Quran Academy | Learn Quran Online for Surah Taghaban

Quran Academy: Surah Taghaban is a Medinan surah which means it was revealed in Medina. Position-wise,  It is the 64th surah of the holy book Quran with 18 verses consisting of a total of 242 words and 1066 letters. It is present in the 28th Juz of the Quran having two Rukus. Why learn Quran online for this surah?  The opening of this beautiful surah starts with the glorification of Allah.

This surah is a part of the group known as Al-Musabbihat. This surah contains the invitation regarding the faith, oneness, and obedience of Allah. Teachings of Good deeds have a relation with the previous chapter of the Quran, which is known as “Surah Al-Munafiqun”. Which explains the hypocrisy of those people who lack faith in Allah. Quran Academy offers online Quran classes with the most affordable charges to pay.

During the early days, when Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was residing at the Madinah, this surah was revealed. Following the discussions of major issues, Divine laws, and guidance. As Allah is the creator of all the heavens and piles of earth and He knows what is hidden and exposed. About the Day of Resurrection and the rewards for the actions of doing good deeds and bad deeds. Hence, no one can change your faith except Allah.

The theme of Surah Taghaban

The sequence analysis showed that the verses’ number ranges from one to four indicating addressing. All human beings in this universe, verses from five to ten describe the men who do not believe in Allah and the Quran. However, the surah from 11 to 18, addresses those people. Who does believe in Allah and have faith in Him, and accept His invitations? Online Quran teachers are specialized for the purpose to make you learn the transliteration of each surah along with its meanings.

The subject matter of Surah Taghaban

The opening of this surah involves the description of the glory of Allah, with His wisdom, knowledge, and power. The name of this surah has been taken from verse number 9 mentioned, which is the Day of dispossession (yawm-ul-taghaban). In the third and fourth ayahs, it is told that Allah has created everything and He is the owner of this whole universe and He has the knowledge of everything.

Whereas in verses 5 to 6, the description of the disbelievers of Allah has been mentioned. Through online Quran classes, you can learn about each of the ayahs of this surah with proper explanations and descriptions by online Quran teachers. However, from 11 to 13, the sovereignty of Allah has been described to humans to ensure trust in Him. The last verses, explain to remain steadfast and believe in Allah in every cause.

Benefits of surah Taghaban: For marriage

Sometimes we wish for those people to whom we are deeply connected and want to remain with them. For fulfilling the wishes to marry your loved one, the surah Taghaban works as magic. Similarly, the person who is facing hurdles in getting married should also recite this surah with pure intentions for the purpose of getting married. Following are the way told, to recite this surah for getting married. It will help surely for getting married to a righteous person as a spouse. Remember that before doing this wazifa, one should recite prayer properly five times a day.

Online Quran teachers will also make your guide you about the teachings of Islam, concerning daily life purposes. Quran Academy also offers a free trial of three days for their online Quran classes for Kids.

Benefits of Surah Taghaban: Verses number 11

The chapter of this surah has a total of 18 verses and each ayah has different teachings of impact on our lives. In this section, we are going to tell the importance of the 11th verse of this surah and its teachings. The ultimate goal of Muslim life is to become closer to Allah to seek His blessings. As we all know that Allah has already destined our lives, and only He has the power to change this aspect. Therefore, by reciting the ayah 11th of the surah Taghaban, one can get closer to Allah Almighty.

Recitation of this ayah is very helpful with respect to fulfilling your wishes. To find out the proper way of recitation you can learn from your online Quran teachers. Livequranforkids also provides the option for male or female online Quran teachers with ease for female or kids students. Online Quran teachers also conduct monthly assessments for the kids, so parents can evaluate their kid’s progress to learn Quran online.

More about Quran Academy and Surah Taghaban

At Quran Academy, we offer online Quran learning classes for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Our qualified Quran tutors are dedicated to helping students learn and understand the teachings of the Quran in a convenient and interactive manner.

If you are interested in learning Surah Taghabun or any other surah from the Quran, our tutors can guide you through the process. Surah Taghabun is the 64th chapter of the Quran and addresses the concept of Divine decree and the consequences of belief and disbelief.

Learning Surah Taghabun

To get started with learning Surah Taghabun or any other surah, you can follow these steps:

Our online Quran learning platform offers a flexible and personalized approach to accommodate different learning styles and levels of proficiency. Whether you are a beginner or have prior knowledge of the Quran, our tutors will tailor the lessons to meet your specific needs.

We aim to create a supportive and interactive learning environment where you can develop a deep understanding of the Quran and its teachings. Join Quran Academy today to start your journey of learning Surah Taghabun and other chapters of the Quran.


In conclusion, Quran Academy provides an excellent opportunity to learn Quran online, including the study of Surah Taghabun. With our experienced tutors and flexible learning options, you can embark on a meaningful journey of understanding the teachings of the Quran from the comfort of your own home. Enroll in our online Quran learning program today and let us guide you through the recitation, translation, and Tafsir of Surah Taghabun, as well as other chapters of the Quran. Expand your knowledge and deepen your connection with the Quran through Quran Academy.


Finally, Quran Academy offers online Quran learning classes for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. With experienced tutors, they provide personalized and interactive sessions to help students learn and understand the Quran. Hence, For those interested in learning Surah Taghabun. In the 64th chapter of the Quran, Quran Academy assigns specialized tutors. Who guide students through recitation, translation, and Tafsir. They offer flexible schedules, learning resources, and a supportive environment to enhance understanding and fluency. Enroll in Quran Academy’s online program to embark on a meaningful journey of learning Surah Taghabun and other chapters of the Quran.

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