Health & Fitness

How soon do early pregnancy symptoms start?

Missing your period is a common indication that you’re pregnant, but if you’re trying to conceive, that might feel like a lot of waiting. If you’re trying to conceive, look for different early pregnancy signs a week or two before your period. You may notice changes in your body soon (during the first month of pregnancy), or you may not notice any symptoms at all.

 If it’s been one year of trying to conceive, you can consult an infertility specialist at Sitaram Bhartia Hospital Delhi as it will help you conceive even sooner in the right way.

How soon can I notice pregnancy symptoms?

Pregnancy occurs around 2 to 3 weeks after intercourse. Some people detect pregnancy symptoms as early as a week after ovulation when a fertilized egg connects to the uterine wall. Others do not detect symptoms until they are several months into their pregnancy. A missing period is usually the first sign of symptoms of pregnancy.

Pregnancy tests are the only method to know for sure if you’re expecting a child. You can test for pregnancy at home using a home pregnancy test kit. If still your pregnancy test is negative and experiencing symptoms, you can consult a gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis of the issue.

What are the early symptoms of pregnancy?

Early pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman. You may detect changes in your body soon (during the first month of pregnancy) or not at all. Below are Pregnancy symptoms that are common at an early stage include:

  • Increased Basal Body Temperature – Basal body temperature (BBT) is the temperature you have when you first wake up and is controlled by hormones. An increased BBT can be the earliest sign of pregnancy, even before a positive pregnancy test result.

Some people keep track of their BBT all the time to improve their fertility. If the temperature does not return to or below the cover line temperatures on a BBT chart, it is a solid indication that you might be pregnant.

  • Morning Sickness – Morning sickness affects almost 50% of pregnant women. However, the severity may differ. Some women are sick only at night, some all day, while others have a strange pattern of illness. Vomiting is possible or not. 

The fetus and placenta create a lot of estrogens, which causes bad feelings. Food, perfumes, and smoke smells can cause morning sickness since pregnant women’s sense of smell increases.

There is a high probability that this will occur between four and eight weeks of pregnancy.

  • Fatigue – It is also an early pregnancy symptom to be unable to keep your eyes open or require sleep regularly. For some expecting mothers, fatigue strikes very early as their bodies undergo several changes in preparation for having a kid. Excess progesterone, a central nervous system depressant, leads to fatigue.
  • Frequent urination – You may realize that you need to urinate more frequently before even missing a period. This is because you have more blood flow than previously. The blood flow to your body increases throughout pregnancy. Your kidneys are responsible for filtering your blood and eliminating waste. This waste excretes from your body as urine. The more blood there is in your body, the more frequently you will need to urinate.
  • Sore (and expanding) breasts – During pregnancy, your breasts may become painful to the touch. The pain may be similar to how breasts feel before a period, although it is more severe. Your nipples may darken and swell as well. This discomfort is only temporary and will go away after your body adjusts to the higher hormone levels. You may also notice that your breasts have enlarged and that your bra is too tight.
  • Sensitivity to Smells – Pregnancy can cause some women’s sense of smell to go into overdrive. Morning sickness and dietary preferences can be linked to increased sensitivities to specific smells. Fragrances that are not overpowering to others might be unpleasant and irritating to a pregnant lady.
  • Light spotting– One of the early indicators of pregnancy might be light spotting. Implantation bleeding happens 10-14 days after conception when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. Implantation bleeding happens at the same time as your menstrual cycle. However, not all women experience implantation bleeding during their pregnancy.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

Usually, It takes 7-12 days to become pregnant after an egg has been successfully implanted. If you take the test too early in your cycle, you can get an inaccurate result.

Because the hormone hCG takes time to accumulate in your body, it’s typically better to wait until you miss your period before taking a home pregnancy test. Even if you are pregnant, the test may appear negative before this stage.

Could I have early pregnancy signs but not be pregnant?

Many early pregnancy symptoms are similar to those of other medical issues, as well as your regular menstrual cycle. 

Symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome might be quite similar to those of pregnancy. It might be tough to detect the difference because of this. You can also go without a period if you aren’t pregnant. 

  • When you exercise in excess, lose or gain a lot of weight, or are worried, this might happen. Breastfeeding might sometimes cause your periods to come to a halt for some time.
  • Taking a pregnancy test is the best method to determine whether you’re pregnant.

Consider taking a pregnancy test if you haven’t had your period in a while and suspect you could be pregnant. 

How to get help –

You can consult an obstetrics & gynecologist specialist at
Sitaram Bhartia Hospital Delhi if you are going to be a mother for the first time for pregnancy-related advisory and regular checkups. credihealth is an online healthcare platform that allows you to book an appointment with the best doctors at Sitaram Bhartiya Hospital in Delhi. 

Credihealth has all the information you need to choose the best hospital or doctor for your needs, including admission fees, OPD hours, facility, specialization, expertise, cost comparison, and patient ratings and reviews. 

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