The function of ID card printers in business

A plastic business card printer uses sublimation and thermal printing to transfer the image onto the card. This helps with durability and the way in which an ID card is also able to function. There is a great deal of investment that has been made in these machines. There are also no end of ways in which they can work for a whole array of new applications. To add to this, there are also numerous markets and requirements that these machines can service the needs of.
ID Card printers and cards are a vital component in an Identification system. They help to track employees, contractors and visitors. To add to this, there are a great number of ways they are also able to work. From the corporate market to education, financial to government, there are endless ways these machines work for an end user. The corporate uses for example are so wide and varied and also vital in the way they are used, day to day.
A huge part of business as we know it today
You can use barcodes, magnetic stripes, RFID, and smart cards technologies on an ID cards for improved security and traceability. A typical ID card may include an employee’s name, Job title, department and a photo making it easier to identify the person. This helps to identify who is who and if a new employee needs some assistance, by having a look at the ID card he can easily identify the person. ID cards and ID card printers play a major role in in tracking every individual entering and existing organisation’s premises.
The added benefits and added value of ID cards
ID Cards can be used in a variety of ways to help business protect themselves, increase security and awareness, build relationships and streamline their operations. ID cards can increase the security of the business in many ways. This can make it easy for security personnel to quickly identify each employee or visitor minimising workplace theft. By restricting access to certain employees, companies are able to reduce the possibility of unauthorized visitors entering the building. To add extra security features, ID cards can be embedded with magnetic strips and RFID tags.
ID Cards can improve customer relationship by creating personalised membership cards. If a company choose to offer discounts or special deals, customer loyalty cards can also serve as a way to trace customer loyalty and buying habits. Using ID Cards for employees, contractors and visitors can also makes your organisation appear more professional.
Direct to card printers for ID cards
A direct-to-card ID card printer is the most commonly available ID card printer on the market, offering print speed ideal for keeping up with higher card production demands. Direct-to-card is also the most well-known technology for printing ID cards. Once the printer is loaded with the printer ribbon, it passes under a print head that uses heat to warm the ribbon. Once the correct temperature is reached, it will deposit ink directly onto the card itself through a process known as dye sublimation. The printer ribbon is controlled by two spools in the printer, allowing it to pass over the card multiple times until the design is fully printed onto the plastic card.
Re-transfer printers for ID cards
A retransfer ID card printer still uses a printer ribbon, but it uses a laminate overlay method to print a more secure and durable ID compared to a direct-to-card machine. Like the printer ribbon, the laminate overlay is a consumable item that needs to be purchased for printing cards.
Enterprise level ID card printers
If you are a large organisation such as a healthcare facility, university, or large enterprise that has the need to print more than a few thousand cards each year, then high-end enterprise models are for you. These have the speed and rugged design to handle this type of workload, day in and day out. They also offer unrivalled print quality which always looks amazing. Of all the ID card printers you could buy, these are packed with the most features. This is everything from card lamination, large capacity hoppers and feeders, high end visual security features, impressive print speeds and more. If you want a printer that offers superb functionality and huge capacity, these are the best option.
The added value of these printers to a business
ID card printers allow businesses to identify their staff clearly. This is particularly useful for large organisations which employ a lot of business. Day to day, a range of different staff, contractors or visitors may be walking around the building. Resultantly, it is beneficial for everyone to be identifiable.
To add to this, ID card printers enhance security within an organisation. As already mentioned, for large companies, it is normal that many different people wander around the building. As a result, it can be difficult to identify who is who. By staff and visitors clearly wearing a name badge, incidents of theft, fraud or dishonesty could be reduced.
How they are so vital to any business
ID cards are an important part of many businesses, regardless of what they do or how many people they employ. Resultantly, many businesses that use ID cards have decided to make use of ID card printing. This is because these devices have now become more affordable and are also compact and lightweight. An ID card printer adds value to your existing blank card. For example, you may have issued cards to your staff for door entry systems. However, by using an ID card printer, you can add value by creating a combined ID/access card.
For businesses that already have ID cards, the addition of an ID card printer can be a real asset. ID card printers add value to your existing cards. The key advantages of printing ID cards is that they allow the printing of personal information on them. They also help to enhance security within an organisation. Ultimately, ID card printers are versatile, suit a range of budgets and purposes. In recent years, ID printers have also become more compact, affordable and lightweight.