Humanite Medical CenterOur Clinical Units Consultation Liaison Psychiatry

Humanite Medical CenterOur Clinical Units Consultation Liaison Psychiatry. Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry is a sub-discipline of psychiatry that provides psychiatric medical services and psychosocial support to those with medical illnesses and surgical interventions. This is based on the understanding that health is an inseparable whole with its physical and mental dimensions and affects each other. It aims to offer medical treatment and care together with cognitive therapy and care. Has been institutionalized as a sub-discipline and area of ​​expertise in psychiatry.

The disease is a multidimensional phenomenon, life, identity and existence crisis, beyond being physical for the patient. The physical illness causes severe problems for the patient and his family. Behavioural, emotional, cognitive and interpersonal responses develop in many physical diseases. The physical condition can impair brain function and lead to severe mental disorders. Dr. Q Khan provides the best Transplant Coordinator in the USA.  Depending on the perception of the disease and its impact on the patient’s living areas, it can lead to severe mental disorders and serious mental illnesses, depression and anxiety disorders may develop depending on the perception of the disease and its effect on the patient’s living areas. There are also psychiatric side effects and complications of drugs used in treatment, advanced diagnosis and treatment methods (open-heart surgery, organ transplantation, hemodialysis, chemotherapy applications, intensive care, etc.).

Psychosocial interactions in physical conditions

Depending on the nature of the disease, the patient and psychosocial interactions in physical conditions, psychiatric syndromes develop on average between 20-70% and require treatment. Developing psychiatric disorders, problems, psychosocial reactions;

Today, our people with physical illnesses cannot receive the psychiatric medicine they need. This area is a super psychiatric unit. Our centre offers advanced clinical service and psychoeducation by our top experts in this field. The service delivery of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, which can be defined as the psychiatry of medicine and medical diseases, can be examined in the following sub-steps;

Psychiatric Disorders in Internal Medicine Psychiatric

the aspect of heart diseases (Psychocardiology): Stress and hypertension, psychiatric part of coronal artery diseases, myocardial infarction, psychiatric part of respiratory system diseases (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea syndrome). Dr. Q Khan provides the best dietitian consultant in the USA. psychiatry of gastrointestinal diseases, irritable bowel syndrome psychiatric morbidity, psychiatric aspects of kidney diseases, psychiatry of patients on dialysis, psychiatric aspects of endocrine diseases, psychiatric disorders in diabetes, Cushing’s syndrome, Addison’s disease, pheochromocytoma, hypo-hyperthyroidism, psychiatric aspects of rheumatoid diseases (rheumatoid arthritis) psychiatric aspects of dermatological conditions.


Psychological medicine services before and after surgical intervention, cardiac surgery such as by-pass, gynaecological, oncological, reconstructive surgery, etc. Psychiatric assistance in cases where orthopaedic/physical therapy and rehabilitation is required Psychiatric aid for patients with loss of bodily function

Pain psychiatry Mental Status Interaction

Chronic pain syndrome of pain and psychosomatic disorders resulting in pain occurs in the medical (physical therapy patients, oncology, surgical diseases …) psychiatric help

Somatic dysfunctions and diseases of psychological origin; hypertension, urticaria, bruxism etc.

Somatoform Disorders

Mental states that express themselves with multiple somatic complaints. In

Addition, among the other fields of activity of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry,

Services are provided for these patients and their families to cope with the difficulties they experience due to physical illness, facilitate adaptation to the disease, treat and care for psychosocial and psychiatric problems, increase their quality of life, and help them. These services are offered simultaneously and in coordination with other relevant specialist physicians.

Simultaneously in psychological care and treatment services


Psychotherapy deals with the whole person. Individuals’ life stories, past and current relationships, conscious and unconscious life are in the field of psychotherapy. Cognitively oriented individual psychotherapy, family and spouse psychotherapy services are provided in the Psychiatric Medicine Center.

Individual Psychotherapy

Cognitive Therapy: In the mental therapy model, emotions and behaviours arise from how people perceive the event/situation. The therapist teaches the patient to evaluate his position most appropriately and change it functionally in this approach.

Crisis intervention psychotherapy

Cognitively oriented group psychotherapies are organized for people with different diseases in our 3. Group Psychotherapy Center.

Family and Spouse Psychotherapy In family and spouse therapy is aimed to address and solve family problems with a reproachful approach.

Training Services

Psychiatric Medical Center organizes training for patients, their families, society, and people working in psychiatry and psychology, and non-psychiatric specialists.


Distribution of consultations requested from the general surgery clinic by clinics

Among the reasons for seeking consultation, nonspecific abdominal pain was the most common, with 66 cases (29.9%). The reasons for the consultations request fro all departments are given in Table 2 in detail.

Table 2. Reasons of other departments for requesting a consultation from general surgery

What behaviours should families pay attention to?

Families should be aware that overactive children have difficulty sitting in environments where they need to sit, have difficulty doing their daily work on their own, are distract, ignoring lessons, and have problems in peer relationships may have ADHD.

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