Going Online for a Guide to Digital Marketing: Part 2 Technology

Going Online for a Guide to Digital Marketing: Part 2 Technology
In this, the second installment of the series(Buy Facebook Likes) on becoming Buy Facebook Followers UK
online (you can read the first part here), I will take an in-depth look at the technological platforms and the choices you’ll be required to take in this process.
You may be amazed to find that I didn’t consider this before; however, in reality, you’re looking to manage an enterprise, not an expert in digital marketing or IT.
IT will be a more vital part of your life as an eCommerce company, but If you don’t have your business’s strategy and goals right first and don’t have quality content, then no technology can save your company.
E-commerce platforms
Fortunately, the technology side has become much more comfortable over the past few years due to various cloud-based solutions that can eliminate your hosting and security and maintenance burdens for you.
All of the platforms in the above graphic can take care of your task. I’ve just begun helping a small-scale operator with a store built on WIX, which, while there are limitations in specific ways, was acceptable to get it up and up.
Your eCommerce platform must do these things for you:
- Content management that includes non-product and product content
- Search for products (Amazon has taught us to use the search box and not to use the navigation)
- Offer shopping cart capabilities
- Management of inventory and products
- Price Instruments (including discounts, deals, and special offers)
- Payment Systems Integration
- Order Management
Integration with shipping and other service providers
If you’ve invested enormous money in the current design and content and it’s running on WordPress, then WooCommerce is a plugin that functions exceptionally well. There are a lot of developers and add-ons that can aid you in getting it integrated and operational in a short time.
My preference is to use a SaaS solution because it can eliminate many hosting, backup maintenance, and other issues for you. The performance of your hosting and the speed of your pages are crucial in determining your website’s conversion rate.
So, I’d generally suggest the choice of Shopify and BigCommerce as a viable platform. There are a lot of reviews online that compare both platforms, and I won’t get deep into the specifics here. The benefits and differences between each platform aren’t that significant, so it will depend on the platform you and your Web Developer partner are familiar with or even your personal preferences.
Be aware of the price differences since there are variations in transactions fees, sales limitations, and the features of each price tier for both platforms. Some due diligence is needed.
There are a few reasons why you may want to consider BigCommerce rather than Shopify:
- A little more than the standard features are included in BigCommerce
- More SEO-friendly, especially the capability to generate shorter URLs
- A little better GDPR compliance capability and Multi-currency option
- A few of the reasons to consider Shopify:
With over 200,000 stores, it’s the most extensive online marketplace. Many applications and integrations address many of the business needs you’ll face later.
No Sales limits
Integrates into the world of social media (this is the place it came from)
It is probably the most affordable entry point if it is crucial to you.
Email Platform
It could be odd to place email on the same level as a platform choice; however, I consider email among the critical decision-making processes you should make in the right direction from the beginning.
This is so important because to establish relationships with your customers, it is essential to communicate with them frequently, and even though social media can play a role in this, you’ll be sending lots of emails.
The first error is to view emails as a way to push discounts and promotions. Imagine If a salesperson follows you around in a shop telling you that they had 15% off that discount or 10% of this. You’d be angry and, most likely, you’d walk out.
Email is a way to share content that helps build trust and trust with your company or brand. Emails must be helpful and engaging, and appealing to your target audience. This implies that your email platform must be able to perform specific tasks.
Suppose it is done right; email, as a channel, could generate up to 30% of revenues of the eCommerce store. It’s still the most cost-effective and flexible marketing option available to you.
Your platform should accomplish the following:
Include contact tags so you can build dynamic lists and then move people from lists automatically following the actions they’ve made.
Note: Click here
Automated emails that are smart and intelligent. Triggers that send specific emails each time visitors to your site visit certain web pages.
Create a great email template builder and collection along with the capability of testing different types of email.
eCommerce data integration allows the two platforms to communicate and let you take the appropriate actions based on the information.
Integration of Helpdesk. Customers are looking to have a seamless experience. Everyone should be able to comprehend the whole context of customer communications. Customers do not like having to repeat the same information over and over a second time.
Smart sending as well as scheduling possibilities. The option to schedule different times in the future, such as.
You may also be required to manage several lists and sequences:
- The master list contains all subscriber names.
- Pre-purchase subscriptions
- Post-purchase subscriptions
- Abandoned carts are the sequence
- Lists of offers that users have chosen to participate in
Dynamic lists based upon the audience on your site
To build and maintain your client base, You’ll likely receive one or two emails per week. Be careful not to overdo it, and ensure that the messages are targeted and pertinent; you will require a little assistance from your service.
There are many options available, and things such as MailChimp can be used in a wide range of scenarios. The two I’d recommend using include Klaviyo as well as Active Campaign.
Klaviyo was developed as an email system to assist with eCommerce. However, I utilize Active Campaign with several clients as a low-cost platform with a ton of features (for transparency, my company is an affiliate partner of Active Campaign). Additionally, the support staff is top-notch and currently in Dublin (again, some regional bias! ).
A well-written and adequately shared content via email will significantly affect sales performance.
ECommerce differs from a traditional company due to the amount of information and knowledge you can gain about your customers. What do they enjoy? Which are the places they leave your website? How do you determine the characteristics of your customers?
To get this information required, you need to be running Analytics and, crucially, set up correctly. It can be simple or challenging based on the platform you use for eCommerce.
Google Analytics
For most people, there’s just one choice: Google Analytics. There is no reason to examine any other information. Although it can be scary for some, I am still awed by the number of customers I have met with online stores and websites that do not know the nature of their data or what it tells them.
Anyone can come up to level with reporting and analytics; However, be prepared to dedicate time (and seek out help from an outside source when necessary) to master them completely. Knowing how to select the appropriate performance metrics and then make the right choices using accurate information (I discuss the right KPIs in a separate article) is the key to making a difference.
You’ll be required to establish the proper goals and funnels within your analytics program to determine where your customers are beginning their shopping experience and where they’re leaving before they make the purchase.
In this way, you’ll identify which aspects of your website are not working and what should be improved. This includes the appropriate sections of your website.
There are other apps and add-ons we will explore in Digital Marketing and Demand Generation. But they are the main components and platforms you’ll need to be acquainted with to be successful.
The decisions you make regarding these critical components are crucial since a lot of effort is required to get this correctly set up and operating smoothly.
It’s not easy to outsource the operations of these components to a third party because you are the one with the best information about your product and customers and, consequently, will be the best placed to make the best operational decision.
Your eCommerce partner must be able to analyze the data, assist you in you determining the most influential business priorities, and then look at the technical components to assist you in helping you develop and expand your eCommerce platform.
Note: https://postpear.com/