Tooth Polishing Procedure: How it Works?

Just imagine how amazing you will feel if you have teeth that are bright, smooth and without stains – your self-confidence will rise past the ceiling. Tooth polishing offers an opportunity to have this kind of teeth. Most dental practices provide polishing as a post-dental treatment or as the last phase of a regular dental appointment. You can get this service from dentists and dental hygienists.
Teeth cleaning and polishing
Tartar is a hard mineral substance formed from hardened layers of plaque that build up on teeth. Another name for it is calculus. This substance called tartar can accommodate bacteria and trigger dental problems. At your routine dental appointment, the dental hygienist will take out tartar in a procedure known as “scaling”. They use special instruments to extract the tartar from teeth, after which your teeth will be polished. Do you know that dental polishing can take out surface stains on teeth, leaving them smooth and attractive? This procedure also serves as the last touch to preventive dental treatment. But if you want a pronounced change in the colour of your tooth, other teeth whitening options may be your go-to. For a scale and polish, contact your nearest dental hygienist.
The procedure for tooth polishing
This treatment is pain-free, and many patients find it enjoyable. Usually, the dental hygienist will use a small, soft rubber cup and polishing paste. But an air-polishing system may be used if your teeth stains are severe. This involves a mixture of air, water and an abrasive agent released from a pressured pipe. Therapeutic polishing is another alternative dental procedure. Here, the bacteria from the root of the teeth exposed in dental surgery are removed.
Teeth polishing pastes
The pastes used for polishing teeth are called prophy pastes, an acronym for prophylaxis. It is a disease-preventing technique for tooth cleaning and polishing. Your dentist may choose either a fine, medium or coarse grit paste and fill the rubber cup delivering the paste to the teeth with it. For effective removal of surface stains from teeth, medium and coarse pastes are good options. But they may cause very little, unseen scratches and make the tooth enamel rough – an effect that causes future staining. On the other hand, fine pastes do not cause much damage, and their finishing looks great. However, when it comes to extracting deeply rooted stains, they are not so effective.
Air polishing for teeth
Like we mentioned earlier, your teeth can get polished with the air-polishing method. This procedure involves the use of pressurised air, water, and an abrasive agent for stain removal. According to research, this technique has just about the same efficacy as teeth polishing using rubber cup and prophy. But in general, air polish is gentle on tooth enamel. Most times, the abrasive agent used in air polishing is sodium bicarbonate. However, glycine, an amino acid that occurs naturally, is not too abrasive and similarly effective.
Precautionary measures for tooth polishing
Despite the tremendous benefits of tooth polish, it is important you know when to go for this treatment as certain conditions may not allow for it.
If you have gum recession and exposed cementum, the dentist’s recommendation may be to use a special polishing paste to lower the risk of further tooth sensitivity.
Dental conditions such as sensitive teeth, exposed roots or dentin, untreated cavities, receding or diseased gums should first be treated before having a scale and polish. This is to avoid complications and a procedure that won’t last for a long time.
It is critical to maintaining good dental hygiene as doing so will ease the pressure of having to deal with so much when you need teeth whitening. Your dentist can provide useful information on how to care for your teeth. Do well to eat healthy foods that boost the condition of your teeth as well.
Last words
Tooth polishing may not be an essential dental procedure, but most people can get so much self-confidence from the appearance of their teeth. It also lends a hand to good dental hygiene as you wouldn’t want to go back to having discoloured teeth.
If you have stained teeth, consult your dentist to know if polishing can make them look better.
For scale and polish in London, visit and book an appointment today. We help patients achieve better-looking teeth and smile with a range of teeth whitening treatments, including scaling and polishing. If this treatment is what your teeth condition requires, our professional dentist will give you the best care possible.