
Some Major Facts About Immigration Laws In The U.S

The American immigration system was created immigration laws regulation in detail and designed to serve the national interests of the United States.

Thanks to this system, US citizens and legal permanent residents have the opportunity to reunite with relatives, and US employers can hire highly qualified foreign specialists. In case you are planning immigration, it is better to visit the nearby immigration office in Van Nuys.


Legal Ways to Immigrate to The United States


The current immigration legislation also allows the support and protection of the rights of refugees from around the world. Constitutional principles of the United States built the existing immigration system


By virtue of this, immigrants have full civil rights and freedoms on an equal basis with US citizens, with the exception of the right to elect and be elected, to hold certain positions in the state apparatus,


  • A Legal Permanent Resident

    A Permanent Resident is a person who is not a US citizen but holds an immigrant visa or is in the process of changing status and acquiring citizenship. 


  • Nonimmigrants

    Nonimmigrants are citizens of other countries who are allowed to enter the United States for a limited period of time on the basis of a temporary (nonimmigrant) visa. They include students, tourists, seasonal workers, businessmen, senior executives, and diplomats.

  • Persons in the United States on temporary visas have limited rights compared to US citizens and lawful permanent residents. 


The immigration office in Van Nuys provides help to immigrants to solve their issues. 


How do you come to the United States as an immigrant?


You can come to the United States as an immigrant through the following ways.


  • Immigration laws for Family Reunification


Citizens and permanent residents of the United States have the right to apply to the US Citizenship and Immigration Service to request immigration visas for their relatives. 


US citizens have the right to petition for their spouses, parents, children, and siblings. Legal permanent residents can apply for an immigration visa for their spouses and unmarried minor children. 


The annual quota limits the number of persons arriving in the United States which cannot exceed 480 thousand per year. If you are planning to get permanent residency contact the immigration office in Van Nuys to know legal ways. 


  • Work Immigration A


US employers interested in hiring a foreign worker with a special qualification can apply to the Citizenship and Immigration Service to issue such a specialist an immigration work visa, which entitles him to permanent residence and work in the United States.


  • Refugees


A person who is persecuted in their home country because of their affiliation with a particular racial, ethnic or religious group and membership in social or political organizations or associations may apply to the US immigration authorities to grant them asylum in the United States.

How many immigrants are allowed to the United States annually?


480,000 visas per year are issued to the relatives of US citizens and permanent residents but this number also includes all unclaimed work immigrant visas. The immigration office in Van Nuys can help you to know more about unclaimed work immigrant visas. 


The degree of relationship with the person applying for an immigrant visa is decisive in determining the category of preference.


The number of incoming immigrant workers is limited by law to 140,000 per year. 

In most cases, before the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) grants an immigration work visa to a native of another country, an employer must obtain a “labor certificate” from the US Department of Labor confirming that there are not qualified.

The United States hosts only a limited number of refugees from around the world each year. Each year, The President determines the number after discussion with the US Congress. The limit on the number of quotas by region is as follows:


Family Immigration


Family immigration, a well-regulated system, allows close relatives of US citizens and lawful permanent residents to reunite with their families in America.

Direct relatives are:

  • Spouses of US citizens;
  • Unmarried minor children of US citizens;
  • Parents of US citizens (in case the sponsor is over 21 years old).

If you are planning family immigration then it is better to visit the nearby immigration office in Van Nuys.


Family preferential system


The family preferential system allows entry into the United States:


  • Adult (married and unmarried), brothers and sisters of US citizens;
  • Spouses and unmarried children (adults and minors) of lawful permanent residents


Business immigration to the USA


Current US immigration law allows individuals with the skills and abilities that the US needs to obtain permission to enter the United States for temporary or permanent work. 


Nonimmigrant (temporary) business visas


There are over 30 different types of nonimmigrant visas.

Congress in law formulate definitions of these visas so, they can meet the specific needs. It is better to visit the immigration office in Van Nuys to know more about business immigration to the USA. 


Immigration to work in the USA


The existing system of priorities in employment allows certain categories of persons who came to the United States for the purpose of work to obtain permanent resident status in the United States. The current immigration legislation allows the issuance of 140 thousand immigration work visas per year.


There are five categories of such visas:

  • First Category


These include individuals of outstanding ability, distinguished scientists and researchers, some managers and executives of international corporations. 


  • Second Category


People with scientific degrees get the second category of visas.


  • Third Category
  • experienced workers
  • professionals
  • and other categories of workers


  • Fourth Category 

Clergymen, workers of religious organizations, persons who are in the service of the US Govt. get the fourth category of visa

  • Fifth Category 

People who invest 500 thousand to 3 million USD in the establishment of an enterprise in the United States get this type of visa.

Hope this article helps you to know about immigration laws in the USA. You can visit your nearby immigration office in Van Nuys to know more about immigration.

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