How Technology is Transforming the Retail Industry

Retail is experiencing a dramatic change. Several companies and entrepreneurs have invested millions in digital infrastructure and skills in an effort to change how we shop. With a projected growth of 50 percent over the next four years, the potential for success is enormous, reaching about 7.4 trillion dollars by 2025. The advent of new technology, such as computer vision, AI, and IoT, has transformed the entire shopping experience, from browsing to checking out. Part of what has caused these changes is the rise of e-commerce as well as the growing demands of consumers.

Here are some of the major small business technology changes that have transformed the retail industry totally.

Table of Contents:
  • AI Influence in Retail
  • Beacon Networks
  • 3. Augmented Reality (AR) Digitalizing Shopping
  • E-wallets & Cashless Transactions
  • Use of Voice Control
  • Tracking Items with Automation

1. AI Influence in Retail

The retail industry has always operated even before huge advancements with computer systems and software for inventory management, sales tracking, purchase receipts, and many more. However, outdated technologies have always led to inefficiencies and data errors while tracking expenses, receipts, and inventory management. AI or Artificial Intelligence can cut down major operating costs by replacing the in-house need of a salesperson, eliminating the need for cashier queues, and automating most of the tasks.

The AI touch in the retail sector can help buyers facilitate restocking the stock with live tracking, and digitize store display and test rooms. It’s recommended for the small business technology retailer who want to save time and magnify their customer experience to utilize artificial intelligence.

How can you use AI to improvise your existing small business technology?

2. Beacon Networks

Beacon technology also known as Bluetooth Low Energy has revamped the retail industry drastically. It helps the store to give a personalized in-store experience with the help of signals sent to the mobile of the customers. Whenever a buyer enters the range of the beacon, they get notified in their mobiles about the store discounts, specialty, special offers, and availability of the products. This attracts the customers to visit the store and experience a more customized experience. 

This small business technology also lets customers know the availability of a certain product in a store, so they easily locate what they require and seamlessly enjoy their checkout process. Also, it substitutes the need to rely on salespersons. As well as analyzing how customers navigate through stores, how long they spend at a particular corner, and what they’re interested in, retail businesses can use this data. In turn, your data can get used to building a more prolific marketing strategy for all customers. Companies can make offers that are tailored to each customer and increase sales.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) Digitalizing Shopping

virtual reality, is also known as augmented reality, and it enhances the retail shopping experience by adding a luxury factor. The recent pandemic has boosted the need for AR even more. It lets consumers test items before they even decide to buy them and improvises the in-store customer experience digitally.

Augmented reality that retailers can benefit from:

How can you use AI to improvise your existing small business technology?

4. E-wallets & Cashless Transactions

Around the world, the use of digital payments is growing. In the coming months, digital wallets are expected to be available at more than 20,000 stores, and 31% of US adults will likely use one on their mobile devices. An electronic wallet enables users to link their debit and credit cards to an app and choose the most appropriate payment method when shopping online. Through the administration panel of an e-wallet, you can monitor payments made and manage operations in the store.

Retailers are looking to simplify checkout, automate their stores, and save considerable time with these technologies. Buyers can pay easily with touchless systems using UPI, Mastercard, Visa, digital debit cards, and many more options. Small business technology has been improvised, and retailers benefit most from e-wallets as in the age of digitalization people prefer to travel cashless. Now, when buyers find multiple touchless payment options, they are likely to draw to the store that promotes cashless transactions.

5. Use of Voice Control

As a supplement to their marketing efforts, retailers have begun implementing voice-controlled shopping technologies. It is common to see the voice control marketing channel coexist with other shopping methods for the vast majority of companies that have adopted this innovation. Through this approach, the merchant is assured of having the best possible chance of generating sales, regardless of the platform they choose. The method is widely used by customers in order to obtain all kinds of goods and services. Electronics, inexpensive food, and home décor are among the most common products in this category.

By using this method, buyers will get quicker results since they need to do less work than searching with a text search. Voice assistants can act as smart marketing tools, influencing consumers. A buyer’s time is the most valuable asset for him, and voice control saves a large number of shoppers with the help of this technology.

6. Logistic Chain Advancements

Logistics play a vital role in the retail chain, connecting products with their customers, yet speedy delivery has become a crucial part of the overall shopping experience as consumers have become accustomed to on-demand services. In order for customers to track items efficiently and transparently, streamlining this process is more important than ever before. Companies are now focusing on investing in small business technology that can improvise their existing logistic chain system to facilitate a more efficient and automated process. It will certainly enhance the data, inventory, and payment management of the supply chain. 

The retailers can implement the logistic chain technological upgrades in the form of:

By enhancing the customer experience, logistics technology helps retailers boost sales as well as customer loyalty.

You Can also read: Artificial Intelligence in the Digitalized Retail Industry

7. Tracking Items with Automation

With automated backend systems, retail businesses have been able to operate seamlessly and efficiently. The powerful insights have helped the retailers to have control over the various aspects of business such as the stock levels, analytics of consumer behavior, forecast future demand, optimize price level and make more capable decisions. Accounting software is also a major way to track cost, expense, inventory items, re-order, stock, and many other aspects of retail businesses. The latest and most effective accounting software such as QuickBooks that comes with retail industry-specific features can provide you with a tailor-made experience.

Moreover, you can leverage the software experience by cost-cutting it by using the cloud hosted QuickBooks software that has totally turned the dynamics of the small business. Now, you save ample amounts of administrative and hardware costs along with live updates, automatic backups, unlimited storage, and high-security facilities on cloud setup.

It is possible to tailor the allocation of small business technology based on store-level demand, resulting in better customer service. For instance, retailers can complete online orders and provide faster delivery along with alleviating the inventory from physical stores to the customers virtually. Now, retail platforms have opened up the chance for convenience, availability, affordability, and leveraged customer satisfaction in relation to savings by substituting over or underselling inventory.


By highlighting the major transformation in small business technology that has totally changed the retail business, we hope to provide some information to the readers. 

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