Things You Need to Do After a Hotel Renovation
Hotel renovation is a tough phase for all hoteliers, with everything that goes on during the process. But nonetheless a very satisfying one in the end when you have all the upgrades or even a new hotel layout for a better guest experience. Working with so many professionals from getting a new hotel look to upgrading your hotel suppliers to the best; such as the D ZEE brand and having the best USA towels and other amenities to host your guests. You could have the best hotel renovation ideas and work on them but if you fall into the trap that most hotels fall into after getting renovations; you will not benefit from the upgrades. There are a few things you need to do after a hotel renovation that will help you make the most of your renovations.
Professional Hotel Renovation Photography
Making renovations to the hotel means refurbishing your brand at the same time you need to capture the upgrade that showcases the grandeur.
You could have really nice photography skills, but a professional photographer knows how to highlight the brand features of your hotel in every click. They will take attractive visuals according to the medium you want to publish the new hotel look on. The right images for every medium give your marketing plan a boost and is a one-time investment for the years to come. You need to be smart about which images introduce the new look of your hotel. High-quality images and the right angles make a significant impact on your guests and helps attract new guests also.
Updated OTA Visuals
Don’t waste time in upgrading the OTA platforms with new images and descriptions of the updates.
Do mention in the details how you have recently had a major renovation and all the upgrades you have to offer to travelers and guests. Attach the new images and give them a visual video tour to reaffirm what you have mentioned in the description. It will gain credibility and create a buzz about your hotel. More people will talk about it and will give you guests something new to look forward to. New guests would also want to experience your hotel during their stay. The sooner you upgrade the OTA, the better for your hotel.
Hotel Website Update
Your website is the first place all potential guests will land from other platforms; if it doesn’t showcase the update and grandeur, it will reflect negatively.
One of the first things you need to do after a hotel renovation is to update your website. Imagine a guest clicking on your website through the OTA platform and finding the old visuals on your website. That will discourage guests to make bookings with your hotel in the future even when you do update the visuals. So, first and foremost, make the changes on your website, so that when anyone lands on your website doesn’t get a shock.
Update SEO Strategies to the Hotel Renovation
Written blogs are significant in increasing online searches and social presence showcasing the new changes.
One of the marketing hotel renovation ideas that helps you build website traffic and; visits is to change your SEO strategy according to the new hotel updates. You need fresh keywords and content that detail your hotel renovation ideas; process, journey, the finished product, and how it will impact guests when they stay with your hotel. Not everyone may read the long blogs, but it will help you reach a wider population of travels looking for what they require. These strategies will help you increase website visits which will help in increasing the bookings.
Influencers Showcasing the Latest Upgrades
The best way to let your guests know how your hotel renovation ideas are beneficial for them is to first let those talk about it who the guests’ trust; online influencers.
Apart from using other marketing tools to attract guests, one of the smartest things you need to do after a hotel renovation is to let influencers review your new upgrades. It is also one of the fastest ways to reach a significantly large number of potential guests. These influencers have thousands and thousands of followers who trust them. You just need to let them share an honest opinion about your; if there is any feedback, note that and cater to it accordingly. Many new travelers would be willing to give your hotel a chance once their hear about your hotel renovation through these influencers. They will also increase the online footfall to your website where you can work your magic in converting visitors into guests.
Get in Touch with Past Guests
Newsletters and emails are a simple way to let past guests know about they have something new to look forward to on their next trip.
Past guests are an integral part of your hotel, they feel special when they are given the honor of being the first ones to be given the updates. Plus, they are more likely to stay with you again in comparison to new customers. By sending emails and newsletters about anything new keeps a connection with your guests and doesn’t let them forget about you. If you don’t have this communication with your past guests, you do lose out on significant business.
Before renovations are completed; you need to work on a post renovations marketing plan, otherwise; you will lose out on precious time to create the hype.
What you do after the renovation is should be implementing your marketing plan. Once you decide to start with the changes, you need to start working on a marketing plan that will launch a few days before; you’re ready to welcome guests again. If you don’t have the right plan before the work is finished, you will have no direction of what to do next.
You need to plan things you need to do after a hotel renovation so that you’re ready to work on the next phase once the hotel renovation is complete. What are some of your marketing hotel renovation ideas to create the right impact on your guests? Let us know in the comments below.