You want to Increase the conversion rate of an eCommerce? Do you think you should have more sales in your ecommerce with the same visits that you are already having? This problem is very common today and to solve it I bring you 12 steps that you can implement now. In this way you will be able to increase the conversion rate of your ecommerce.
I have implemented these steps in many online stores, and today, I can assure you that in all cases the conversion rate has improved. Sometimes exaggerated.
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The points that we are going to see in this article will not only help you increase the conversion rate, but will also significantly improve the user response . In today’s SEO we know that user response is one of the three key points when it comes to climbing positions in Google, along with on page optimization and link building .
What is the conversion rate in an ecommerce?
A conversion, regardless of whether we are talking about an ecommerce, a blog, a forum, or any other type of website, occurs when we have managed to get a user to carry out the action that we want, whether it is filling out a contact form, subscribing to a newsletter etc
Conversion in eCommerce usually refers to sales. That is, when we get a sale, we will have achieved a conversion .
In this post we are going to talk about that, to improve the conversion rate and therefore increase the sales of our online store.
For this I am going to describe twelve points that you must implement in your online store. With these twelve points we will try to improve the user’s confidence in us , resolve their doubts and transmit the information they need as clearly and quickly as possible.
Ready? So let’s go to it.
1. Add filters in the categories
When we are looking for a product in an online store, we want to find it as soon as possible. If we haven’t found it in a few seconds, we’ll probably go back to Google and click on another result.
Filters are a great tool to facilitate the user’s search. They also improve their response by making them spend more time on our website and have a rewarding experience.
Filters can be of different types, size, color, price, manufacturer, etc. They literally improve an ecommerce.
2. Check that it exists and optimize the search engine
In an online store, we usually use the search engine a lot. We must place it in a highly visible place in our ecommerce.
In addition to working correctly, the search engine must help the user if they cannot find what they are looking for , providing them with a list of best-selling products, frequent searches by other users, categories, alternatives, contact with the company, etc.
The goal is to avoid user frustration and exit.
Here you have a fairly complete guide on how to optimize the search engine of your ecommerce .
3. Simplify the purchase process
A purchase process that is not easy will lose users. The less data we ask for the better.
Ideally, if possible, do it on a single page or step.
In addition, my recommendation is that you use social login, which makes it much easier for the user to register. This type of login uses the user’s social network account to register quickly:
4. Include all possible payment methods
At a minimum, payment by card, bank transfer, PayPal and cash on delivery is essential. Also, depending on the price of the product, payment in installments can be provided, for example with Defer me .
I once heard a talk by Ricardo Lop, who is a pioneer of ecommerce in Spain and CEO of Aceros Hispania, saying about payment methods, ” as if the customer wants to pay in wheat ”
I leave you the video of the talk, the truth is that it is not wasted.
5. Includes trust seals
If it fits into your budget, I recommend you include a seal of trust that gives us credibility.
You have for example Confianza Online or Trusted Shops .
Put these stamps clearly visible, in the header, footer and product sheets.
6. Create and make visible the shipping and returns policy
When buying a product we want to know if we are going to have problems when returning it. That is why you must put a link to the shipping and returns policy in the header or footer and in each product page, near the price.
Although this doubt has not jumped out to a user, surely seeing that there is a return policy clearly visible will improve their trust in us .
It is also important that you put the delivery time and shipping costs in the header, visible from any page of your ecommerce, and also in the tab of each product, near the price.
7. Encourage contact
It is very important that users know that behind your ecommerce there are natural people who respond.
To do this, make the customer service telephone number, link to the contact form and the service hours very visible in the header.
Another important aspect is that you add a live chat. Many users prefer chat to phone calls. One of the most popular is Zopim although you also have Zent.io
You will see that many sales come after a contact.
8. Create the section about who we are and point out your strengths
In addition to including the section about who we are, explaining to the user who is behind your ecommerce, I recommend that you create another section, aimed at explaining your strengths.
With the great competition that exists today we must differentiate ourselves. It is important that we make it clear to users what our strengths are and why it is better to buy from our ecommerce than from the competition if we want to improve our conversion rate.
If you have a good shipping and returns policy, highlight that here too. For example, I like how Bebitus does it .
Make this information visible in the header.