Placenta- Role and Complications

The placenta is an organ that forms during pregnancy and plays a crucial role. The main job of the placenta is to exchange oxygen, antibodies, and nutritional exchange between the mother and the baby. The placenta attaches to the uterus wall, and the umbilical cord of the baby arises from it.
Under normal conditions, the placenta attaches to the side, top, or front of the uterus. However, sometimes it may also attach from the lower side area of the uterus- a condition known as low lying placenta or placenta previa. Health conditions of the placenta should not take lightly, because if left unassisted, they can lead to life-threatening complications. If you have any placental problems, you can visit a Gynecologist.
What are The Signs and Symptoms of Placental Problems?
The signs and symptoms of placental abruption are;
- Abdominal pain
- Back pain
- Uterine contractions
- Vaginal bleeding
What are The Common Placental Problems?
The common placental problems can be;
- Placental abruption
- Placenta previa
- Placenta accreta
- Retained placenta
Health conditions related to the placenta need to get prompt treatment as they can cause severe vaginal bleeding. The placental problems can describe as;
Placental Abruption
The placenta detaches from the uterus at the time of delivery. However, it can happen before delivery too. If the placenta detaches from the uterus wall either partially or completely, it is known as placental abruption. Since the placenta provides oxygen and nutritional support to the baby, it helps grow them. When it detaches from the uterus wall, it can cause deprivation of oxygen and nutrient supply to the baby affecting their health adversely. Therefore if it occurs, you need to get your baby delivered soon.
Placenta Previa
Under normal conditions, the placenta attache anteriorly to the uterus wall. However, in some conditions, it can attach to the uterus wall in a way that it covers the cervix completely or partially.
Placenta previa is a complication of pregnancy that often happens in the early days of it. By the passage of time, it resolves on its own. However, if it does not change its position, it can lead to severe vaginal bleeding during vaginal birth or even before that.
If you have placenta previa, the healthcare provider may ask you to rest well and abstain from lifting heavyweights. It is because any external pressure may lead to severe vaginal bleeding that can be life-threatening. If placenta previa does not resolve till the third trimester, your healthcare provider would most probably ask you to get a cesarean section done.
Placenta Accreta
Under normal conditions, the placenta detaches itself from the uterus wall after the child is born. However, in some conditions, the whole of it, or some part can remain attached to the wall of the uterus after childbirth. It happens when your placenta gets attached to the wall of the uterus too deeply. Therefore it can cause severe bleeding during vaginal delivery.
To treat placenta accreta, the healthcare providers may perform a cesarean section and remove your uterus to prevent bleeding. It happens because in severe cases, the placenta may grow through the wall of the uterus.
Retained Placenta
Under normal conditions, after the childbirth, placenta comes out within 30 minutes. However, it does not come out, the condition known as the retained placenta. It can happen when the placenta gets trapped behind a partially closed cervix or when it gets too attached to the placenta wall. The retained placenta needs to treat promptly. If left untreated, it can lead to infections and life-threatening complications.
Gynecologist – Learn where to find a great one
If you need a specialist for an annual examination, you are probably looking for a local gynecologist. Obviously, you will want a good one as many women are afraid to go to this type of doctor, whether it is regular or for some special reason. Either way, it’s more important to find a reputable doctor near you than just any practitioner, so find some ways to do it.
You can probably easily find a list of gynecologists near you by phone book, or even using your insurance provider’s website.
However, even if you find a few by yourself, there is no guarantee that you will go to the gynecologist
There are other ways to make sure you are a true professional, rather than expecting a phone book or other listing to point you in the right direction. These kinds of lists are good for getting an idea of what’s around you, like looking for a few names, but then you should research to find quality.
A lot of people post reviews, especially on new doctors in town, so you can see the names of all the gynecologists you’ve written down and then compare reviews. Some just give ratings, others are pretty detailed, so check them out before you make a decision
Any woman you know probably goes to one once a year
So almost every woman you contact should be able to give you some kind of recommendation.
They may think it’s great, just average or terrible, but it’s great information to help you decide. This is a free way to make sure you get the best care possible, which will probably make regular care much more enjoyable than usual.
Once you have a few recommendations, you need to make sure they are close to you and that your insurance provider covers them.
That way, you can get the care you need without having to pay out of pocket for the services that should be covered. Finding a reputable gynecologist near you will make regular appointments to get you routine care and stay as healthy as possible.
See a gynecologist
This helps ensure that you are in the best position possible and that any mistakes can be caught quickly. You will be able to get a complete check-up as well as help to get everything working and running perfectly.
Going to a gynecologist should not be something that you do only for emergency reasons or only when you are pregnant. Before a problem arises and it’s too late, you need to make an appointment to perform a check-up. Like your regular doctor, you need regular check-ups to make sure everything is OK.
Not available near using a gynecologist. As a woman, you need to go to someone at some point and practice regularly. This will help control your health and give you the care you need. Whatever it is, as long as it involves women’s health, you can get the care you need here. This will keep you healthy and it will give you a chance to avoid many problems that may arise at some point.
Placental problems need to treat as an emergency. If you have any signs and symptoms of vaginal bleeding, you must visit the Best Gynecologist in Karachi.
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