Utilize our walkthrough for the Valtan Legion Raid in Lost Ark to learn everything you need to know in order to face off against the Resurrected Lord of Destruction, Valtan.
As part of the update that was released in May, the western version of Lost Ark received its very first Legion Raid, which goes by the name Valtan. This is an exciting new development as well as a challenge, to say the least. The Resurrected Lord of Destruction, Valtan, is the Legion Raid Boss that must be defeated in order to complete a Legion Raid. Legion Raids are challenging team-based challenges that must be completed in order to progress. In the event that your team is victorious, you will receive some unique and precious rewards in recognition of the difficulty you overcame.
Lost Ark Valtan Legion Raid: The Basics of Getting Started
If you are interested in learning more about the Valtan Legion Raid in Lost Ark, then you do not need to look any further because we have you covered with our Guide to the Valtan Legion Raid in Lost Ark. So, let me take you step by step through everything you need to know, beginning with how to begin the Legion Raid and ending with the rewards you can earn for defeating the Boss.
After the completion of the quest, players will be able to take part in this raid. Guide Notice: Legion Raid. Visit the Lunar Knights NPC located in Vern Castle once you have finished the previous quest to begin the next one, “Resurrected Lord of Destruction,” which will give you more information about Valtan and his past.
However, before you can do this, there are certain requirements that need to be satisfied before you can challenge Valtan. The Legion Raid has a minimum requirement of eight players and requires all players to have a level of at least 1415 in order to attempt it at the normal difficulty; players must have a level of at least 1445 in order to attempt it at the hard difficulty.
There are two of these progression systems that serve as checkpoints in the Valtan Legion Raid. Another feature of the Legion Raid system is something called a gate. Gates are progression systems that act as checkpoints. These checkpoints not only give you the opportunity to try again for the gate that serves as your starting point in the event that your entire group is eliminated, but they also give you the opportunity to take a break from the Legion Raid without causing you to lose any of your progress or rewards including lost ark items.
You will also receive a reward for unlocking the gate once you have cleared it, and you will be given the option to decide whether to proceed to challenge the subsequent boss, group of enemies, or Legion commander who is guarding the subsequent gate. You also have the option to vote to end the encounter and then continue the Legion Raid from the same gate for a limited amount of time, until the weekly reset occurs.
Lost Ark Valtan Legion Raid – Sidereal Skills
In addition, the Legion Raid system introduces a new gameplay element referred to as Sidereal Skills. As you make your way through the Legion Raid, you will encounter a number of these non-player characters (NPCs) along the way.
While participating in the Valtan Legion Raid, players have the ability to use Sidereal Skills to call upon comrades who are able to assist them in the fight against bosses.(Picture: Smilegate)
As you make your way through the Legion Raid, you will fill up a Sidereal Skill bar, which will allow you to make use of their skills and special abilities during the fight. When the indicator reaches its maximum value, the leader of the Legion Raid group can activate the skill and solicit the assistance of the Sidereal.
So far, the Valtan Legion Raid gives you access to three different Sidereals that you can use:
Thirain is now a fully-fledged Vanquisher.
Thirain reawakens the Vanquisher and uses the power of light to bring it crashing down, which results in an explosion that deals a significant amount of damage. It possesses a Weak Point ability, which was bestowed upon it by the holy abilities of Vanquisher.
Wei – Awakened Dochul
Wei brings Dochul into existence so that it can launch three devastating attacks. Every time it attacks, the Awakened Dochul deals significant damage in the form of stagger.
Balthorr is also known as “Arcturus’s Breath.”
Earthen Strength is the technique that Balthorr uses to strike the anvil. When he hits the anvil, all members of the team who are within 14 meters of the anvil gain temporary access to enchanted armor and are enhanced for a short period of time. The enchanted armor provides immunity to the push effect, reduces the damage that is taken from enemies, and blocks several of the powerful skills used by the Legion Commander.
Lost ArkRewards for Completing the Valtan Legion Raid
As was mentioned earlier, completing one of these Legion Raids is not easy and takes a significant amount of both time and expertise. On the other hand, they will provide unique prizes, items, and other benefits to the victorious teams.
If you are able to take down the Legion Raid, you will be rewarded with a new rarity of equipment known as Relic gear. This gear cannot be crafted until you have reached level 1445. This kind of gear can be crafted from the materials won in battle, and the gear provides a host of benefits, including weapon bonuses, stat bonuses, and additional engraving nodes on accessories. The gear can be crafted from the materials won in battle.
In addition, players will be rewarded with individualized bonus chests that will be available for purchase at the Legion Raid’s exit gate. Along with an auction for bonus chests and loot that functions in a manner analogous to that of the Abyssal Dungeon or the Abyss Raids.
The following is a list of the rewards that will be given to players once the Legion Raid boss Valtan has been defeated on either an easy or a difficult difficulty setting.
- Standard Level of Difficulty
- Materials used in legendary gear
- Accessoires of a relic-like nature
- 1 Valtan bone
- 500 Gold Hard Hard
- 3 Valtan bones
- Accessories of the Relic Type Worth 1000 lost ark gold
Finally, a new Quality Upgrade NPC has been added to each of the major cities in Arkesia. This NPC will allow you to improve the quality of the Relic gear you obtain from completing Legion Raids by exchanging it for a higher tier of that particular item. You should now be prepared to participate in the Valtan Legion Raid that is taking place in Lost Ark.