Impact on manufacturers of protective coveralls after covid

If we study the globe we found that only China is on top as the largest manufacturing country for
production of PPE finish products or you can say protective coveralls with another same kind of
products, based on high production rate the material requirement by Chinese manufacturer also
very high which means need to be stronger towards internal supply chain because China
produce approximately fifty percent of PPE safety material whereas Taiwan is near to twenty
percent while other countries like India, Korea, Mexico, United States of America, and other
European countries producing the rest, normal production means regular supplies must be
essential but high demand calls high production during emergencies and pandemic which
leads to more supplies of direct and indirect materials from worldwide, whereas Chinese
manufacturer pushing production of safety products such as coveralls, marks gloves, plastic face
shields, sanitizers, and other related products on their peak with maximum utilization of available
resources within and outside of the country they have already boosted production capacities from
weekly to daily basis which means if have one twenty million weekly now it become daily
output and they are pushing more towards gaining more market share.
1. Real Cause Behind it
Story begins from here production depends on the supplies of raw material where the world is
not ready after covid China and other countries are facing huge shortage of material when they
are willing to meet demand of surgical masks, normal face masks, N95 marks, coveralls, gloves,
face protection shield, disinfection liquids and other related products this is the worst limitation
for globe suddenly no one can produce or arrange material for that unseen demand due to
pandemic which push industries towards worst condition, most of the material which was in
stocks in blockchain from retailers to wholesalers also face price hike because market generating
vacuum for the material as sudden demand shifted on the peak so many of the manufacturers unable
to catch deadlines and face heavy order delivery back lock this happened due to high spread of
covid in same time over all world all countries scared and put up emergency on protection
products orders many of the countries begin to produce safety products which were not in
industry before pandemic.
2. Supplies Actual Status
In the mid of April 2020 over all world condition become better as all countries knows that covid
virus not end only in few months world need to fight against it in long run which could take
several years at other hand think tank also focusing on if any other type of new virus arrive so
world must need to alert and must have safety products like coveralls to handle it immediately no need to bear
heavy life loss due covid again so over all scenario changed when all world on same page to
produce and create backups more smartly for any future pandemic due to that formula of
thinking after first quarter of 2020 material supplier getting improved to offer desirable
production by different countries of the world specially China, Chinese manufacturer issue show
the green light that now productions has been up and growing with good pace but have constrain
remain over head which is supplies of raw material remain constant, further they address to the
world for smartly stocking of raw materials is mandatory with the finished products as well to
support each other but that announcement by the Chinese manufacturer become more dangerous
for the raw material producing countries as India block exports of raw material to other countries
which includes woven, nonwoven items and PPE raw materials same practice followed by other
some countries.
3. Actual critical cause
The more critical problem if no one share raw material recourses how world overcome on
situations like that, here UNICEF play an important role between countries and filled raw
material by its own supplies and give message to the world be on board to share and grow
together but this impact is slow production become improve but not with same speed because of
delivery deadlines, raw material prices getting higher and contract prices has limit this is become
the new issue between manufacturers and buying countries.
4. Involvement of UNICEF for raw material
As world face huge shortage in raw materials due to not sharing of raw material between the
countries UNICEF here plays an important role and push funds toward market and get raw
material supplies for high productive countries even the prices price are unstable and very high,
this step has been taken to release international market pressure and to normalize it with stable
corrective actions, UNICEF call meeting of more than thousand top suppliers including
wholesalers, protective coveralls manufacturers and global supplies leaders to identify main
cause of market instability and to find perfect solution for over all world raw material supply
chain at this stage UNICEF put only one point agenda in front of stakeholders to break that
artificial market constrain. According to market leaders this condition occurs due to unseen and
aggressive buying which offer chance to manufacturer to get higher profits, if this stocking and
raw material flow control with transparency no one take advantage with the situation ever that
transparency will give confidence to world market and show real facts of utilization raw material
in terms of production output, raw material must be controlled on the basis of production
capacity no country will hold more than capacity.