The amateur pool can be a great way to spend time with the family and create a special place for memories. If you do not have a pool already, a few factors are being considered for Pool Construction. The cost of construction depends on many different variables, from size and depth to additional features such as water slides or diving boards. In this article, we present the average costs associated with building an in-ground pool, as well as how much it would typically cost to construct an above-ground pool.
How Much Does A Swimming Pool Cost?
How much does a swimming pool cost? The average costs and prices to build an in-ground swimming pool are between $10,000 and $40,000.
Labor costs can vary drastically but we suggest budgeting at least $20 per hour for any related construction projects and installation work. Also’s important to remember these prices are just an approximation and will vary by region as well as current economic conditions. For instance building, a pool in San Francisco is going to be much more expensive than say, Huron, Ohio.
Besides cost,
you should also consider the size of your backyard and if you live on a hill or surface water source to determine whether or not you can build a pool. If these factors don’t allow for your dream of having your own swimming pool we suggest considering alternative options such as hiring a professional company that specializes in inground pools installation and design work. The advantage here is they will do all the dirty work for you! Another option to consider is purchasing an above-ground pool which is less expensive and comes pre-assembled at most stores like Walmart or Target.
Even if you don’t have the funds to build your own pool we still suggest considering adding a nice deck and surrounding it with tropical-looking landscaping and stylish patio furniture. This will allow you to enjoy the great outdoors without having to break the bank! So there you have it, now go out and play in the sun.
The above article was submitted by an independent writer, Sapien Jade. If you found this article useful please feel free to share it on social media such as Facebook or Twitter so others may also benefit from reading about “How Much Does A Swimming Pool Cost?”. We always welcome reader feedback and support…please leave comments below if you have something to say on how much does a swimming pool cost. Thank you for visiting.
Your Independent Guide to How Much Does A Swimming Pool Cost, written by Saien Jade. Please visit our F.A.Q Page if you have additional questions about how much does it cost to build a pool, or simply contact me directly via email or phone number with your question at Contact Us – FAQ. No part of this guide may be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the site owner! Thank you for respecting our intellectual property rights! Copyright © 2015 Howmuchyaswimmingpoolcost.com All Rights Reserved.
In-Ground Pool Construction Costs
As with any home improvement project, costs will vary depending on the company you hire. An estimate is about $ 40-$ 70 per square foot installed, which means that a typical 150 ft swimming pool costs about$ 60 000 – $ 125 000. This includes the cost of excavation, new lines, installation of coping stones and tile around the pool perimeter. The greater you are opting for the Pool Construction Bakersfield of a large swimming pool, the higher the total cost will be.
Above Ground Pool Construction Costs
The costs associated with building an above-ground pool are much lower than those of their counterparts in-ground pools. If you do not have a solid foundation to set up on you may need to pay extra for supporting posts or fixed frame mounted above ground pools.
How much does an in-ground pool cost?
By doing some research, you can obtain a good idea of how much of a pool costs. With all this said I’m sure many of you are wondering what’s involved in installing an in-ground pool?
The process begins by locating where you want your new Inground Pool Installation Suffolk County. If there is grass, bushes, or anything else located in the area you are going to want to make sure you remove everything. Once this is completed the ground needs to be leveled out using a grading machine or shovels and rakes. This would depend on how big the area is, but after leveling it out it’s time for excavation. Depending on what type of soil your dealing with will determine if groundwater is present or not.
After excavating around four feet deep you can now pour the concrete foundation needed for installing your pool walls and pump system (depending on where you live this may vary slightly.) After the foundation has been installed it’s time for assembling your pool shell. If you are looking at an above-ground pool you’ll most likely only have to assemble the sides and bottom. In-ground pools typically take most of the day to put up, unless you don’t mind spending some money on labor costs with a professional instead of building it yourself with friends and family members. On average there is what it can cost to install an in-ground swimming pool:
– Contractor installation per square foot – $35-45 per square foot depending on the company used, location, etc.
– Pool shell/liner – $2 500+
– Pool accessories/chemicals – Around $1 000 per season on maintenance etc. (depends on pool size, filtration system, chemicals needed, how often it is used, etc.)
– Electricity costs;
Will vary depending on where you live and the amount of time that the pump runs on average. If you obtain an electric bill before installation starts this can play. A role in what your actual expenses are going to be after installing your new pool.
How Much Does An In-Ground Pool Cost?
When it comes right down to it there is no real formula or calculation that can be used to determine how much does an in-ground pool cost exactly. The only way to determine these numbers is by doing some research and/or contacting a professional installer in your area. As a general rule of thumb, if you were to add up the following it would be helpful:
If your looking at spending over $2 000 then an inground swimming pool is most likely. What you’re going to have installed. On average here are some numbers on how much does an inground swimming pool costs: • Above ground per square foot – $35-$45 per square foot depending on the company used & location etc. • Landscaping – Around $1 500-$2 000 half-hour depending on landscaping work needed etc. • Pool shell/liner – $3 000+ • Electricity costs – Will vary depending on where you live and the amount of time that the pump runs on average. If you obtain an electric bill before installation starts this can play a role. What your actual expenses are going to be after installing your new pool. • Contractor installation per square foot – $30-$60 per square foot depending on the company used, location, etc.
How Much Does It Cost To Build A Swimming Pool?
For example, if you were to go through average costs here is what you might run across:
– Foundation costs (concrete, electrical, landscaping, etc. • Installation of a swimming pool shell/liner
– Pool accessories/chemicals
– Plumbing – $1 500+ depending on plumbing work needed to get water into and out of pool etc.