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Facebook Ads: Why the Effectiveness is Decreasing

An advertisement is the very first and it determines the interaction of a potential buyer with your business. It is imperative to make the right impression for further mutually beneficial cooperation with the client. From providing contact information to submitting an application or payment. As a result, proper setup and launch of Facebook advertising campaigns can provide you with increased reach of your target audience, attraction of high-quality traffic to your website and, as a result, an increase in your business’s income. time and money, not to mention the wasted nerves. To improve the performance of your ad campaigns, we at digital agency Portland will take a closer look at the reason for low Facebook ad performance in this article.


Reason #1. Wrong Choice of Target Audience

Target audience (TA) is a group of people you want to reach with your ad. In other words, this is a group of potential consumers for your product. People from the target audience have common characteristics such as demographic data (age, gender, profession), interests, behavior (visiting the same sites), location, and more.

Often, when setting up advertising, there is a desire to interest as many people as possible in your product or service. In fact, an attempt to attract everyone can lead to irrelevant advertisement. That is, part of the advertising budget will be spent on showing ads to those who are not interested in your product / service, which can lead to an unsatisfactory final result.

Similarly, you get poor performance when the ad parameters reach too narrow a target audience. For example, the sampling is carried out according to narrow interests, narrow age ranges (for example, 18-24), GEO with a small population. You, of course, will “hook” your consumer, but a very small number of people will be covered by the advertisement, that is, a significant part of the target audience will simply not see it. In other words, advertising will not bring the expected results. A localized marketing strategy is a method of crafting campaigns that account for various aspects of a culture’s buying habits.



Reason #2. Wrong Choice of Advertising Target

Many aspiring targeting experts don’t understand the purpose of Facebook ad campaigns and can’t figure out which scheme to follow. By choosing the right goal for an advertising campaign, you can achieve the desired result from launching traffic to Facebook and get the desired conversion at an adequate price.

Facebook divides all of its advertising goals into three general groups – Awareness, Review, and Conversions.


Let’s take a closer look at the most commonly used goals.


  • Involvement

Use this goal if you want as many people as possible to interact with you through different reactions. They include likes, comments, reposts, active participation in stories. In addition, “Engagement” is suitable for you if the goal is to increase the likes and reactions for the page. “Engagement” helps to increase the credibility of your page by increasing the reactions on posts and, thus, creating social proof, but the likelihood of receiving the targeted action (registration / purchase, etc.) when choosing this goal is as low as possible.


  • Traffic

This advertising target is suitable if you want to increase traffic to your landing page. When choosing this goal, you will receive warmer (more inclined to take the targeted action) traffic than when choosing Engagement, but at the same time cheaper than when choosing Conversions. If you want to test your landing page at the lowest cost, then Traffic is the right option for you.


  • Generation of leads

This ad campaign goal works successfully to collect contacts from people directly on Facebook itself without driving traffic to your site outside of the social network. Facebook provides the ability to use a form to collect contact information (phone number, email address, answers to specific questions, etc.) that is integrated directly into your ad. This goal is well suited in the case when a person does not need to study the full information about a product / service (on the site) to leave a request, but it is enough just to study the brief information in the form to leave his contact information.


  • Conversions

Advertising campaigns launched for the “Conversions” goal will be optimized for performing the targeted action for a minimal fee, which, if configured correctly, leads to increased sales. This advertising goal is great for an ecommerce business (for selling physical and digital products in an online store or website). It also makes sense to use this advertising goal if you want people to leave an application or register on your site. The bottom line is that you need to choose the right goal. If you need sales, don’t expect the results you want when setting up your campaigns for Engagement and Traffic.


Reason #3. Launching Low-quality Creatives

Let’s say you’re targeting not just one, but multiple Facebook audiences that show interest in your product. The advertisement is launched, configured, but no action is taken with it. There can be many reasons for this. Perhaps the advertisement does not attract attention, maybe it is not informative enough for a potential buyer, or the video has already “outlived its usefulness” .. All this can be avoided by knowing the simple rules for creating a selling creative for Facebook.


It is worth remembering that Facebook is a highly competitive ad platform. In order to stand out from many competitors, you need to pay special attention to creating creatives. The decision of a person to go to the site after viewing the ad will depend on how high-quality creative is launched into advertising. Creatives should:

  • demonstrate the product in action (show how your product works to impress potential buyers),
  • meet your proposal,
  • be bright and attractive,
  • be of the correct size and ratio,
  • not to include any political, sexual or shocking elements.

Other than that, Facebook ads work best when you use video. People tend to pay more attention to this format. We shared some helpful tips for creating creatives in this article.


Reason #4. Excessive Amount of Text on Creatives

This unwritten rule is often referred to as the Facebook 20% rule. It can be another reason why your Facebook ad isn’t showing.


Facebook research found that images or videos with less than 20% text tend to be cheaper and reach more people than ads with more than 20% text on creatives. This is why ads with a lot of text on creatives are considered substandard. If Facebook considers an ad to be of poor quality, then it simply won’t be shown to users.


In general, a creative cluttered with text will not evoke any emotions from the user. The person simply will not have time to grasp all the information that you try to fit on one screen.


It’s very important to remember Facebook’s unspoken 20% rule. By following it, your ad will not fall into the shadow ban, which means more people will watch it.

Reason #5. Wrong Work with the Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is the path that a consumer goes from the moment they attract their attention to your offer to the moment they buy.


When working incorrectly with the sales funnel, the client often is advertised for the same offer both on the first ad display and on the second one, which is a gross mistake that leads to a loss of time and money.


At each stage of the funnel, the person needs to show the corresponding offer. The target audience can be divided into three groups:


1. Cold audience.


A group of these people are not familiar with your store. Accordingly, this audience needs to be shown an offer that can generate interest in the brand. Of course, the probability of buying from this type of ad is minimal, but so far this is not the goal. At this stage, it is important to win the trust of the new audience as much as possible, attract them with profitable offers or interesting / useful content.


2. Potential buyer.


A cold audience is interested in your advertising offer, and they clicked on your website / page. It means that the second stage of the sales funnel begins – working with a potential buyer. Such a person is already interested in your brand, so you can safely begin to give him detailed information about the product, advertise it and offer favorable terms of purchase.


3. Buyer.


If a person makes a purchase, then he becomes a customer of your store. There is no longer any point in showing him an ad aimed at a cold audience. The goal at this stage of the sales funnel is to increase the number of his purchases. In other words, to transfer the buyer to the segment of loyal customers. Such a person will be interested in such offers as discounts, bonuses, information about new products.


You should always remember that the ad should change depending on the stage of the sales funnel. It is important to divide your audience into segments. And show people relevant offers depending on the category they belong to.

More about digital business you can read here.

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