What is Cancer | Cancer Treatment & Treatment Cost

Cancer is a disease where cells divide uncontrollably. When these cells divide they create two copies of themselves. If the cell does not die after dividing then it creates many more cells than normal. These abnormal cells continue to multiply until either the body stops them or they go out of control. Cancer can affect any organ or part of the body and can result in death.

Common types of Cancer

1. Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed worldwide. In 2016, lung cancer was responsible for 1 out of every 5 deaths caused by cancer worldwide. According to the American Cancer Society, about 234,030 people were diagnosed with lung cancer and 160,000 people died due to the disease in 2017 alone.

2. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women after cardiovascular diseases. In 2016, breast cancer was responsible for 458,000 deaths globally. In the United States, about 252,710 new cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in 2017.

3. Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third-leading cause of cancer death among men and women combined in the U.S. CRC is the fourth most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in both men and women. In 2016, about 136,830 new cases of colorectal cancer were diagnosed in the U.S., while 50,310 people died due to the condition.

4. Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer and the sixth leading cause of cancer death in men in the U.S.. In 2016, about 161,180 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed in the country and about 29,690 men died due to the cancer.

5. Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the world today. In 2016, 2.1 million people were diagnosed with skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer and accounts for 80% of skin cancer-related deaths.

6. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is the sixth most common cancer worldwide. In 2016, oral cancer was responsible for 442,300 deaths in the world. About 90 percent of these deaths occurred in developing countries. In the U.S., about 56,650 new cases of oral cancer were diagnosed in 2017, and about 8,600 people died due to the cancer in the same year.

7. Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is the seventh most common cancer worldwide. More than 482,100 new cases of pancreatic cancer were diagnosed in 2018. In the U.K., about 41,700 people were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2017.

Symptoms of Cancer

Following are the symptoms of cancer

  1. Sudden Weight Loss

Sudden weight loss may be due to many reasons including poor nutrition, illness, or dehydration. If you notice sudden weight loss, then it’s best to consult your doctor immediately. You should also keep track of any changes in your appetite.

  1. Persistent Fatigue

Persistent fatigue is often caused by eating less than what your body requires, not getting enough sleep, or having low levels of energy. Symptoms of persistent fatigue include feeling tired throughout the day, sleeping more than usual, and trouble concentrating.

  1. Nausea & Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting could be a symptom of several serious conditions including cancer, pregnancy, and food poisoning. If you experience nausea or vomiting, contact your doctor right away.

  1. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain may be a sign of a number of chronic illnesses including Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, gallstones, ulcers, appendicitis, ovarian cysts, colon cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney stones, and intestinal blockage. If you have abdominal pain, contact your physician immediately.

  1. Constipation

Constipation is commonly associated with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, lactose intolerance, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you experience constipation, contact your doctor immediately.

  1. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a condition where watery stools occur frequently. It may be caused by certain medications, bacterial infections, inflammation, or parasites. If you experience diarrhea, contact your doctor immediately to determine the cause.

  1. Fever

Fever is a natural bodily reaction to infection. However, if the fever lasts longer than three days or persists beyond five days without improvement, then it may indicate a medical problem. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience fever.

Treatment option of Cancer

The following are cancer treatment options.

  1. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice for many types of cancers. There are two broad categories of chemotherapy drugs: alkylating agents and antimetabolites. Alkylating agents work by damaging DNA, while antimetabolites block enzymes involved in cell growth and division. Chemotherapy cost in India is starts from Rs. 3000.

  1. Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays or gamma rays to kill tumor cells. These rays damage the DNA in cancerous cells. In radiation therapy, doctors use either external beams or radioactive seeds (implanted directly into the tumor) to deliver the radiation. External beam treatments involve using powerful machines outside the body to shoot high-energy X-ray beams at tumors. Radioactive seeds emit radiation over time and are implanted directly into the tumor.

  1. Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is the use of immune system cells called T lymphocytes to fight cancer. T lymphocytes are white blood cells that help protect the body from infection. Doctors have been able to harness the power of T lymphocytes to treat cancer since the 1970s. Today, immunotherapies include monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, and adoptive cell transfer therapies.

  1. Surgery

Surgery is often the first line of defense when treating cancer. Surgical removal of a tumor may be curative if the disease is localized. If the cancer has spread, surgery may only remove the bulk of the tumor, not cure the patient. Surgeons perform many procedures to remove tumors, including biopsies, lumpectomy, mastectomy, and amputation.

  1. Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy is designed to target specific molecules on cancer cells to stop them from dividing and spreading. Drugs that target molecular pathways play a role in targeted therapy. Most targeted therapies are small molecules, but some are proteins or even gene therapies.

  1. Hormone Therapy

Hormones regulate chemical processes throughout the body. Cancer cells use hormones to replicate and divide. Therefore, blocking these hormones can slow down the growth of cancer cells and prevent them from spreading. Examples of hormone therapies include tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors, and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone agonists.

  1. Biologic Therapies

Biologic therapies are derived from human cells, such as insulin, interferon, and granulocyte colony stimulating factor. Research shows that certain biologic therapies stimulate the immune system to attack cancer cells.

Cancer Treatment Cost In India

Cancer treatment cost in India varies depending on the cancer type, stage of cancer, location, medical facilities available at hospitals, and many other factors. According to a report published by World Health Organization (WHO), the estimated total number of people affected by cancer worldwide was 14 million among both men and women in 2012. And according to WHO, about 8.8 million deaths were caused due to cancer in 2012.

  1. Breast Cancer Treatment Cost In India – INR 1,00,000/-

Breast cancer treatment cost in India ranges between Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh per patient. The average breast cancer treatment cost in India is around Rs. 1 lakh per year. But the exact amount may vary based on various factors including the hospital where the patient undergoes surgery, the doctor’s fees, the medicines prescribed, etc.

  1. Lung Cancer Treatment Cost In India – INR 80,000/-

Lung cancer treatment cost in India varies from Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 1 lakh per patient. The lung cancer treatment cost in India includes diagnosis, medication, surgery, hospital stay and follow-up visits.

  1. Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost In India INR 40,000/-

Prostate cancer treatment cost in India starts from Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000 per patient. The prostate cancer treatment cost in India depends upon the size of the tumor, whether the tumor has spread outside the prostate gland, whether the disease has spread to lymph nodes, and the stage of the cancer.

  1. Colorectal Cancer Treatment Cost In India : INR 20,000/-

Colorectal cancer treatment cost in India costs around Rs. 20,000 to 30,000 per patient. Colorectal cancer treatment costs in India depend upon the extent of the cancer, whether the cancer has spread to distant organs, and the stage of cancer.

  1. Liver Cancer Treatment Cost In India: INR 15,000/-

The liver cancer treatment cost in India begins from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 25,000 per patient. Liver cancer treatment cost in India mainly consists of diagnosis, medications, surgery, hospitalization and follow-ups.

  1. Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Cost In India is INR 10,000/-

Pancreatic cancer treatment cost in India comes to approximately Rs. 10,000 per patient. Pancreatic cancer treatment cost is generally determined based on the severity of the disease, the type of cancer, whether the cancer spreads to nearby organs, and the stage.


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