sIt’s no doubt that you’ve heard the expression “the eyes are the window to the soul’, right? However, sometimes our eyes need some assistance in appearing gorgeous! This is why we have Mascara!
For many, a simple brush at a few drops of eye makeup can be equivalent to tea in the morning. When you do it right it is possible to enhance your eyes and brighter in just one minute. But how much do you know about this essential makeup item?
MASCARA is the final effect for a flawless eye, and without it we’re practically naked. We all don’t know all about makeup and most times , we forget MASCARA Facts!
1. It’s not going to last forever.
It might be some people as a shock people, but mascara can expire. The average time to expire is about 3 months, so following that, you should remove your previous mascara. If you don’t, you’ll be at risk of bacteria-related infections, and no person would want this.
2. Make sure to keep the Wand
It’s important to throw away mascara that has expired, however conserving the wand is something you should consider doing. Clean the wand and then make use of it to serve as an “spoolie” brush in order to to groom your eyebrows.
3. Get it off
Sometimes, we are too exhausted to take our makeup off prior to going to bed. go to sleep However, applying mascara to your lashes over night can do much more damage than you think. If the mascara drys over night, it may cause the lashes to fall out and a stiff lash could even scratch your cornea when you sleep.
4. The volume should be turned up
We love a full lash for a fuller look, so to get the most out the mascara you use, apply powder to your lashes with Baby powder as well as a cotton swab prior application for a more luxurious appearance.
5. Moisturize your lashes
It’s easy to overlook that our eyelashes are tiny hairs that should be treated as like. Prior to bed, moisturise your eyelashes with olive oil or other moisturizing product to ensure they are moisturized. Be careful to keep everything off your eye.
6. It’s not every day that is a rainy day
Waterproof mascara is perfect during the summer or anytime you are sure to sweat, but wearing it every day isn’t recommended. Because it isn’t easily removed, the constant pulling at your lashes could make them weaker and then cause them to fall out.
7. Keep your eyes peeled
The most important thing to avoid blinking when applying? Open your mouth. If your mouth is opened and wide, it’s more difficult to blink.
8. Never smudge again
Do you hate having mascara stains appear on your eyelids? You can avoid the stains by placing an old plastic spoon or business card over your eyelid, just over your eyelashes. Apply your mascara on this spot the excess product will end up on the spoon or business card and not onto your eyelid.
9. Make sure you seal the deal
Give your mascara that finishing look to your eyelashes by coating them in clear mascara following application. This will help strengthen your lashes and prevent mascara from smudging or flowing.
10. The perfect mascara
There are many kinds of mascaras on the market and you must determine which one is best for your lashes and you. Do you want to lengthen? Curl? Volumize? Whatever you’re looking for there’s a mascara there waiting to be used. If you’re unable to find it, try locating some and mix it into your own mascara mix!
There’s a certain item that your eye makeup would be lacking without is a mascara that can make an enormous impact with a minimum of effort. Although it could be the least essential item that you have in your makeup kit the magic of a good mascara should not be overlooked. We didn’t realize that this little wonder holds many fascinating facts about it. We’ve collected a few of them for you!
Make use of your WAND
Make use of your wand (not the Harry Potter’s)! A mascara wand can be helpful to keep, regardless of whether the mascara formula is expired. After you’ve finished using mascara, make sure you clean and keep the brush. It is then able to be used to gently brush your eyebrows to help you make a smooth, groomed eyebrow look! Another benefit of a mascara tool is that it can be used to soften baby hair and hold the hair in place, creating a smooth style for a sleek back hairdo or a chic tie-up!
Good Things Come to an Ende
Even though you might not wish that to be the case, makeup will expire. It’s sad but it’s true. A average time of life for mascara lasts about 3 to five months. It is possible to use it for a long time and cause infections and ultimately cause damage to the eyelashes that is not what we wish for!
Always, Always take it off
One thing that famous makeup moguls are convinced of it’s to always remove your makeup prior to getting into bed. The same applies to mascara. Applying mascara for too long can cause dry eyes that aren’t great in the long term as it causes dryness. Make use of a cleanser which removes the makeup with just one stroke.
Waterproofing isn’t 100% secure.
While we are of the opinion that waterproof mascara is a great way to avoid smudging in summer or during the rainy season however, it’s not recommended to apply it regularly. Since waterproof mascara tends to stay longer on the lashes as it is constantly tugging at the lashes could result in them becoming less durable and could eventually cause to them falling. Therefore, if you can opt for mascara with waterproof properties that won’t cause harm to your lashes, and do not use it on a regular basis.
The Perfect Balancing Act!
We are so in love with you We’re going to reveal an insider tip! The trick to apply your mascara flawlessly without making it appear smudgey is to keep the mouth wide. It’s normal for your mouth open while applying mascaras or kohl and this instinctual one is definitely an effective one! If your mouth is wide open, it is more difficult to blink, making applying mascaras easier! This means that every time you put on mascara do not worry about your mouth being wide open because it’s actually helping out.
Verify that you have sealed the deal
After you’ve put so much effort into creating a flurry of lashes, it’s difficult to tell if the mascaras has smudged. So, make sure to coat them using clear mascaras. This will help strengthen your eyelashes and stop it from getting smudged onto the gorgeous eye makeup.
Select the Right Shade
If you believed that your lipstick shade and foundation aren’t important don’t think twice! Selecting the correct color for the mascara you are also crucial. While black mascara can open your eyes and gives you an enhanced look but you need to ensure that it’s the perfect shade for you. If you’re a fair skinned person or blonde hair, black mascara may be overwhelming. Choose brown mascara that matches your hair’s colour and skin.
I hope these tips and techniques will help you when you next plan to glam up! Keep looking gorgeous you beautiful diva!
The best mascaras numerous mascara types out on the market, it’s important to determine which one works for your lashes and you. Do you require lengthening? curl? give volume? What do you require for, there’s a mascaras there waiting to be found. If you’re unable to find it, look for several and create an eyelash cocktail!