How A Good Preschool Benefits Your Child?

It is always a big deal when your child starts preschool. The pandemic left many children in their homes and parents also did not pay attention to the importance of enrolling their child for preschool classes. Now with the situation getting better, it is time to put your child in kindergarten and let them explore what the world has to offer. Preschool programs are becoming a common feature given their crucial impact on a child’s life. However, choosing the right preschool for a child can get quite tricky, especially if you are looking for a preschool in Gurgaon. Parents are very particular about picking a preschool that will ensure all round development of their child. However, did you know about the several benefits of sending your child to kindergarten? Here in this blog we tell you the lesser known facts on how a good preschool benefits your child.

How does a good preschool in Gurgaon benefit your child?

There are innumerable benefits of sending your child to preschool at the right time and age. It promotes a healthy mental development and provides an affordable alternative daycare as well. Mentioned below are the lesser known benefits of sending your child to preschool.

1. Helps the child to adjust to primary school

Navigating through a classroom full of new faces can be difficult for any child. However, when your child goes to a preschool, they already know the drill and understand what it takes to make new friends. Preschool is the right place to educate your child about the transition that will happen soon in their life when they start with preschool. When a child gets exposure in their preschool to a particular structure and routine, they know what to expect in primary classes.

2. Teaches children to follow directions

All parents are aware of the frustration that comes with having to repeat every instruction for their child. This is because young minds often ignore what their parents tell them. What many parents do not know is that the ability to listen and follow directions is actually a skill that is developed in preschool. A good preschool in Gurgaon will give your child adequate opportunities to be able to follow basic directions like washing hands or standing in a line. Even though these tasks may seem simple and basic, they teach children to listen to adults and look at them as authority figures.

3. Promotes social and emotional development

More than developing academic skills, preschool focuses on developing emotional and social skills in children. Many parents are not aware of this but it is a very crucial aspect of a healthy childhood. Social emotional skills help in shaping the child’s personality and include habits such as sharing, taking turns and showing empathy for other classmates. If children do not develop these skills at an early age, they will have trouble in moving towards academic achievement in the later years. A preschool is the best place for providing your child a safe yet challenging environment to deal with small losses such as breaking a toy or to simply sit quietly during a storytelling session.

4. Ample opportunities to play

Research has shown time and again that when a child is given an opportunity to play to their heart’s content, it prepares the child for deeper learning, especially skills such as executive functioning. If you enrol your child to the best preschool in Gurgaon, it will expose your child to different types of play that they may not have access to at home. One of the greatest values and benefits of preschool is its inherent power of play and exploration. The brain of young children is curious and provides children with ample opportunities to explore different subjects and creative processes.

5. Saves money

Hiring help for childcare is a costly affair for parents. Preschool is a great option to offset this cost and is also a great place to provide high quality education for your child. A good preschool program with exposure to different subjects and activities is not very expensive. In fact, it is extremely cost effective as the money that parents put in, they get much greater returns as their child gets to learn new concepts and has improved development in their formative years.

6. Encourages physical development

Did you know that a child’s ability to learn is impacted greatly by their physical development? A child needs fine motor skills to hold a pencil or to learn how to write when they grow old. Similarly, gross motor skills are also very important. These include whole body movements and allows children to coordinate their actions without difficulty. In a preschool in Gurgaon, your child will get to stay in an environment where they will understand the physical domain where they need to make progress. The key to this is ample opportunities to pay outside with tons of physical exercise. Through this, children learn how to make a connection between their mind and body which in turn boosts their self confidence.
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We are sure now you can see that these surprising benefits of preschool extend far beyond giving children a chance to play with their friends. With trained and educated teachers, children get the right kind of guidance that they need in their formative years. A good preschool always has teachers as their backbone who make learning come alive within the four walls of the classroom and teach children basic values that help them turn into confident individuals.

If you are looking for the best preschool in Gurgaon, then you must explore The Shri Ram Early Years. It is a safe haven for your child and with excellent teachers, it ensures that children get the most out of their time in preschool. With plenty of creative activities and fun games to play, your child will get to understand their own potential and learn through stories as well as interesting modes of learning. The education imparted here is not only limited to the classroom, instead it goes far beyond it. If you want your child to be happy and self assured by their time in preschool, then you must explore The Shri Ram Early Years!

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