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Near the end of the North White Rhinoceros

People live the most selfish and cruel lives on earth. Throughout history, we have shown no respect for our natural environment and instincts. Many species of animals have become extinct as a result of hunting and poaching, and the Northern White Rhino are set to make this list soon.

The recent death of a Northern White Rhino at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park on Sunday marks the end of the species. The rhinoceros named Angalifu was 44 years old and only one in six of this species remains on earth. It living in San Diego since 1990 when it brought from Sudan. With the death of Angalifur, only five northern white rhinos remain in the world.

The animals were endemic to South Africa

Parts of Central Africa. They lived in the grasslands and forests of Chad, Sudan, Uganda, and Congo. However, the relentless hunting and hunting of animals has dramatically reduced their population. 19 In the 1970s, a study revealed that more than 500 of these animals lived. Despite this, hunting continued and by the 1980s this number had dropped to 15

From the 1990s to the early 2000s, the number of animals increased to 32 after conservation efforts were implemented. But as conservationists hoped for further population growth. Hunters stepped up and as a result. We now have only 5 animals in the world.

Rhino horns considered very valuable in the illegal wildlife market. It is used to make dagger handles which are very popular in the Middle East and it is also used in traditional Asian medicine in Southeast Asia.



The San Diego Zoo tried to mate Angalifu but all mating attempts failed. Of the remaining Northern White Rhino, one remains at the San Diego Zoo, one at the Czech Zoo, and three in Africa. The rhinoceros, which current living in Africa, was taken from the Czech zoo and introduced to the African desert in 2009. It was hoped that their numbers in the wild would increase with intensive monitoring, but this not yet happene.

The northern white rhinoceros has become one of the most critically endangered species on the planet, and its extinction has become inevitable due to human barbarism. Will the species be the last to become extinct, or will it be one of many more to make lists of endangered species?

The rarest rhino in the world

Currently, there are only two North White Rhinoceros remaining in the world. Nazin and Fatu (both female) live in Kenya’s Orpegeta Reserve under constant protection from predators. Sudan (the last remaining male) died on March 19, 2018, representing virtually the entire subspecies. The Northern White Rhinoceros was once abundant throughout Central Africa, but the surprising rate of poaching on its horns has already (almost certainly) been almost (almost certainly) extinct in the wild. Did.

North White Rhino Facts

The white rhino is the third largest animal in Africa (after the elephant and hippopotamus) and weighs 1,700-2,400 kg.

The white rhino is actually gray instead of white. This confusion is cause a misunderstanding of the Dutch word “wide” (meaning wide insted of white) for the face of a rhinoceros.

The wide mouth is an adaptation that helps to eat grass, as opposed to the black rhino’s face. Which is suitable for viewing leaves, sprouts, and branches.

Gender horns use in traditional Asian medicine and  use to indicate social status

Impact of FFI to save Northern White Rhinoceros

In 2003, with the support of the Arcas Foundation, FFI collected two 364 km of cattle at the foot of Mount Kenya as part of an important wildlife corridor. The herd transformed into wildlife conservation and moved from FFI to a non-profit organization in Kenya in 2005 under a long-term management agreement. Known today as the Olpadet Reserve. This area is an important part of the Risipia ecosystem in northern Kenya. Is home to many endangered species such as the White Rhinoceros. The Black Rhinoceros, and the Grevy’s Zebra. North White Rhinoceros

FFI continues to work with OlPagetra to this day

After supporting the relocation of the four Northern White Rhinoceros, we provide ongoing technical and financial support to ensure that all residents, the Black Rhinoceros and the Southern White Rhinoceros, protect with a small population. Ol Pejeta is currently the only reserve in Africa that protects three rhino subspecies.

Regarding the future of North White Rhinoceros, Dr. Rob Brett, senior technical expert at FFI, said: “At some point in the future, it may be possible to breed and protect the future from the rest of the animals.

“Not only for full collaboration and knowledge sharing among South African, European, and US artificial insemination professionals but also for protecting the funding. Capacity needed to set up a dedicated lab and rhino management facility at AllPage. Depends on. Future offspring are natural. You can live and improve in your home. “”

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