The Braces Color Wheel: How to Find the Best Color for Your Teeth

How do you choose the best color for your braces? Would you rather have white or yellow teeth? What about pink, blue, or purple braces? Teeth are certainly not the only important thing in your smile, but their appearance does play an important role in self-confidence and overall health and wellness. For example, it’s been scientifically proven that smiling relieves stress by increasing endorphins and serotonin levels in the body. That’s why it’s so important to select the right braces colors wheel for your braces!


What is a color wheel?

A braces colors wheel is a tool that illustrates relationships between colors. Artists and designers use it as a guide when choosing colors for their work. The 12 main hues that form a complete braces colors wheel are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink/rose, brown/umber, gray/slate and black/jet. If you’re wondering why some of these words refer to multiple different shades—like blue—that’s because there are many different variations of blue (cyan and turquoise are examples).


What are your options when choosing braces colors?

The best thing you can do when looking at different braces colors wheel is to be open-minded and considerate of your own coloration. If you’re naturally very pale, don’t go with bright yellow braces. Likewise, if you have very dark skin, a light shade may look strange. It all depends on what looks best with your skin tone. Ultimately, if you have green eyes and fair skin it might look ridiculous with brown braces but if instead that’s combined with blue eyes and darker hair there’s no reason why you couldn’t pull off orange or purple braces.


Let’s review the different types of braces.

There are several different types of braces, but they all serve essentially the same purpose: to adjust tooth positions so you can have straight teeth. The most common type is traditional braces (also called metal braces), which use metal brackets and elastics on your teeth. Another common type is lingual braces (or invisible or clear braces), which are used by many adults and teenagers who don’t want other people seeing their treatment. Lingual brackets are essentially clear, so only you see them. They also tend to be more expensive than traditional metal ones because they aren’t covered by most insurance plans—so make sure you understand all your payment options before making a decision!


Straight metal brackets

These metal brackets are basic and inexpensive, but they do tend to show. In most cases, they’re placed on top of your teeth; if you opt for these, it’s often best to go with clear or white brackets. They’re also very easy to clean – all you have to do is brush your teeth regularly and floss when needed. On top of that, straight metal brackets typically only require one or two appointments per year for adjustments; however, there may be more visits depending on your orthodontist office schedule.


Metal ceramic braces

If you’re looking for a way to add some color, metal ceramic braces are a great choice. You can choose from a wide range of colors and even match your braces to your favorite sports team! While most people think of metal ceramic as expensive, these types of braces don’t have any extra cost associated with them because they are made using high-quality materials that last longer than traditional options. Metal ceramic braces are strong, which helps prevent teeth from shifting or moving back into place, allowing you to achieve your best smile in just about half the time of regular braces.


Ceramic braces

Want your teeth to look whiter than white? If so, you’ll probably have ceramic braces installed. However, before you commit to a lifetime of ceramic-brace wearing, it’s important that you understand how they work and what they can do—not just in terms of correcting your teeth alignment but also with regards to getting whiter teeth. There are a variety of ways ceramics can improve not only your smile but also its appearance. Here are some important things you should know about ceramics prior to making a decision on whether or not they’re right for you.


Acrylic overlay brackets

Overlay brackets have tooth-colored resins built into them, which makes them ideal for matching with your existing teeth. Their color blends in, so you won’t have to worry about darkening your smile. Overlay brackets are a great option if you want a more subtle look than metal braces or retainers—but these may cost more since they’re made from a blend of plastic and ceramic resins. If you’re interested in over straightening with clear braces , overlay braces are still a good choice; they just aren’t as transparent as traditional clear brackets. They may also take longer to fit and require several visits before you can get started on your new smile (like other orthodontic procedures).


Hidden lingual braces (braces on top)

If you’re having a dental procedure done, such as braces or veneers, do yourself a favor and mentally prepare yourself before going in. That way, when someone is touching your teeth, it’s not as jarring. Before getting any type of cosmetic dental work done, find out what you should expect so you can take time before your appointment to visualize what will happen during your treatment. If you have a dentist that has completed a procedure similar to yours and they describe their technique in detail on how it was done. You will be able to see pictures or even see short videos on YouTube of how similar procedures are completed. This may also help comfort you and make sure that whatever happens during your treatment will look great and be done quickly.


Prepare yourself emotionally when getting dental work done.

Getting braces is exciting, but it can also be a little scary. The cost of braces and other dental work can be hard on your wallet, which means you may need to dig into savings or take out a loan in order to get them. Before you do, remember that there are no real drawbacks in planning ahead and budgeting for your dental work before you commit yourself to getting it done. If you’re comfortable with your financial situation and feel prepared, then getting teeth straightened can be an exciting process with few worries. Here are some tips on how you can make sure you’ll be prepared emotionally when getting dental work done. Remember that understanding what’s involved and being well-informed will help take some of the fear out of getting braces! …

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