Professionals essential guide to Perch fishing with fishing bite alarms
Perch fishing begins in early spring when the floodwater subsides. After spawning, in late April and May, their teasing decreases and comes to life only in July. The best time to fish for perch in Lake Kirneil is in July, August, October, and November, but they are also quite active in winter, especially 10 to 20 days after the first ice. Fishing bite alarms might be the play here.
Tips for fishing for perch
1. When and where to fish for perch?
Perch are best fished in the morning and evening, and all day in cloudy or rainy weather. Perch are caught in water bodies where the bottom is stony, near steeper shores, aquatic plants, lichens, plants, pits (especially in late autumn and early winter), in pits. Flow perch avoid. Locating fish is not difficult. In it you will see small fish jumping out of the water.
2. What to fish for perch?
Both amateur and professional anglers love to catch perch. They are usually fished with float, spinning, circles, and in winter with oatmeal and glitter. The most commonly used baits are earthworms, fly and mosquito larvae, small fish. It is advisable to keep them as close to the bottom as possible. We should not forget about artificial rubber worms or small teaspoon-shaped glosses with a hidden hook – catching with artificial baits in summer, and glossing in winter are interesting and successful enough methods.
3. What else do you need to know?
Perch grabs the bait abruptly and securely. The blocked resist for a short time, and being pulled from a greater depth, elevated a few meters from its location, does not resist at all. It is advisable not to cut the perch too hard, as its weak lips may rupture. Knowing that perch are housed in flocks, even a few can be caught in one place.
Perch for each stomach
Perch is a very tasty fish, but many have difficulty shaving its scales. They are especially difficult to remove from dead fish for several hours. So it is recommended to keep the caught perch as long as possible. Scales are easier to remove by immersing the fish in hot water. Perch are usually fried, dried, and boiled into fish.
A Perch is a fish with some special attractions. Especially the one larger, weighing at least four hundred grams and more. And it’s hard to say who gives it – the adventurous character of this fish, its fantastic “fighting” properties, or hard-to-explain caution – this fish, like no other predator in our waters. Is sensitive to the thickness of the net, the color of the bait. More than once we have heard from people who like to dive in our clear-water lakes and dams that they mostly see large perch when submerged.
And he sees them where, frankly, rarely can anyone boast of catching them spinning on a regular basis. All the more so – more than one-two. For a long time, I thought divers were exaggerating. But when in the old days I had to hang nets left by poachers several times, I made sure they were probably not mistaken. Large perch were almost the most common catch.
A few pounds perch per day. Could that be the case? I caught perch by purposeful spinning a long time ago, I think at least a couple of decades. I have “bought” the subtleties of this fishery in small and shallow ponds and quarries quite well, I have had to fish a lot elsewhere. But only on the fingers of one hand can I count the catches that in inland waters (I am not talking about the Curonian Lagoon and the lower reaches of the Nemunas and other similar fishing grounds in this place) that I have managed to catch more than three perch weighing half a kilogram a day.
LSL table
This area is still terra incognita for me, so when I heard from the new acquaintance Andrius Urbonas that catching at least a few or a dozen perch of this size in dams in the cold weather is no wonder. I will openly admit, I did not believe. Although I knew that I had more than a year of experience in fishing in the spinning league and a rather high ranking in the LSL table.
Andrius, hearing the roosters of skepticism in my voice, said clearly, come and see for yourself. Of course, this was one of those suggestions that, as a gambler, cannot be rejected. Therefore, one early morning in late October, I smoked with darkness. Cursing the countless “drills” and road repairs on the Via Baltica Chicago, near which we had agreed to meet Andrius. There I got into Andrius ‘car and whistled on the roads of Northern Aukštaitija until we reached Andrius’ “promised land” – the dam where we landed the boat. Morning Silence The morning was greeted by a gloomy mist of mist, a blood-curdling coolness, and a gust of southeast wind blowing through the dam water.
The weather forecasters promised sun, southwest wind, and fairly warm weather. But once again didn’t hit me – the horror ran all over my body and I quickly realized that I had made the mistake of not “slipping” into my winter suit and gloves. The echo sounder screen also showed a temperature of just 6.5 degrees and you could hardly believe that a couple of weeks ago we closed the bathing season with co-workers in one of the lakes in Dzūkija.
The first place I threw out according to Andrius’ team was near the place of departure. While the reeds on the shore were nearby, the bottom finder showed a depth of half a meter, a hard bottom, and some life just below the boat.
A colleague started his fortune with a burgundy centipede-like bait. And I relied more on a transparent brown edible ripper that had been successfully tested on many dams. But for the perch, if there were any, our baits left no impression. An enigmatic surprise from under the boat I had to sail to another place.
Three hours of fishing – no signs of fish. The rising southeast wind dispelled the fog a little, but the sun promised by the forecasts did not appear. The cold grew, and with it grew my doubts as to whether we would really catch anything in this fishery. I saw that my colleague also started to get nervous. Changing the baits one by one, grabbing this one or the other sponge with different systems tied together.
It was he who tried his luck with the “Carolina” system – a wolfram bullet and a leash with a hook – it went back to the classic head hook. In the end, the drop shot system was used, but the result did not change. At one point, pulling the bait almost to the boat, I tried to play with it like a winter fishing rod, that is, lifting the bait with the rod vertically and lowering it down again.
When I caught it in late autumn in Pakaunė ponds, this trick sometimes worked for me. Maybe the third time the bait was raised and lowered. Someone angrily lit up through it, crossed the bow and the reel brakes came on.
In conclusion
In this article, we managed to cover the essence of perch fishing, if you are interested in learning more check out