Is Cheap Vaping Equivalent To Buying Expensive Vape Juice?

Vape juice vendors have introduced a plethora of vape juices to suit the diverse needs of their customers. But, with so many options to pick from, coming to a decision often becomes difficult. You may find vape juices in low to high price ranges. While some are available at just $2-3, others may have a price higher than $20.
But do vaping cheap vape juices differ from expensive vape juices? This guide will discuss whether cheap vape juices are equivalent to expensive ones. Let’s compare them to get a better understanding.
Are Cheap Vape Juices Similar To Expensive Vape Juices?
No, they are not! But, they are not very different too. If we are talking about ingredients, cheap and dry herb vape are pretty similar. Both of them contain:
● Propylene glycol (PG)
Propylene Glycol is a viscous liquid derived from petroleum. It has a syrupy texture with a subtle sweet taste. This colorless and odorless liquid acts as a vehicle for flavoring agents. It helps to bind different ingredients together. The amount of Propylene glycol in a vape juice determines the strength of the hit it produces.
● Vegetable Glycerine (VG)
Vegetable glycerine is a dense, tasteless fluid derived from soybeans and palm trees. The higher the concentration of vegetable glycerin is in a vape juice, the denser is the vapor produced by it. It is added to vape juices to make them more viscous.
● Nicotine
Nicotine is a slightly yellowish oily liquid with a mild peppery taste. It is an addictive substance that induces a feeling of relaxation when inhaled. Nicotine also has anxiolytic and stimulant properties. Combusting nicotine at a high temperature can be very harmful to our health. But, according to experts, vaping nicotine is much less damaging.
● Flavoring Agents
Both cheap and expensive vape juices are infused with various flavoring agents. Some vendors use natural flavors like strawberry, cherry, banana, melon, and blueberry flavors. Some brands also offer more complex flavored vape juices infused with synthetic flavors. You can get premium vape juices with dessert, beverages, and tobacco flavors.
Cheap Vape Juice Vs. Expensive Vape Juices: Which One Should You Choose?
There is no clear answer to this question. It entirely depends upon your choice. If you want to enjoy different flavors of vape juices at a low price, cheap vape juices are your friend. But, if you have a little to splurge, premium vape juices can provide you with a unique vaping experience.
The significant difference between cheap and expensive vape juices lies in their flavor profile. While expensive vape juices have complex flavor blends concocted by experienced mixologists, cheap vape juices have primary flavors only. You might not have many exotic options to choose from if you want to buy cheap vape juices.
Vendors making expensive vape juices usually get their products tested so that the customers get the top-most quality products. Also, vendors manufacturing cheap vape juices may use ingredients obtained from questionable sources. They might not undergo proper quality measures too.
What Are “Gourmet” Vape Juices?
Vape juice vendors continue to formulate new vape juices to entice their customers, but not all of them are cheap. A new name in the market is “Gourmet” vape juices. Vendors usually use premium-quality, pharmaceutical-grade ingredients to produce these unique blends of vape juices. Though they are expensive, they can give an exceptional vaping experience.
Gourmet vape juices have sophisticated flavors that could keep your tastebuds engaged for a while. You may experience a blast of flavors in your mouth and spend some time guessing subtle yet extraordinary flavors hitting your tongue.
Cheap vs. Premium Vape Juices: Do the Packaging Differ?
Manufacturers offering cheap vape juices often cut their cost of production by packing the products in low-price materials. But, that does not mean their products won’t be up to the mark. On the other hand, premium vape juices usually come in designer bottles. They are packed with fancier packing materials to make them look more delectable. However, we won’t recommend you judge a product just by their appearances.
We suggest researching the products before you purchase them. Whether you want to buy cheap vape juices or expensive ones, you can read the online reviews posted by previous customers to get a clear idea about the brand and the quality of the products.
What About Health Risks?
Though vendors often promote vape juices as a better alternative for smoking, they have side effects. Both cheap and expensive vape juices contain Vitamin E Acetate, a chemical substance known to be harmful to our lung health.
Often cheap vape juices are manufactured in small, unhygienic spaces, making the products harmful to your health. But, that is not always the case. Constant exposure to hot vapor also causes a partial or complete loss of taste. In addition, long-term vaping can also damage the oral mucous membrane.
Both cheap and expensive vape juices produce aerosol when heated in vaping devices. Inhaling this aerosol can be harmful to the lungs and heart. It can also lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and angina.
A 2016 study states that vaping can be harmful to your teeth and gums, whether you use premium or cheap vape juices. They can also contribute to periodontal diseases. Studies have also shown that vape juices containing nicotine can impede brain development in young people. Nonetheless, premium vape juices usually have fewer health risks than cheap vape juices.
The Bottom Line:
People often avoid cheap vape juices because they feel that cheap products are of inferior quality. But, it is not always true. Cheap products can also give you an excellent vaping experience, provided you know to choose the right vape juice to satiate your taste buds. But, if you have some money at hand and want to taste unique blends of flavors, you should try premium vape juices.
Cheap and Expensive vape juices have similar ingredients, more or less. But, their quality might vary. Also, you will find expensive vape juices in fancier packaging to make them more attractive. You can find both types of vape juices in online stores and dispensaries. It would be best to research a little about the brands before buying.