The use of Electronic Components is due to technological progress and the growing number of specialized radio-electronic equipment. Repair and maintenance of device components requires the use of consumable parts, and the more functions in the device, the more complex the internal design.


Electronic components are radio components that are used in the repair of equipment or devices, as well as during service. Buy electronic components at affordable prices offered by the Utmel Electronic.

Heavy workload and responsibility of electronic devices leads to the need for frequent replacement of particularly important parts that are responsible for performance and speed.

Repair and maintenance of the physical part of electronic equipment is carried out in specialized conditions, and only by qualified representatives. Thus, it can be understood that electronic components are spare parts for devices.


A diode is an element of active radio components that acts as a semiconductor in a circuit. This means that the part can only conduct current (energy) in one direction. It is used in AC rectifiers, together with similar spare parts in diode bridges.

A diode is an electronic device with two (sometimes three) electrodes that has one-way conductivity. The electrode connected to the positive pole of the device is called the anode, and the negative pole is called the cathode Parallel Resistor Calculator. If a forward voltage is applied to the device, then it is in an open state, in which the resistance is small, and the current flows freely. If a reverse voltage is applied, the device is closed due to its high resistance. The reverse current is present, but it is so small that it is assumed to be zero.

Types of diodes by frequency range

According to the operating frequency, diodes are divided into:

Low-frequency-up to 1 kHz.

High-frequency and ultra-high-frequency – up to 600 MHz.

On such frequencies, point-based devices are mainly used. The junction capacity should be low – no more than 1-2 pF. They are effective in a wide frequency range, including low-frequency, so they are universal.

Pulse l298n diodes are used in circuits where high performance is a fundamental factor. According to the manufacturing technology, such models are divided into point, alloy, welded, and diffuse.


A transistor can be composite, bipolar, field-effect with gate isolation, planar, thin-film, and also have a number of other features. The use of the component is due to the need for P-N conductivity.

It consists of a semiconductor material, has three terminals, and plays the role of controlling a significant current in the circuit.

Transistors are radio-electronic elements made of semiconductor materials and used to control current in an electrical circuit. They can be used to amplify, generate, and transform electrical signals. They are used in amplifying circuits, electronic switches, and signal generators.

IGBT Transistors

IGBT transistors are bipolar devices with an isolated gate that are used as an electronic key in drive management systems of various machines and mechanisms, switching power supplies, and inverter devices.

Bipolar transistors

Often in modern adalm2000 microelectronics, it is necessary to amplify, transform or generate electrical signals, as well as to control strong signals with the help of weaker ones. For such purposes, various bipolar transistors are actively used, which have replaced the tube triodes.

Germanium transistors

NPN – type germanium transistors are connected to three layers of a semiconductor arranged in series. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the turn-on time, input conductivity, collector type, maximum permissible current, input resistance.

Field effect transistors

These semiconductor elements are used to amplify the electrical signal, modulate, and control high current at the outputs of the circuit. The principle of operation of field-effect transistors controlled by an electric field is based on the movement of the main electric charge carriers of the same type.


The capacitor belongs to the passive type of radio components. The principle of operation of the component is to accumulate a certain amount of energy and then release it into the circuit.

It can be used for smoothing ripples in a DC and AC power source, as well as for buffering the capacitive component of the complex.


Passive representative of electronic parts, differs in constant, variable, trim version of resistors. More responsible types have water cooling, as well as a higher indicator of current limits.

Serves to dissipate energy. SMD resistors should be selected strictly according to the value of the applied voltage, ensuring that current passes through the resistive layer, and not directly through the contacts.

Resistor is a passive element of an electrical circuit that has a certain or variable value of electrical resistance. Unlike active elements, passive elements do not have the ability to control the flow of electrons.

Resistors are popularly called ” currents “or simply”resistance”. Resistors are responsible for linear conversion of current to voltage and vice versa, as well as for limiting current and absorbing electrical energy.

The resistor is one of the most popular components and is used in most electronic devices. With the help of a resistor in the electrical circuit, the current is limited, getting the desired value. According to Ohm’s law, the higher the resistance at a stable voltage, the lower the current.

Resistors can be either constant or variable. The constants have two leads and a stable resistance shown in the label. In variable (adjustment and trim) resistors, this parameter changes within acceptable limits, depending on the operating mode.

There are three outputs in variable headers. The diagram shows the nominal value between the extreme terminals. The resistance value between the middle terminal and the extreme ones is adjusted by moving the sliding contact (slider) along the resistive layer. At the same time, the resistance between the middle and one of the extreme terminals increases, and between the middle and the other extreme terminals – decreases. When the slider moves in the other direction, the effect is reversed.


Thermostats are used to maintain a constant operating temperature, as well as to prevent deviations from the limits of its norms.

The principle of operation is based on the operation of the thermostat, or by performing a phase transition.


The electronic component-fuse is found in all devices and equipment operating with electric current. The part allows you to prevent failure due to power surges or other power supply disruptions.


Limiter that acts as an aggregate of high resistance to electric alternating current. It is presented in the form of an inductor.


A ne555p sensor is a radio element that is highly sensitive to a given environment or source of an irritant. Depending on the direction of action of the main equipment, the sensor can act as a response to a pulse, current, voltage fluctuations.


A thermal fuse is an electronic component that responds to fluctuations in the temperature value within the parameters and characteristics (for each type). The specific action of the part is aimed at triggering if the temperature is exceeded, that is, excessive heating.

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