How do I prepare myself psychologically for a surgery?

Most people who have surgery in the operating room usually try some anxiety before the operation itself. These sensations, although completely normal, can affect not only the patient but also the recovery from surgery. So what can we do to cope with anxiety and post-surgery changes ?

How do I prepare myself psychologically for a major physical change?

When you want to face a cosmetic intervention , you usually look for a specific change. So having an openness to change, and accepting it, is fundamental. Before going to the operating room:

As we can see, there are many factors to take into account before entering the operating room for a cosmetic procedure. But, above all, it is important to enter the operating room with the confidence that it is really the change we want, a change that should give us personal improvement.

How to accept me after the surgery?

You have to take several variables into consideration.

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There are people who have been taught to avoid anger , while they could more easily afford to be sad or afraid. For others, sadness was forbidden: “There is no need to cry! Crying girls are ugly!”. There are emotions more or less allowed, and others more or less forbidden .

For this reason, sometimes it happens to replace one emotion with another . If I allow myself the anger but not the pain, I could lose my temper over a loss, instead of feeling sad, but this emotion is not functional to process that loss and overcome the grief.

The etymology of the word emotion can be traced back to the Latin “emovère” (ex = out + movere = to move) , and literally means “to bring out”, to move. From this I can say that emotions are present from within us and manifest themselves outside.

In Transactional Analysis we talk about authentic emotions and parasitic emotions.

  1. Authentic emotions are the ones you really feel on a given occasion.
  2. Those “parasites” (inauthentic) are those that “cover” the authentic ones, they are emotions “learned and encouraged” in childhood or simply emotions that allowed us to be seen.

Inauthentic emotions are “unsuitable as an adult means of problem solving” (Stewart I., Joines V. P. 267). It thus happens that a person can “learn” to experience, feel and express an emotion prevailing in all circumstances in which he feels uncomfortable, covering up the authentic emotion.

When we feel any emotion we can ask ourselves if it is actually adequate and functional to the here and now of that specific situation. It is necessary to listen to one’s own emotional world, the one that contains the Child that we have been, from which we sink our roots. Understanding if what you feel proves useful and functional to the here and now and if the way in which you automatically react on different occasions allows a constructive resolution or not. In that case all that repressed emotional potential must be recovered and kept silent for a long time.

It is necessary to create the place and space to listen to the soul and the emotions that harbor it , one of these places is precisely the therapy room, where you do not look at the clock, but are tuned only to the time of the listener and of those who are heard.

How to manage anxiety before the operation?

It is normal to feel an increase in anxiety in the face of an operation . Therefore, considering these guidelines can be of great help in reducing anxiety before entering the operating room.

A good management of preoperative anxiety is an important factor to take into consideration to face the operation away from fears and unknowns. Going to the operation surrounded by doubts and a lot of anxiety is obviously not the same as going relaxed and fearless.

How to manage the fear of pain in the healing phase?

When a person undergoes an operation , they are aware that the operation will involve pain. Fear of pain is more than reasonable, as fear is a fundamental and universal emotion that protects us from danger to ensure our survival. Therefore, in a surgical operation, it makes sense to be afraid of pain. These guidelines are recommended for managing fear of pain during recovery.

Keep in mind that when you are in the postoperative period, pain fears will increase, which is why following these guidelines is important for good pain management.

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