Try These Effective Jon Boat Cleaning Methods!

A boat can usually be made out of aluminum, Fiber Reinforced Plastic, polyethylene, or steel. Each has its set of upsides and downsides. They do, however, require their own set of upkeep measures to keep their appearance and longevity. Deep cleaning your ship allows your Jon Boat to appear newer and better. Make your cleaning easier by looking for a jon boat trailer for sale!
Even if your Jon Boat’s hull is made from lightweight aluminum steel, it is essential to learn how to clean it. Even though aluminum is rust-resistant, you still have to keep in mind boat maintenance. This is necessary since some germs and grime can produce minor discolorations and even pierce the hull’s surface.
Getting Started
Before proceeding to clean your Jon Boat, gather the following items first:
- A Power Washer
- A Steel Wool
- Some Vinegar
- A Bleach Solution
- Some Commercial Boat Washing Products
- A Boat Wax
There are Several Methods You Can Use to Clean Your Jon Boat
You can accomplish your task of cleaning your Jon Boat using various methods. One of them is making your boat cleaner if you don’t want to spend extra funds on commercial ship cleaners.
On the other hand, you may need to clean your boat differently if you use it for freshwater trips versus if you’re using it for saltwater adventures. Other components that make up your Jon Boat should also be considered. Most Jon boats are usually made of aluminum, while pontoon boats may only have some aluminum parts. Thus, understanding the suitability of the cleaning products that you use is critical while cleaning your boat.
Before attempting any of the procedures outlined below, remember to remove any expensive electronic devices from your boat. Trackers are included with these devices, so be sure to remove them as well. Clean the wooden sections of your Jon boat with a natural wood cleaning product to remove filth and salt buildup.
Using Car Soap to Clean Your Jon Boat
The simplest and least expensive solution should always be chosen initially. If your boat doesn’t need a thorough cleaning, you can clean it like a car. Surface cleaning allows you to maintain your boat and let it sit through your garage without rusting out.
Even if they haven’t washed a boat before, most individuals are accustomed to washing their cars. So, as long as there isn’t any excessive dirt accumulation, washing a Jon boat is similar to cleaning a car.
To cleanse your boat with car soap, you’ll need the following items:
- A Bucket of Water
- A Garden hose
- A Car soap
- A Scrubber
Fill a pail with water and car soap, then use the garden hose to clean the boat’s aluminum wheels, just as you would your car’s. After that, use the non-abrasive scrubber to clean the boat thoroughly.
By rinsing it out, you can get rid of all the dirt and soap residue. If any unclean components remain, repeat the procedure.
Using Steel Wool as a Scrub to Clean Your Jon Boat
Using some good ole fashioned elbow grease will be the next step in washing aluminum boats. This method only takes a few minutes and needs the use of a scrubber. This technique eliminates any trapped grime from the water, which can be an issue.
Immerse the steel wool in water before cleaning it with a scrub brush. Steel wool should only be used if you don’t think a conventional scrubber will be able to remove the filth.
If you notice rust spots, tend to them right away to avoid letting them spread. Remove the rust using steel wool, but don’t scrape too hard.
After you’ve completed scrubbing, use metal polish to protect the boat’s exterior. A polish also aids in the maintenance of the boat’s looks, making it appear new and fresh.
Using a Power Washer to Clean Your Jon Boat
One excellent technique to preserve your boat is to use a power washer. You don’t have to use an expensive cleaner each occasion you go out with your boat.
Furthermore, one of the best features of this equipment is that you can use it to clean fiberglass and aluminum ships. Connect the water hose to a power washer and add a bit of soap to the nozzle. To start things off, use biodegradable soap first to be careful with the boat’s exterior.
Spray the vessel from the bow to the stern with the power washer. Allow the soap to sit for about five minutes, but don’t let it air dry as this will simply add to the filth layer.
After that, do the next round of pressure washing to remove the soap. Don’t forget to check everything on the ship, including the outboard motor, if there is one. Additionally, rinse out any soap that has become caught in the engine.
Using Homemade Vinegar Aluminum Boat Cleaner for Your Jon Boat
Nowadays, vinegar can be used to cleanse almost anything. It also works well as an aluminum boat cleaning when produced at home. Vinegar is acidic, whereas aluminum is a basic metal. As a result, they react to one another.
Spraying vinegar on aluminum ships causes the metal to react with the solution, neutralizing it. This successfully cleans your boat of a large amount of filth.
However, this technique is rarely sufficient to clean a boat thoroughly. But, it can help eradicate black stains and water spots. If you don’t have white vinegar on hand, you can use baking soda to clean aluminum.
To clean your boat using white vinegar, you’ll need the following items:
- 1 part water
- 1 part white vinegar
- A Spray bottle
- A Scrubber
Thoroughly clean the boat’s exterior with water and soap to fully clean aluminum boats. This can assist in identifying areas that require vinegar cleaning. Fill the sprayer halfway with vinegar and the rest with water.
Spray it on the water spots on the boat hull, along the waterline, or anywhere else that needs it. After that, leave it for about 60 seconds and make sure it doesn’t run down the sides of the boat.
Scrape away the combination and filth using a scrubber to remove corrosive algae. Once the vinegar has been rinsed out, it will eliminate discoloration and avoid the corrosive reaction that might ruin the boat if left in place for too long.
Bleach Solution
When it comes to cleaning aluminum boats, a bleach solution isn’t usually one of the first things that come to mind. It is, nevertheless, an efficient mixture for eliminating algae or germs that were not killed by the water or soap.
Wear safety equipment when working with bleach in this scenario. Bleach is a good starting point. As a reason, it’s vital to wear safety clothing when working with one.
The following are the goods you’ll need to clean your boat using bleach:
- Some Latex gloves
- A Bucket
- 4 parts warm water
- A Nylon brush
- Old clothes (throwaway clothing)
- Safety gear (goggles, etc.)
- 1 part bleach
- Soft rags
Wear old garments to disguise your skin and protect yourself. Before beginning the procedure, you should also wear eye safety and rubber gloves. Combine the water and bleaching solution in a bucket when you’re ready.
Then, one by one, wash the hull sections with bleach using a nylon brush. Using circular motions, remove all algae growth. To eliminate any bacteria-caused discoloration, scrub the areas with a soft rag.
Finally, rinse the bleach from the hull with clean water. Bleach that has been left on the exterior of the boat might create discoloration or crusting.
Squeaky Clean Jon Boats Is a Dream No More!
There you have it, some easy and effective ways to make your jon boat sparkle and shine like no other. Try out these tips, and see the difference each method will give your beloved boat.