The 8 Latest Leadership Books to Read That Will Make You a Better Leader In 2021

“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” ~ Harry Truman
The resources that help in knowing the leadership skills, competencies, and best practices are the leadership books. It also helps in knowing what qualities do great leaders share, and also provides a framework for creating strong teams. Therefore, we have created a list of eight books that can help you in becoming a better leader.
Even the people that were born great and already possess leadership skills might find something interesting in these books. As people who have mastered the art of good leadership have expressed their thoughts in these books. So if you want to improve your leadership skills or need guidance to accomplish your first leadership role, this article will surely provide you with some insightful books.
Friday Forward: Inspiration & Motivation to End Your Week Stronger Than It Started
This book is the masterpiece of entrepreneur and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Robert Glazer. According to him, leader leadership depends on your ability to connect with and inspire others. The book is based on 52 impactful stories from Glazer’s inspirational newsletter of the same name. It tells about the struggling of the entrepreneurs who were able to turn things in their favor. This book can give you the push you need to have an impact on the people in your surroundings.
Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader’s Guide to Empowering Everyone around You
Being one of the world’s foremost authorities on leadership, Frances Frei teams with Anne Morriss, in Unleashed. She is a women leader in the genomic industry, in order to teach others how to dig deep and empower others. Frie and Morris also give advice from the top-performing organizations that can help you in raising your game as a leader and also pull others along the way. As leadership requires grit, toughness, and the ability to motivate others.
Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALS Lead and Win
The professional CV writer UK, stated that the person who actually is not planning to lead a team into a warzone. Once he read this book would successfully able to do it. This book was brought into existence by Former SEALS Willink and Babin. They proposed some dynamic grace-under-fire principles that can be applied to any team. Moreover, in the book, the structure of successful teams and how one can achieve success in virtually any scenario, also when the lives are not on the line.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
In this book the main thing that Patrick Lencioni proposes, it is the success of a team as a whole, not just the leader that effectuates results. However, in every team, there is a need for a leader that is capable enough to get the most out of its members. It begins with productive conflict and, above all, trust, as mentioned by Lencioni. The book comprises of the fable about situations that a leader has faced and how those situations were handled.
Ruthless Consistency: How Committed Leaders Execute Strategy, Implement Change, and Build Organizations That Win
In this book, Michael Canic offers three surprising reasons due to which the most strategic change initiative fail. He mentioned that the leaders unwittingly send mixed messages to it team that demotivates them and undermine those initiatives. Also, leader mainly focuses on things what they are doing instead what the people are experiencing. Moreover, leaders are not as committed as they think they are or need to be.
Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity
Scott Galloway is the bestselling author according to his profile that was written by the professional LinkedIn profile writer UK. In his latest book, he came with an urgent analysis of who stands to win and who is at risk in a post-pandemic world. In his book, he focuses on the crisis and the opportunities that lie ahead. Galloway offers both warning and hope in equal measures. This book is a combination of his signature humor and brash style with sharp business insights, along with the occasional dose of righteous anger.
Leaders Eat Last
Like most of the leadership books, in this book, Simon Sinek has taken inspiration from military principles. Sinek emphasizes the fact that people-first leadership makes the team feel supported and respected. Moreover, this positive attitude makes the employees’ exhibit loyalty and exceed expectations. Furthermore, trust and psychological safety is the key to excellence, this argument was supported by different examples of organization around the world.
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
This book is written by the Facebook executive, Sheryl Sanderson and has become one of the most popular leadership books for women. It is inspired by the personal experience and the TED Talk Sanderson gave in 2010. She talks about the ways women hold back and miss opportunities by being passive and polite. The main lesson that can be taken from the book is how Sanderson encourages women to take a stand for themselves and seek strong mentors, advocate for themselves and attain their place in the business world.
Summarizing it all simple act of reading will actually not automatically transform a person into a skilled leader. Yet, these books will provide insight, actionable advice, and guidelines to build strong teams, maximize potential, earn respect and leave a lasting impression on the organization. So hurry up and grab any of the books mentioned above.