Feet are considered as one of the most intricate areas of the body so they are more prone to various foot problems. Such foot problems can be caused by many reasons such as diabetes, improper footwear and also aging. So here are some most common types of foot problems and possible treatment methods. Specially bunion corrector shoes which helps to solve some particular issues.
Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection found on the skin between the toes. This is caused mainly by walking in damp areas which can be highly contagious. Your feet can be more prone to this condition in areas like the gym, pool or shower because of walking around barefoot. Moreover, wearing warm and damp shoes can cause this fungus to spread. If overlooked, this can spread to hands, groin and scalp.
Symptoms include itching, cracking, blistering and peeling of the feet. If you have athlete’s foot, you should keep your feet clean and dry with a separate towel and use an anti fungal treatment. However, you should see a doctor if the fungus is spreading.
Bunions are a condition that causes a bump on the large toe joint. This results in the big toe turning slightly inwards. This can be caused due to tight or narrow footwear especially in women. Symptoms can be a visible bum on the side of the foot, callus on the bone below the big toe, tenderness around the big toe, difficulty and pain when walking.
You can use a bunion pad to prevent the bunion from more pressure and wear perfectly fitting shoes except high heels. You can also buy bunion corrector shoes which have been designed especially for those who suffer from this condition. If the bunion does not subside, seek treatments from a specialized doctor.
Ingrown Toenails
This is a condition where toenails grow into the nail groove. Ingrown nails can be caused due to the pressure caused on the toes by too narrow or too tight shoes. It can also occur due to cutting toe nails too short or trauma cased due to activities like running. Having a family history of ingrown nails is a risk factor too. Ingrown nails may also be infected if neglected. Symptoms can be swelling, redness, pain or drainage from toenails.
You can wash your feet with antibacterial soap, avoid cutting toe nails in round pattern and cutting them right after a shower while they are soft and avoid wearing narrow shoes. You can also see an orthopaedic surgeon or a podiatrist for further treatments.
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis occurs due to the inflammation of the plantar fascia causing pain on the bottom of the foot. Being obese, engaging in activities that stress the heel on daily basis like ballet dancing and long-distance running, having flat feet or high arch and also unusual patterns of walking are risk factors of this condition. Getting enough rest and applying ice can reduce inflammation. However, it is better to consult a doctor for pain medication and further treatments like physiotherapy.
These are one of the most common types of foot problems. Wearing unfitted shoes and running for a long period of time can cause blisters. A blister is a small pocket of body fluid on the skin. If you have a blister, make sure to not burst it and let it heal itself. You can apply a bandage for pain relief and prevent it from bursting.
Some foot problems are not serious but they can get worse if you neglect them without any treatment for a long time. Therefore, make sure to take necessary steps if you have any type of foot problem.