Elderly Companion Care for Someone with Arthritis

Caring for the elderly can be extremely demanding, especially when one is suffering from illnesses that require specialized care, such as Arthritis. Moreover, as the condition worsens, one should opt for hiring a private companion for the elderly.
This article is going to tell you all about Arthritis. And how a caregiver can care for the elderly with this condition.
All About Arthritis
Arthritis is a condition that is most common in aging adults. It consists of swelling and tenderness of one or more joints in our bodies. One of the main symptoms of Arthritis is pain and stiffness, which tends to get worse with age. Moreover, the two most common types of arthritis are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis causes cartilage to break down, which is a tough and slippery tissue that covers the ends of the bones in our bodies where they form a joint. Rheumatoid arthritis, moreover, is also another common disease in which the immune system of an individual attacks the joints, starting from the lining of joints.
Furthermore, uric acid crystals are formed by excess uric acid in our blood and can cause gout. Several types of infections and underlying diseases, like psoriasis or lupus, can cause other types of arthritis as well.
Caring for the Elderly with Arthritis
Caring for someone with Arthritis isn’t easy. Caregivers should not only look out for their needs but should also form a companionship with them. The following are tips on how to care for the elderly with Arthritis:
Keep an Eye Out for Their Symptoms
Caregivers should track when and where pain occurs in the elderly. This is important as it provides valuable information to their primary health care professionals.
Moreover, it is also crucial to constantly communicate with the elderly’s healthcare providers about their symptoms and progress. This is important to ensure everyone is on the same page, and that the elderly loved one is getting the best care, including medical care, out there.
Encourage Regular Exercise and Physical Activity
Exercise, or any sort of physical activity, is highly imperative for individuals with arthritis. Not only does it increase strength and flexibility, but also helps to alleviate pain in joints. Moreover, it can also help combat fatigue in the elderly.
Thus, caregivers can encourage the elderly loved one to even take part in exercise or movement classes.
Even the most minimal amount of physical activity or exercise can go a long mile. You can even encourage them to take small laps around the house, do some simple chair exercises, and even stretch.
However, it would be wise to consult with the elderly’s health care provider before adding exercise into the loved one’s regime.
Monitor Their Medication
Caregivers should constantly monitor the elderly loved one’s medications, and make sure they are being taken on time.
Arthritis is often highly treatable with medication, which is why it is crucial the elderly take all the prescribed medication on time.
In case there are other treatment plans as prescribed by the health care provider, it is important to follow them as well.
Make Sure They Have a Healthy Diet
There are several kinds of edibles that can make Arthritis much worse, while there are some that can actually help people with this condition. For instance, processed foods, excessive salt, red meat, and alcohol tend to make Arthritis much worse.
However, foods such as fatty fish and numerous types of vegetables are good for Arthritis. Therefore, it is crucial for caregivers to make sure the elderly loved one includes certain foods in their diet, and avoid those that can make their condition worse. Seniors should always be encouraged to eat a well-balanced diet.
Help Them Manage Their Weight
An increase in weight can put a considerable amount of pressure on the joints, such as hips and knees, of the elderly. This takes us back to exercise and physical activity, which should be encouraged and done regularly in order to remain fit and avoid weight gain.
In case the elderly loved one is overweight and needs to reduce it, caregivers should definitely first consult with the primary health care provider to avoid any complications that might occur.
Talk and Listen to Them
When taking care of the elderly with arthritis, it is highly imperative to be empathic, and listen to their concerns. Caregivers should communicate with them constantly, and listen to their needs. It will also be wise to regularly communicate with their primary healthcare provider.
Moreover, you always remember that a caregiver is not only for the purpose of caregiving. In fact, they also play the role of a companion for the elderly. Therefore, it is imperative to form a companionship with the elderly so that they never have to feel isolated or lonely.
Talk to them, and encourage them to socialize as well. Caregivers can do things the elderly like, for instance, hobbies that they enjoy.
Did you know that according to experts, laughter releases endorphins in our bodies, and significantly lowers the sensations of physical pain?
Be Supportive
Arthritis is a condition that can cause immense frustration in the elderly, as well as in the caregivers. Because seniors need assistance in mobility and other daily activities, they might feel as if their dependency is increasing, which can cause further stress and frustration.
However, it is imperative for caregivers to always remain positive and supportive. Moreover, never discourage them to do something they prefer to do because. Their condition should not limit them to do something they want to do.
Grooming and Personal Care
Caring for the elderly with Arthritis can include taking care of their grooming and hygiene as well.
For the elderly who can still shower themselves, it would be wise to install a few things to make showering easier for them. For instance, install grab bars in the shower and around the whole bathroom as well, so that they can locomote and move around easily themselves without any need of assistance.
Moreover, this will also reduce the risks of falls as well, which can be potentially dangerous. You can also consider adding toilet seat risers to help them reduce the effort needed in order to sit down and stand up.
Furthermore, you can even go for automatic dispensers or pumps for their grooming products to help them reduce the need to squeeze bottles.