condition to be replaced, replace it immediately. This action from you will sort out OST file damage.
It is your storage device started out operating at a slower tempo? If the storage device has commenced working slower than the same old speed then it can be the case of disk mistakes or faulty components causing excessive damage to the ost file.
Software Issues
Just as hardware issues cause trouble in OST files, similarly, software issues may also cause complications in OST files. The software issues can be connected to inconsistencies. The most often occurring issues could be incompatible add-ins, virus attacks, bugs transmission, downloading apps via unreliable resources, problems in applications, and many more.
- File Storage Limit: Being a computer user, you must be aware of the file size limit. Just as every file has a specific file size limit in the same way OST file also has a file size limit. OST file size is 50 GB in Outlook versions 2010 and above. And when the OST file reaches its file size limit, it becomes corrupt and inaccessible. In this scenario, repairing the OST file becomes important. To overcome this situation, a compact OST file will be the safe strategy.
- Inapt Termination of MS Outlook: After completing all the tasks in MS Outlook, follow a systematic approach. Ensure to take an exit from all the windows aptly. The first thing to keep in mind is never close the Outlook process forcibly while you are operating it. If in a hurry, Outlook is forcibly closed, it may damage the important data stored in the OST file.
- Inapt Outlook Add-in: Outlook add-ins may cause a complication at times. To sort out this problem, open Outlook in the safe mode, and after that disable COM add-ins from the Outlook Options menu. By disabling the add-ins one by one, you will be able to detect the issues in the add-in which is causing a problem.
- Issues in Outlook: It is very often seen that Outlook creates immense problems with both OST and PST files. In such a scenario, users are unable to make out the real cause behind the matter, and there comes the need for an established developer.
Errors Due to OST File Damage
OST file corruption may result in causing several error messages and a few of them are as follows:
- Sending / Receiving reported error (0x800CCC0F): The connection to the server was interrupted
- Cannot start Microsoft Outlook
- Errors have been detected in the OST
- 0x8004010F: Outlook data file cannot be accessed
While working with OST files if any of the above-mentioned or any other error message appears, then it is clear that something is wrong with the OST file. It is important to understand that recovering OST files is the utmost need of an hour to resume working with OST.
When Recovery OST From Corruption Is Required?
Here comes the real need of recovering OST files from corruption. The above-explained reasons for OST file damage and resultant error messages are enough to know that OST file recovery is required ASAP.
Now, OST file corruption directly impacts the mailbox functionality as it doesn’t allow users to access the mailbox data including emails, contacts, notes, and so on. Resultant, this hinders the workflow in the workplace.
To repair the OST file, you can use an inbuilt facility named ScanPST.exe. It is also known as Inbox Repair Tool. Microsoft has facilitated this provision for sorting out minor corruption issues in OST files. However, this facility cannot be used in three situations. First, if the OST file is encrypted; second when the OST file is severely damaged and third when the OST file has exceeded its file size limit. In such situations, professional software is recommended.