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Water technology is the most mandatory method to remove bacteria and contaminants from raw water. Water suppliers use various methods to remove this mixture of bacteria from the water before supplying them for daily consumption. People can observe numerous ways and techniques for clean water.

These techniques include water technologies and Smart water technologies and, the Smart water technological methods use trending techniques than the traditional methods and use. This method includes hardware, software and analytics and many other step by step processes, whereas other water technological methods have their ways.

Keep reading to know more about these traditional steps in today’s blog


There are numerous water filtration treatments in the books of science, but here are a few and utmost methods listed below:


In the reverse osmosis method, the water pressure is linked with a semi-permeable sheath. When the forced water gets dropped on this sheath, the materials that got dissolved in the water get rippled. The filtration of the fresh and clear water takes place on the other side. It is the most popular method for contamination of water on the list. Here is the list of contaminants that reverse osmosis can filter:

  1. Lead
  2. Sodium
  3. Arsenic
  4. Cyanide
  5. Fluoride
  6. Barium
  7. Pesticides
  8. Chlorine

Reverse osmosis is a well-known and chemical-free water technology method. This method helps to remove the unhealthy contaminants from the water. It is the best way to improve the taste of drinking water and remove the composition of odour from it. The contaminants and impurities settled in the water molecules are separated and drained out of the water by following the above process in this RO method.


Smart technology is more advanced than other methods. It is time-efficient and cleans the water without 1% of contaminants in the water. This technology can change the wastewater schemes and traditional water procedures into incorporated and instrumental systems. But, what does intellectual, intelligent and interconnected refer to?

  • Instrumented:

It is the feature that has the sense to identify, test, and report data.

  • Interconnected:

This feature or specification can associate and interact with system administrators and supervisors.

  • Intelligent:

It is the capability to examine the condition, facilitate instant answers and set up troubleshooting resolutions.

As mentioned earlier, smart technology includes three major factors like hardware, software and analytics. To know more about this technology, read about the components and their purposes. These are listed below:


Meters and sensors are the utmost components to manage and transfer reports real quick.

SCADA system is the next component to rule data and purposely amputate and strengthen operations and methods.

Next comes the geographic information system to receive, handle, manage and examine spatial data. Last but not least comes the software to store and upgrade the data. It is also essential for designing the trending infrastructure and for peril control and choice making.


Here is a list of applications for smart technology:

  • Video camera for asset administration
  • Rain standards, water condition monitoring and environmental reports.
  • Tap optimization and pressure management
  • Water processing and plant administration


The composition of chlorine in the water can cause various effects on organic products like plants and humans. These problems are considered carcinogens and the best way to remove the composition of chlorine from water molecules is the reverse osmosis method.

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