The 7 elements of an extraordinary education For kids


Education can change the world. By expanding access to quality education, we can transform the individual, the community, and the whole of society. The value of investing in education is indisputable: it reduces inequalities between women and men, improves economic development, promotes peace, and lifts people out of poverty.

The fight against poverty and education are closely linked: the more the individual studies, the more likely he is to obtain a higher income and break the cycle of poverty.

Statistics show that who would lift 420 million people out of poverty through secondary education. Research also indicates that just one additional year of study can increase a woman’s income by 20%.

Here are the seven ingredients that allow an excellent education:

1. Start early

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) prepares children for learning and equips them with the skills that then enable them to thrive in life. Plus, it’s a smart investment: one dollar invested in early childhood education for the most disadvantaged children can generate up to $ 17 in return.

GPE has invested $ 180 million in supporting early childhood education in more than 30 partner countries. Recognizing the benefits of ECCE, partner countries have launched initiatives to improve early childhood education:

2. Trained Teachers

We all know that the teacher plays a critical role in improving learning outcomes, but less than 75% of teachers are trained according to national standards in a third of countries. For GPE, supporting teachers and their professional development is a top priority: in 2017, 100% of funding to partner countries included support for teachers.

3. Make education inclusive

Being able to help all children, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized, is a priority for GPE, which since 2012 has provided $ 440 million in support of inclusive education.

4. Leave no girl behind

Investing in girls’ education has repercussions that benefit their families, communities, and countries. GPE works alongside its partners to put gender equality at the heart of national education systems:

5. Produce quality data

Education data is essential to know which children are not in school or not learning. More than ever, GPE is helping partner countries improve data collection and analysis:

6. Focus on learning

Although more children than ever are now in school, too many still fail to learn basic skills. It is a real waste of resources invested in education and human potential. GPE thus helps partner countries to close learning gaps:

7. Strengthen the education system

GPE helps partner countries strengthen their education systems to greatly increase the number of children in school, including benefiting from meaningful learning. Systems strengthening is at the heart of GPE’s model. It is what makes a long-term difference in the lives of millions of children worldwide.

Since 2002, GPE has helped more than 77 million children go to school. Of course, there is still so much to do. We pledge to continue our efforts to help partner countries. However,  ensure that no child is left behind on this International Education Day.

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