What is Life Insurance and What is it for?

Life insurance… You probably have a lot of questions that you can’t easily answer when you hear this term. What is it? Do I really need one? What are the advantages of hiring it?
The truth is that there are very few people who know how to define what life insurance is and who are not related to the world of insurance … but, don’t worry! We have created this post to solve all your doubts about it. So take 5 minutes of your time to read this article that we have prepared for you.
We explain what life insurance is
It is a protection that you can hire to support yourself, or any member of your family, in the event of death or illness that leaves you incapacitated and you cannot continue with your working life.
At the time of contracting the insurance, an amount is guaranteed to provide you (or your family members in the case of death) with financial support previously stipulated in the contract, so that you can give continuity to your life.
In short, it is a way for the person who takes out the insurance to maintain their quality of life and that of their loved ones.
And what is it for?
As we have commented in the previous paragraph, it is a method of providing financial support to your closest ones in case of death or permanent disability, and it serves to pay the expenses and debts that the person who contracted the insurance, has contracted before death or become invalid (for example a mortgage or other commitment of this type). We invite you to read our article: is it mandatory to have mortgage insurance?
Is life insurance the same as health insurance?
No, none of the types of life insurance is related to what health insurance is.
For example, in Zurich we have 3 types of life insurance :
- Classic.
- Mortgage.
- Disability.
These 3 variants have the function of providing financial support in the event of death or permanent disability. For its part, a Health insurance offers health care coverage for medical, clinical, pharmaceutical or hospitalization expenses that directly benefits the person who hires it.
So as you can see, they are two completely different things.
Who can buy life insurance?
Anyone of legal age is free to decide whether or not to take out life insurance companies Orange County, however it is especially important for couples with children (including those of single parents), those who have acquired a significant debt such as a mortgage, or independent people.
Who much does it cost?
The price of life insurance depends on your age and lifestyle.
In Zurich we have Azul , your virtual assistant developed with artificial intelligence capable of scanning your face and, according to the results obtained, offers you the best price for you to take out your insurance. Don’t you know him yet? We invite you to do it now.