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What is SEO? full form information

What is SEO? full form information

You must have often heard about SEO. SEO is a short form, whose full form is search engine optimization. If you run your website or blog, then it is very important for you to know about SEO.

What is SEO?

SEO is all those techniques, using which we can bring our website up in the search results of search engines. Actually, Google does the work of ranking on the basis of algorithms. To get more visitors to any website or blog, you need to be on top of the search results.

It is often seen that there are many websites on the same topic, in such a situation it is very important to bring your website up in the ranking of search results, for this the help of SEO is taken. Your website design with SEO should also be good.

Why is SEO important?

Let us tell you that according to a recently published survey, 90% of the people do not go beyond the first page of the search result. In such a situation, it becomes necessary that your website should be present on the first page itself.

You guess that if your website is not able to come on the first page, then you will be able to get only 10% of the visitors. If there are no visitors, there will be no traffic. Without traffic, you will not be able to earn money from AIDS.

Even if your aim is not to earn money, even when no one will be able to read the information given by you. And in the end, your hard work will go in vain.

In such a situation, SEO can help you. This can not only bring your website up in the search results but can also bring you more traffic.

Types of SEO

There are mainly two types of SEO.

1. On-Page SEO

2. Off-Page SEO

On-page SEO

On-page SEO means making your blog or website SEO friendly. Design the website keeping SEO in mind. Choose the template carefully.

Make sure that your content is unique and well written. Choose the title, meta description and keywords carefully. If you use keywords that are searched a lot in the meta description, then Google will be able to understand on which topic your article is written.

Read More:- 5 Steps to Improve Your Website Search Engine Ranking

On-Page SEO Techniques

Website Speed ​​– According to a survey, if a website is not able to open within 5 to 6 seconds, then people move from that website to another website.

This means you need to keep your website fast. For this, you choose a simple and attractive theme, do not use too many plug-ins, and keep the size of the uploaded image low. With these few methods, your website will open very quickly.

Internal Linking – This means that the navigation of your website should be better. There should be no problem in moving from here to there in simple language.

Make sure that you have placed all the links in a better place on the homepage.

Alt Tags – Using photos on your website can increase your visitors. Don’t forget to alt-tag the images used. This makes it easier for the Google bot to understand your image.

Keywords – It is very important to do proper research to know the right keywords. The more accurate keywords you put in the content, title and tags, the more you can increase the ranking.

Post URL – Keep your post URL very simple and short.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is for the promotion of your website. There are many methods for promotion and by using them we can improve the SEO of the website.

The most common way is to comment on a popular blog or website and give a link to your website. It is also called backlink in technical language.

Another great way is to make your website an attractive page for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This can increase the number of visitors to the website.

Off-page SEO techniques

Build Backlinks – This method can bring a lot of visitors to your website. For this, you have to go to the most popular website and comment. Keep in mind that the link of the website must be given. This increases visitors to your website.

Search Engine Submission – Submit your website to search engines correctly.

Social Media – Create pages in the social media of your website and keep them updated. By doing this, the chances of getting visitors from social media increase.

Question-Answer Website – Link your website to the Question-Answer website. Search the topic on which you have written a blog. By answering the questions of the people there, give the website as well. With this, those people will be able to get more information on your website and traffic will also increase.

White Hat and Black Hat SEO

White Hat SEO – Techniques that search engines accept and accept as good.

Black Hat SEO – Techniques that search engines do not approve and also reduce the impact. This is also called spamdexing.

White hat SEO

  1. It follows the guideline made by the search engine.
  2. There is no fault of any kind in it.
  3. It is linked to the search engine index and is full of user support.
  4. It decides that the content of the webpage is for the user only, and not only for the search engine.
  5. It determines the good quality of the web page.
  6. It decides to have useful content on the website.

Black hat SEO

  1. Trying to raise ranks that are not approved by search engines.
  2. To redirect the visitor from one page to another which is not human-friendly for the search engines.
  3. Redirecting the visitor to a page that is different from the page that the search engine ranked.
  4. Repeating the same keyword multiple times in meta tags, and using keywords that do not match the content of the website.
  5. Creating low-level websites with very little content and repeated keywords.

Related Links

1. Internet Marketing Courses in Delhi
2. Graphic Design Courses
3. Web Designing Institute
4. Digital Marketing Company in Delhi

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