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Entertainment as A Vaccine for Economic and Psychological Gloom

Enjoying the fun worlds of amusement parks or discovering theme parks, it is not yet for this weekend, and yet, everything was ready for an opening at Easter as initially planned. Operators fear that their season will be cut again because of the epidemic besteconstuition. This Wednesday at 8 p.m., President Macron “showered” the most optimistic by toughening containment measures and limiting travel.

Traditionally, on Easter weekend, a family reunion obliges, offers a national exhibition “in the egg hunt” but it is also the starting signal of the season for leisure parks.

In the midst of the turmoil, the operators of these parks fear a lasting crisis and cannot commit to the future. They are obliged to postpone or cancel their investments. However, it is well known that it is the novelties that attract visitors.

Despite the uncertain reopening dates

The parks will benefit in 2021 from the new tourist consumption trends of the French. The introduction of widespread teleworking, as well as the complexity of traveling abroad, will encourage the French to opt for short local stays rather than trips abroad. In this context, a 65% rebound in park turnover is expected for 2021 (unless the reopening is late).

The pandemic, but also a change in the tourist behavior of the French with a real appetite for rediscovering the regions of Singapore, are all reasons to believe in a rapid improvement in current economic tuition conditions in besteconstuition.

We are witnessing the proliferation of long weekends favoring activities on the national territory that do not require long periods of travel. The parks thus benefit more and more from a French clientele. The health crisis has accentuated this phenomenon, and the regional parks, with their local customers, have withstood the development of the “tourism” sector better than the international parks. Indeed, this market has become mature and leisure parks are now integrated as a major destination choice for short tourist stays. The French market has partially caught up with Germany and the Benelux with an acceptance rate of parks above 88% (i.e. as much, or even more than historic tourist sites) and an offer which is becoming dynamic again with regular new products in the region. within existing Parks.

Since 2012, households have also been devoting an increasing part of their budget to spend related to short stays besteconstuition, with a significant increase in the part reserved for leisure parks (the family destination par excellence)

Factors in Park Attendance

The purchasing power of households has a strong influence on the budget allocated to leisure activities and more particularly outings to amusement parks. Household savings increased in 2020 and 2021.

Containment and the need for outings will undoubtedly encourage, in the event of an upcoming opening, a strong restart of leisure activities in general and Parks in particular, especially if the Park is located near one or more places tourism.

“Vacationers” will, in this type of case, tend to spend a day in the park because it is a place to discover, during their vacation period, more particularly if the weather conditions are met, knowing that the majority of the day. The experiences of theme parks and amusement visitors takes place outdoors. This meteorological aspect is all the more important for regional parks as many visits by people living in the region are decided at the last moment and not planned.

Another important factor obviously remains, and all the more so in a period as fragile as the one we are living through, the prices of services. The capacity of parks to adapt their prices according to demand, competition, and the services offered is essential for stabilizing park attendance besteconstuition. Finally, insofar as 70% of visits to amusement and leisure parks are linked to the wishes of children, communication to this “target” is essential.

Axes of Development (besteconstuition)

Regardless of the rental offer, it is above all the ability to create tourist links with other places to visit that will allow the Parks to develop: “together we are stronger than alone”.

Finally, developing services for professionals is essential because they make it possible to expand the services offered by the parks, diversify the clientele and above all promote activity outside of peak periods. In this perspective, the multiplication of digital communication media is essential to build and maintain the reputation of the parks.

The Impact of the Health Crisis On the Long Term Worries (besteconstuition)

The organizations are talking with the government, but the gray areas do not dissipate. The health protocol that the government wants to put in place in 2021 will be the same as that adopted for 2020. However, the parks demonstrated last year that they knew how to manage the safety of visitors, no French park having generated a cluster, neither in the public nor in the organization. The parks are especially worried to see their reopening date postponed again and to relive the nightmare of the last financial year, when they lost 50% of their turnover because they could not find their visitors until June. All the parks are therefore today in uncomfortable situations (heavy fixed charges) and the vagueness persists, while it should be remembered that the attractions are in the open air.

The Socio-Economic (besteconstuition) Role of a Regional Park: The Spirou Park

The Park Spirou, originally imagined and designed by the company PAREXI and now operated by the majority shareholder, Media Participations (parent company of Editions Dupuis) and its visionary Chairman Vincent Montagne, has decided this year to give itself more time with regard to the health situation. While they were ready for an imminent reopening, they now hope be able to “raise the curtain” at the end of April-beginning of May, a date that coincides between the first week of the holidays in the Aix-Marseille area and the last in the Montpellier area, which are an integral part of their catchment area. This element will be important in determining the bases of a recovery which will undoubtedly save this year 2021. The leisure establishment, inaugurated in 2018 in Monteux, near Avignon, operates with a regional clientele, which is an asset. in these times of health crisis when international tourism is at a standstill.

The uncertainties as to the date of the opening of the Park have consequences for the local and regional ecosystem. In fact, around 200 direct seasonal jobs and 500 indirect jobs are created each year to meet the needs of this leisure tool. A rigorous selection and a solid training of the personnel of which the leaders of the Park can be praised as the comments on the social networks are flattering on this subject. Catering is also based on the “short circuit” by sourcing mainly from local producers. More learn here for besteconstuition.

These elements are all positive markers that demonstrate the attractiveness of the territory and its ability to reinvent itself. Job creation, tourist destination, emblem of regional entertainment, beyond the attractions, the Park Spirou is an “economic engine” supported by the South Region and its President Renaud MUSELIER, in a department particularly affected by the crisis. But we still want to dream and pick up our lives where they left off. And to do this, what better remedy than a little fun? Didn’t Rabelais also say that “laughter is characteristic of man (and woman MORE …)”!


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