Preschool learning shouldn’t be too hard read these tips

Preschool learning
The new preschool learning education program for kindergarten, which has spilt ink since its announcement, first and foremost harmonizes the three existing preschool programs for part-time and full-time 4-year-old kindergarten and 5-year-old kindergarten in a single cycle program. The play remains at the heart of the program, and all dimensions of the child’s overall development – physical, motor, emotional, social, language and cognitive – are emphasized equally. You can also teach your kids about vocabulary words that start with d.
The novelty
In the wake of the two significant educational policies, the Special Education Policy, adopted under François Legault in 1999, and the Educational Success Policy, adopted under Sébastien Proulx in 2017, the program will now focus on prevention. That will provide by teachers in collaboration with remedial teachers, psychoeducation, speech therapists, psychologists, etc. This dual mandate of global development and prevention aims, among other things, to identify oral language difficulties more quickly and to prevent problems in reading and behavioural learning, thus concretizing Quebec’s desire to act early,” specifies Monique Border, Professor at the Faculty of Education at UQAM and Chair of the Committee
The program in a few lines
By integrating early intervention and prevention into the new curriculum, the Ministry of Education wants to offer all children equal opportunities to develop in different areas, to succeed and learn throughout life. Concretely, teachers will have to provide specific and regular activities to all children to promote learning linked to academic success, such as oral language, reading and writing, mathematics, social skills and self-regulation.
More specifically, the mandate of preschool education is to:
Foster the overall development of all children by allowing them to develop in all areas. Physical, motor, emotional, social, language and cognitive. In a safe, caring and inclusive living environment. Where they can cultivate the pleasure of exploring, discovering and learning. But also to appropriate the basics of schooling. Class routines, activities, projects. Implement universal and targeted preventive interventions in collaboration with families, educational daycare services, complementary services and social services to ensure consistency and continuity of interventions. Postpear
The program favours three orientations:
Play is a motivating factor that allows the child to engage and persevere. Play also contributes to the development of mathematics, oral and written language, self-regulation, concentration and executive functions. 2 daily periods of 45 to 60 minutes of free play, during which the child chooses what to play and with whom—quality and diversified outdoor games suitable for its age. Symbolic play, initiated by the child and supported by the adult, allow exploration, creation, improvisation, role-play, manipulation, etc.
Observation of the child’s progress
Observation of the child’s progress in all areas of development through free play and guided activities. The organization of the class – adapted and safe physical places, rich, diversified, progressive material, and clear, precise, constant and coherent instructions, which promote the participation of each one, the exploration of various games, the school learning, and the development of multiple skills.
Prevention at the heart of the debate
There is already prevention in preschool, but unevenly. In addition, few resources are available to support students in difficulty,” explains Monique Brodeur. According to the researcher, in preventing learning difficulties in reading in kindergarten, the new cycle program legitimizes prevention to allow teachers to intervene quickly with the support of professionals such as remedial teachers or other school or social workers. That is an essential step for a more equitable school.
Psychoeducation and remedial teacher
Several school stakeholders have expressed that it is a psychoeducation program to arrive. Adds the one who has already been an educator in under behavioural areas with kindergarten and elementary school child behavioural, as challenge educator and remedial teacher in primary school, with students with learning and behavioural difficulties. According to the latest Kindergarten Child Development Survey, many Quebec students have the understanding or behavioural challenges, which are the two significant hazards for dropping out of school at age 7. 27.7% of kindergarten children were vulnerable in at least one area of development conducted in 2017. But not all early childhood specialists see the addition of this preventive approach so favourably.
Prevention dimension
The prevention dimension is too present and seems to be a pretext for a schooling approach, which will label the child and put him, from a young age, pressure to perform”, believes Maryse Rondeau, president of the Asociation of Preschool learning education in Quebec (AEPQ). “We are not against prevention, far from it,” she adds. But I think that we should not target interventions by area of development because we risk missing other problems”. For example, the teacher believes that a language difficulty observed in a toddler during a specific project is simply the point of the growler. “We need a comprehensive approach to identify where this difficulty comes.
Promote academic learning
According to the AEPQ, the adult must enter the child’s world at the Preschool learning level. Contextualized learning, for example, in free games initiated by the child and supported by the adult, is the most important. The teacher can thus observe and give personalized challenges for a toddler to develop his social skills and learn to resolve conflicts. “In the new program, it is rather the child who enters the world of adults. Who should teach specific concepts to promote academic learning? It certainly leaves less room for the game! », Points out Mrs Rondeau. According to the teacher, the program is too rigid and will not save the children from dropping out.
According to Monique Brodeur. However, the program strikes a good balance between games initiated by children and those created by adults. You have to know that the program prescribes what should be taught while allowing the teachers to choose the methods. You have to trust them. The committee she chairs will help prepare the implementation of the program. And the initial and continuing training of preschool teachers. In particular by developing a support guide and a digital platform. It is important to note that the Autonomous Federation of Teaching. The Federation of Teaching Unions and the Provincial Association of Teachers of Quebec are part of this committee.