Must-Have eCommerce Website Features Based On Page

The idea for retail businessmen to make an eCommerce website is ideal and one with countless opportunities. That’s because online shopping is the new normal and people are becoming increasingly open to the idea.

But not all investors know where to start, especially when it comes to designing the layout of the eCommerce website. Each page has certain features that are vital for presentation and accessibility. 

Home Page

The home page is essentially the face of your website. That’s because it is the very first page a user sees when they visit your website. The saying first impressions are lasting impressions is true. And, you have to make a good one!  

Domain and SSL Certificate

Most investors don’t really pay much attention to their domain name. However, this is an important part of starting an eCommerce website. Pick an easy domain name or at least one that is catchy! What this does is it sticks in the minds of your users. 

A shopper is more likely to visit an eCommerce website that has a memorable or attractive name. Ecommerce websites with long boring names don’t get that much attention for obvious reasons. That’s why you should put enough thought into your domain name. 


A logo has a similar effect to the domain name. It acts as a brand awareness symbol and a picture by which your audience will remember you. For example, the Amazon icon can be identified easily.

But a logo is more than just an image. It should also hold significance to you and what your business stands for. 

Customer Login

Give all returning customers a fast and efficient way to log into their accounts. Making it a long, time-consuming process will scare customers away! Options include an ID and password login or a phone number and one-time password (OTP) login. 

The customer log-in button should be easily accessible on the topmost panel of the website. 

Cart and Wishlist Option

When a user finds something they like, they want to place it in their wishlist or cart immediately. This is so that they don’t lose it or have to search for it all over again later. Making the wishlist and cart accessible from the home page will help customers check out faster and without hassles.  

Featured Items and Product Suggestions  

Ever found yourself on an eCommerce website and started looking at items you were not going to buy? This is because you saw a featured or suggested item and clicked on it. 

Featured items and suggestions could increase sales, adding them to your home page could tempt buyers. This is especially great if you plan on opening a multi-vendor marketplace catering to a range of product categories. 

Category Page

Customers arrive at category pages when they have a slight idea about what they are looking for on your website. Showing all products is important since a lack of products will make your visitors leave your website instantly!

Category Description

On the category page, make sure to put a short description of what the category contains. Include what the products are and possibly a bit about the brands you deal with. 

Clear Product Pictures

When users arrive on the category page, the first thing that catches their attention is pictures, then text. You don’t have long to convert a visitor into a customer, great images are a way to make it happen. 

You would agree that an eCommerce website with poor pictures would lose your trust, right? Also, keep product image size constant throughout your website to show users you care. This is exactly why accurate and clear product pictures are crucial for the success of your website. 

Product Filters and Sorting

Filters and sorting do one thing. They help visitors find exactly what they are looking for in the shortest amount of time! Users can choose to sort items based on price, popularity, or arrival. 

Filtering and sorting features of eCommerce websites are basic and essential for making life easy for your customers. Trust us when we say excluding these features will disappoint your users since they consider these to be basic features. 

Number of Items Displayed

Have hundreds or thousands of products to display? Add a feature to show what page users are on and how many products are on display. Many times people find themselves on a category page and don’t know if there are or aren’t more products. 

Show product numbers and don’t leave your visitors guessing. Remember, don’t put too many or too few items on the category page. 

Product Page

Each product should have a page of its own. On each product page, ensure you provide adequate information to give customers a clear idea about what they are buying. 

Information (Product Description, Price, Availability)

On the product page specify the product name, brand, details, price, availability, and shipping cost (if applicable). You can tell your eCommerce website development services provider what information to display. 

Product Variants

Showing other variants of a product may just lead to a sale. For example, suppose the item the customer wanted was out of stock. But, it is available in another color the customer likes. If the alternate color is not visible, the user may leave your website without buying anything.  

Add To Cart

Every product page must have a ‘Buy Now’ or “Add to Cart” button. This enables customers to easily find their items without having to search for them when it is time to check out. 

Related Products

Some things are bought with an accessory. Examples are shoes and socks, a mobile phone, and a screen guard. Suggesting related products on each product page could make the user buy more items. 

Checkout Page

The checkout page is the final page a user sees when placing an order on your eCommerce website. Making sure it is informative enough is important to make the process faster and less confusing. 

Order Summary 

The order summary should give the customer a clear idea of a few things. These are:

Shipping Method and Cost

If people are willing to pay for an item, they want to know how it will be getting to them! Mention the courier company you are partnering with and also mention the charge you levy for shipping. 

Payment Methods

Nowadays with the number of payment methods eCommerce websites offer, you will also have to specify which ones you accept. If customers assume you offer all methods, they will be disappointed to find that you don’t! 

Billing and Address Details 

Many people wonder why there are two address fields in a billing form. Well, for most people these two fields are different. Give your visitors the ability to add two addresses. 


Any eCommerce website development company can make an eCommerce website for you. But, you can specify feature placement and how you want your website to look. Try to look at it from the perspective of an online shopper. What would they want to see? If you do this, you can’t go wrong.

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