The monsoon season provides us with a some relief from the summer heat. We enjoy getting wet during the rain is fun. Although it is an relief from the summer heat but it also comes with it many viral and bacterial infections. Cleaning your nails and trimming them regularly is crucial in preventing the spread of harmful bacteria increases in the monsoons. Here’s a list of suggestions for maintaining your nails.
Alongside that it is extremely harsh on skin. It could cause fungal and bacterial infections. Similar to other parts of the body, nails require grooming and cleaning all through the year especially during the rainy season. If they aren’t cleaned, they can be infested with germs and this is not the best scenario.
Auric Beauty, a colour cosmetics company, believes that there are numerous easy ways to maintain your nails. Let’s go through the five steps to ensure your nails are healthy clean, tidy, and free from infections or chips. Learn more.
The monsoon isn’t content if your nails are. While summer wasn’t accommodating to us due to its scorching heat, monsoon is on the way with its own set of challenges and aches. This time of year can be especially rough on your skin. It can bring about millions of bacteria to your body, causing an unpleasant infection. As we manage to take care of the skin we are prone to forget about our nails. It’s important to learn how to care for nail health at the home. We’ve compiled a must-do checklist for you to keep your nails’ health in mind. Check it out to find the most effective tips on nail care for the monsoon season.
Make sure they are clean and dry
Your feet are exposed to filthy puddles on the roads in the winter months. This puts you at risk to fungal and bacterial infections more frequently. It’s important to keep your feet, particularly toenails, dry and clean. When you return at home, put your footwear to dry in the air conditioner or outside, depending on what you feel comfortable. Then, clean your nails with a mild soap or gel for body wash to remove the toxic substances. This will help prevent the development of infections as well as the growth of fungi on your nails.
Make sure to ensure your nails are always dry particularly your toenails and feet. Because your feet are most exposed to splashy water during the monsoon season, your toenails are more susceptible to damage. The humid and hot atmosphere causes the growth from dead skin cells, as well as infections, leading to formation of dirt. Try to avoid the habit of wearing closed leather shoes throughout the day, since it provides the fungus with an ideal environment to flourish. Wear shoes that are open, floaters or chappals to leave and, once you’re back clean both your hands and feet.
Toenails and feet are most exposed to the soiled monsoon waters the most. They are more prone to brittleness and damage. A build-up of dust can lead to the development of dead skin on their surface. The footwear you choose plays an crucial role in avoiding this. You can wear sandals or open shoes rather than closed shoes. Once you have removed them, wash your toes and the nails. Anti-fungal properties are the most crucial aspect of your essential monsoon care. Apply it on your toenails and fingernails at least twice a day to avoid infections.
Choose The Best Type of shoes for your feet.
Don’t overdress yourself. Select water-resistant footwear or a pair that is able to dry quicker. Avoid canvas or leather shoes during monsoons in order to keep your toenails in good health and happy.
Trim Your Nails Regularly
Maintain your nails neat and beautiful. Trim them frequently, as cut nails are simple to maintain. Apply petroleum jelly following the trimming process to avoid breaking.
If you don’t wish to allow bacterial infections that aren’t yours to be a part of your nails, be sure to trim them every day using the best nail clipper. Do not use nail clippers that are coated with chrome because they can corrosion in corners, causing an increase in the number of infections. Make this your guideline during the monsoon season.
Use An Antifungal Powder
A powder that is antifungal is a monsoon hygiene necessity. apply it onto your fingers and toenails every day. This will fight any fungal or bacterial growth.
Include anti-fungal powder in your essential monsoon hygiene products. Every day, rub it on your toenails as well as fingernails to avoid infection. If there isn’t an anti-fungal product You can also use an ordinary talcum powder or spray deodorant spray to prevent fungus from growing.
Be Extra Careful of your cuticles
Your cuticles should breathe during this monsoon. Be sure to work hard on them, but avoid extensions on your nails, let them be natural. Be gentle and massage your cuticles with healing oils. This will stop your nails from becoming vulnerable to breaking or becoming brittle.
Avoid direct contact with detergents.
Detergents are harsh to skin and may cause irritation and infections. Be extra cautious in the time of rain. Perform your chores wearing rubber gloves to prevent the direct contact with detergents as well as washing powders.
Go Big On Moisturizing
Moisturizing is key. Maintain your nails’ softness and smooth by regularly moisturizing your nails. Dry skin at any time of the year is a major no-no. Give your nails and skin with adequate hydration for their health.
Strengthen Your Nails
The act of painting your nails can be relaxing and we’re all for it. Take extra care of your nails using a coat of base prior to applying your favorite nail polish. It will act as a protective layer and improve the strength of your nails.
Relax and pamper yourself with manicures and Pedicures
Who doesn’t like a hairdresser shop? All the way from head to foot, it’s vital to maintain your appearance throughout the year. It is advised to regularly get manicures and pedicures to ensure that your nails free of dirt and clean from the inside.
Regular trimming
Cut your nails every week or bi-weekly, depending on the growth rate of your nails because long nails provide an open space for all the germs that are a result of splashy humid water to multiply. Additionally, because of the moisture the nails get soft, making it easier to bend them or break. Make sure you keep them short, trim and apply a quality filler to smooth the edges.
Avoid sharp tools when cleaning.
It is a common practice of women to use long, pointed tools for vigorous cleaning of the nail bed. This could result in an opening between the bed of nail and nail bed, which opens a way for itchy monsoon-related infections. Alternately, you can employ a nailbrush to clean your nails gently.
Apply a base coat
Make sure you take extra care of your nails by applying an initial coat of base coat prior to applying nail polish since it can create an extra layer of protection and help protect your nails from becoming weak. Also, when you are taking off your nail polish apply a quality nail lacquer remover that will maintain the smooth surfaces of your nails and cuticles clean.
Soak them in warm water Hands washed using lukewarm water will keep their hands soft and silky smooth. It also works as an anti-fungal and antibacterial. It is advised to use a nail rake to get rid of dirt and grime from areas and nail bed.
Healthful diet certainly not the least, it’s essential to take care to eat well, not only in monsoons but throughout the year. In particular, during monsoons it is possible to include health supplements such as Vitamin E or Omega 3 in your diet. Additionally, a balanced intake of protein is strongly suggested in your daily diet.