What Is A Beard Roller And How Can It Help In Beard Growth?
Beard has been the symbol of majesty for man. Having a dense structured beard has been the dream of many but to have it, is the reality of few. Therefore to grow heavy mane, people try many things ranging from natural Ayurveda (natural Indian medicine therapy) products to artificial chemicals based serums.
There are a number of beard growth kit available in the market, which claims to give higher and dense beard growth. As these kits are expensive affairs, they become out of reach for many.
There is another method available which is less talked about i.e. derma roller aka beard roller. This affordable tool can stimulate facial hair growth with almost no side effects, if used with precautions.
So what is this affordable method of beard growth, let’s talk about it in this article?
Beard roller, a.k.a Derma Roller is the small tool on which tiny needles (size in mm) are fixed on a roller base. This roller is used to increase the hair density on both head and face by stimulating the blood circulation and increasing collagen production at the applied area.
Beard roller uses the principle of micro-needling. The small needles on the roller prick through the skin, as these needles pass the skin upto epidermis level, the brain detects it as an injury.
Therefore the blood circulation is increased in the needled area by the deceived brain. Since collagen is important for healing wounds and hair growth too. Brain increases the supply of collagen underneath the skin.
The high rush of collagen rich blood stimulates the sleeping hair follicles and hair growth takes up. This simple principle is making a beard a reality on the face.
Beard rolling is not at all a difficult process, it’s just rolling the roller on the skin just for a few times a week.
There are some differences in frequency and pressure to be applied on the roller that depends on the size of the roller needles whether 0.25/0.50/0.75 mm needle you are using.
Now coming to the process of use, it must be roll in all 8 directions i.e up-down, right-left, diagonally up-down. Firstly, start rolling it in the direction of hairs, go up for 10 times and then down for time. In the same way roll the roller in the left and right direction 10 times each. Lastly, roll it diagonally up and down 10 times.
Wait!! Here the takeaway point is: when you are rolling in any direction at the end of the movement or length of stroke do not turn the roller with skin contact. Rather detach the roller from the skin and then change the direction.
Rolling in all 8 directions will give you the symmetric pricking on the area.
Now if you know that there are needles on the roller, a natural question comes to mind. What would be their size, is it too long that it could bleed my skin and give me pain or is it small just to go round on the skin layer?
The answer is YES, there are sizes of the needle and these ranging from 0.25-0.75 mm in length.
Further, these sizes confuse the mind, what could be best for me.?
Going with the simple rule, if you are a beginner then you should go with a 0.25mm needle size roller. Get your skin and mind accustomed to rolling, and then upgrade to 0.50mm. It will give you the best result.
Now if you know about the perfect size for you, their usage is also according to your chosen size.
If you are using 0.25mm then you can roll it thrice a week.Because your skin also needs time to heal from pricking. And if you have upgraded to 0.5mm then your frequency of use should be reduce to twice a week only.
While using the 0.75mm roller you must roll once a week only. As longer the puncture, more time is require to heal the skin.
This technique is not so simple as it seems, there are important precautions to be concentrate to practice it.\
The very first thing to keep in mind is infections. Since the derma roller pricks your skin and enters upto the epidermis level, therefore it should be disinfected properly before every use. For disinfection, immerse the roller into 70% alcohol solution for a minimum of 2 minutes. Use sanitiser spray on it properly, not leaving a single needle unsanitized.
Secondly, think about skin abrasion by needles. It generally happens when you turn the roller during rolling. the turning will abrade the skin and injures it deeply. So, the takeaway point is not to turn it on your skin, just take it off the skin and then start rolling in another direction.
Further, pressure application plays an imperative role. You should not apply too much pressure while rolling, it must be enough to get the needles in touch with your skin. Even if you are not feeling pricking pain, then also the needles are doing their work.
Lastly, it’s very crucial to appreciate that the roller must not be use on acne and eczema. As it could easily spread it.
Since derma roller or beard roller is a cheap tool to stimulate beard and have mostly no side effects, except if you do not have any skin disease hitherto. It stimulates collagen production and blood circulation to increase the hair density on your skin.
It’s not the fastest method but the most effective one which is trending nowadays. Hundreds of men have reported their facial hair growths.Some studies throw some positive light over its use and they do recommend using these methods to people who are struggling with their beard growth.
With people’s pieces of evidence and scientific backing, we can conclude that derma roller could increase facial growth. And helps you to grow a denser beard