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GTCA – Global Talent Communication Association

Present to you GTCA Global Talent Communication Association. We Help to Hire Top-Class S.T.E.M. Specialists and solve serious business “pain”. We Provide Dedicated Specialists with outstanding and extraordinary abilities. Checked and Proven by our Entrepreneur Network.

The purpose of the organization: Collecting talents, with a ready-made innovative solution, who are experts in their field and further connect with entrepreneurs from the networking association for the favorable development of the economy and improving people’s quality of life. Does it cost anything for the talent? – NO. The S.T.E.M. talent can achieve membership absolute free. Just need to fit criterias that you can find on our website:


Membership for S.T.E.M. talents in the organization provides members with access to unique technologies and solutions, cutting-edge information, association innovations, fruitful networking opportunities, and other benefits of membership.

Membership for verified Entrepreneurs in our Entrepreneurs Network you or your business need fit to special “Entrepreneurs” criteria that you can find on our website.

We have a great network from the start. We also suggest additional services that can help to solve your business “pain”.

TROUBLESHOOTING & SOLUTION DEVELOPMENT – Solving complex tasks that your business requires and providing the right personnel specifically from your business pain.

MANAGEMENT & AUDIT EXISTING TEAMS – Provision of IPMA certified project managers for your industry who will manage your staff and standardize, correct and improve the result of your employees’ work.

DEDICATED TEAM – Providing a whole team that will work under your business processes.

OFFSHORE TEAM/MEMBERS – Providing an online team or employee who will work under your or ours business processes.

AUGMENTATION SERVICES – Providing Skilled Employee to your team under your business processes hired by skillset.

RELOCATE SERVICES – Providing few models for relocating employees to almost any World point.

The mission of the association is to educate the public on the path of technological progress and stimulate it by helping businesses attract the most talented specialists.

We want to become the most in-demand talent recruitment organization for a variety of industries. We are forming a pool of the most powerful and capable specialists from various fields of science, technology, production and business, attracting only the best of the best to our ranks. GTCA members are the most talented and strong experts who have been carefully selected and confirmed their qualifications.

Our main values are a thorough search for talents, support in the integration process, intelligence and a scientific approach. By attracting specialists from our talent pool, you are guaranteed to receive a highly qualified specialist and high-quality solution.

Therefore, if you are an Entrepreneur or S.T.E.M. specialist who meets the criteria, we invite you to become our member.

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