Seizures: One Of The Most Misdiagnosed Disease

Let us something Know about Seizures
Neurons, also known as nerve cells, transmit information to the brain. They do this by releasing electrical impulses in a regulated manner.
A seizure develops when the electrical activity in the brain unexpectedly increases. It happens when a large number of neurons release electrical impulses at the same time, resulting in uncontrollable and temporary symptoms.
An extreme seizure is marked by violent shaking and a loss of control. Mild seizures, on the other hand, may be a symptom of a serious medical condition, so it’s crucial to recognize them.
Seizures can cause injuries or be a sign of an underlying medical condition, so it’s important to seek medical treatment if you already have one.
Seizures are classified into two categories
The parts of the brain involved in seizures are classified. They are as follows:
Focal Seizures
Focal seizures affect about 60% of epileptics. The unhealthy electrical activity in a focal seizure begins in one area of the brain. It is known today as a partial seizure.
Epilepsy, brain tumors or illnesses, heatstroke, or low blood sugar are also possible causes of focal onset seizures. The frequency of seizures can be reduced by identifying and managing the root cause. With the correct medication like gabapin, many victims of seizures will live normal lives.
Generalized Seizures
Seizures that start on both sides of your brain at the same time are known as generalized seizures. It is difficult to identify the cause of these seizures as they grow very quickly. Certain therapies become more difficult as a result of this.
generalized seizures affect both sides of the brain. As a focal seizure spreads, this could be generalized.
What are the signs and symptoms of having a seizure?
Both focal and generalized seizures may appear, or one can happen before the other. The symptoms can last from a few seconds to 15 minutes based on the intensity of an episode.
Symptoms may appear onset of the seizure. This can include the following:
- feeling of dread or anxiety which occurs suddenly
- sense of sickness in the stomach
- feeling of nausea
- change in perspective
- jerky arm and leg movement that may cause you to drop items
- an out-of-body experience
- throbbing headache
The following symptoms suggest that a seizure is arising:
- The loss of consciousness is accompanied by a period of confusion.
- Uncontrollable muscle spasms
- Drooling or frothing at the mouth is a verb that means drooling or frothing at the mouth.
- Tumbling
- Odd taste in your mouth
- Your teeth are clenched
- Gnawing at your tongue
- Having jerky, fast eye movements
- Make strange sounds like grunting
- Bladder or bowel function is uncontrollable
- Experiencing mood swings
What are the causes of seizures?
Seizures can affected by various health issues. Anything that affects the body can also affect the brain, resulting in a seizure. Here are a few examples:
- Withdrawal from alcohol
- Meningitis, the form of brain infection.
- Birth injury at childbirth
- A genetic defect in the brain
- Suffocation
- Abuse of drugs
- Withdrawal from a medication
- A problem with electrolytes
- Shock of electricity
- Epilepsy
- Very high blood pressure
- High fever
- Trauma to head
- Inability of the kidneys and the liver
- Blood glucose levels are also too low
- Stroke
- Tumor in the brain
- Vascular problem in the brain
Seizures can passed down through generations. If you or someone in a family seems to have a history of seizures, talk to your doctor. The cause of the seizure may be unclear in some cases, especially in children.
What methods are used to identify seizures?
Diagnosing seizure types is sometimes complicated for doctors. Your doctor can recommend various tests to correctly identify a seizure and ensure that the medications they prescribe are successful.
Your doctor will consider your whole medical history as well as the circumstances that led up to the seizure. Migraine headaches, sleep disturbances, and intense psychological stress, for example, may all cause seizure-like symptoms.
The following tests can be performed:
- Electrolyte imbalances can be identified by blood testing.
- To rule out infection, a spinal tap is conducted.
- A toxicology examination for the detection of medications, poisons, or toxins
The specialist can use an electroencephalogram (EEG) to diagnose a seizure. This test tests the intensity of your brain waves. Noticing brain waves during a seizure will help your doctor in identifying the nature of the seizure you’re facing.
Imaging scans, such as a CT scan or an MRI scan, may also be beneficial because they have a good image of the brain. These scans allow your doctor to detect anomalies such as a tumor or blocked blood flow.
Treatment for Seizures
It can be challenging to identify the correct medicine and dosage. Your doctor will probably start you on a single medication like Gabapin 300 mg at a low dose and slowly raise the dose until your seizures are under control.
Treatment aims to find the best treatment for you with the fewest side effects. In some cases, your doctor can prescribe several medications. Anti-seizure drugs like Carbamazepine, Gabapin 300, Phenytoin, Valproic acid, Topiramate used in the treatment of seizures. Anti-seizure treatment comes in a variety of forms.
Take your drugs perfectly as instructed to get maximum seizure control. Before taking any other prescription medicines, over-the-counter medications, or herbal remedies, always consult your doctor. Also, never quit taking your medicine without first consulting your physician.
The Bottom Line
Seizures include different causes based on the type. Uncontrollable jerking movements in some seizures, while muscle stiffening or dropping occurs in others. Involuntary laughter, blank gazing, and hand gestures can be seen.
Clear the area and gently direct the person to the floor if they were having seizures. Holding them down or putting anything in their mouth is also not a good idea. This will keep them safe and reduce the risk of abuse.